MSNBC's resident gossip maven (and big-time book writing person) Jeannette Walls reports on a heretofore unexamined aspect of the controversial Terri Schiavo case: What is Moby's opinion?

Moby says he doesn t want to be drawn into the Terri Schiavo case, but writes on his Web site: My note to the far-right would be: you can t have it both ways. If you genuinely believe in the sanctity of life then you cannot support the death penalty and you cannot allow people to buy automatic assault weapons and you cannot support wars that result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. And if you genuinely believe in states rights then you can t pass intrusive federal legislation when the states do things that you arbitrarily disagree with.

Following Moby's example—and since a lot of journalists have been emailing and calling this week—this is Gawker's official opinion on the matter:

If god existed, would she make Vin Diesel a star? No she would not. Case closed.

NB: Gawker insists you run the quote in full should you choose to print it.

Notes from all over [MSNBC]
The Terry Schiavo Debate [Moby]
Vin Diesel [IMDB]