
What You Missed: Demi and Ashton Possibly Wed, Ground Zero Certainly 'Over'

Jessica · 05/31/05 08:20AM

Today, we forget the sacrifice of heroes. It's time to move forward, dear readers, and resume your back-breaking efforts at making a living — you've got 6000 buttons to sew by 10 AM! Because we know you're short on time, here's a brief rundown of what happened in the "rest of the world," while you spent your three-day weekend swimming in mimosas:

Now Hiring: The Ones Who Need You The Most

Jessica · 05/27/05 08:00AM

It's Friday, it's a holiday weekend — what better time to quit your job? Turns out there's a completely surprising availability at Islam's favorite weekly mag:

Donald Graham to Newsweek: I Was Once Like You

Pareene · 05/25/05 02:30PM

When your reporting is responsible for a riot, when hipsters start throwing bricks through your windows, when you're feelin' lowdown and mean, who do you turn to? If you're Newsweek (and I hope you're not), you bring in a man responsible for letting even worse reporting go through with even sloppier vetting: Donald Graham. The Observer reports:

NY Press Death Watch

Jessica · 05/25/05 09:17AM

We hate to do this (no, really, we do), but it seems that a once-great alt-weekly is closing the gap with another wildly popular paper. An approximation:

Tough Love For Lizz Winstead

Pareene · 05/24/05 08:13AM

alex: Huh. Lizz Winstead's suing air america.
jessica: like they have a fucking dime for her.
alex: she can never catch a break, that one.
jessica: that's like suing your 8th grade boyfriend.
jessica: if she can never catch a break, it's because of dumb moves like that. and i'm sympathetic, believe me. but dude, lizzie, CMON.
alex: huffington will take care of her.
jessica: arianna will take lizz under her gilded greek wings.
jessica: and is there anything more sad then seeing your cat fail to hork up its hairball?
alex: ...
alex: that's a tough one
jessica: it's so sad and i can't help him.
alex: this is how i feel about Lizz Winstead.
jessica: the gawker media cat is in crisis.

Life Imitates Art, BP Imitates Morgan Stanley

Jessica · 05/24/05 08:11AM

Just because international energy behemoth BP has a green logo doesn't necessarily mean they're the good guys. Just a few days after financial pillar Morgan Stanley announced that all of their advertisements would be automatically pulled from any edition of a print publication featuring "objectionable editorial content," BP has followed suit:

NY Press Publisher Chris Rohland Resigns

Jessica · 05/23/05 04:11PM

We just got off the phone with New York Press publisher Chris Rohland, who cheerfully confirmed the latest chatter: As of May 27, he will be resigning. He tells us, "I've just decided to pursue other projects. Ultimately, it's time for me to go." Rohland plans on doing some consulting work (read: sunbathing) but, after 15 years in publishing, doesn't intend to leave the industry. "I'll eventually land somewhere else," he says.

Media On Media: Soul-Destroying, But In A Good Way!

Jessica · 05/23/05 03:47PM

Today on mediabistro, Elizabeth Spiers undergoes a self-referential examination of the self-referential nature of media writing which, at the risk of being self-referntial, must be addressed:

Almost As Embarrassing As When God Sued Bil Keane

Pareene · 05/23/05 10:52AM

It's been a bleak couple of... well, years for the newspaper industry. Circulation's dwindling, reporters are being sent to jail, and people actually trust the press less than they trust Joe Scarborough. Now, following on the heels of news that popular schmaltz-factory Mitch Albom, Heaven bureau chief for the Detroit Free Press, invented stories and massaged quotes, we have one more reason to distrust even seemingly innocuous sections of the newspaper:

Curse Of The NYSun: Computers Just Not Their Thing

Jessica · 05/19/05 08:25AM

Oh, the poor little souls at the New York Sun. Not only have we learned that they want to dispose of lots of highly-paid staffers and that their email security system is so infantile that a fetus could hack its way in, but now comes word that the Sun's DC bureau (who knew there was one?!) has had all of its computers stolen. If their track record gets any worse, they might have to grab some Elmer's and rewind to a paste-up publication.

Bauer Mag Fire: Egos Continue To Burn

Jessica · 05/18/05 01:47PM

A few weeks back, we reported on a fire at Bauer magazines' Englewood Cliffs headquarters, which resulted in the evacuation of In Touch Weekly's listless staff. As it turns out, the real story is that of Ms. Life & Style Editor, who was so desperate to escape the flames (which, as it turns out, were not actually coming from anywhere in the building) and get down the crowded stairway that she actually PUSHED her minions — including a pregnant woman — out of her way. We can't condone pushing your own staffers to save yourself, but we bet that pregnant lady was moving all slow and fat-like.

FNC: Bill O'Reilly is Not Part of Aqua Team

kewalters · 05/17/05 02:46PM

We ve always known there s little difference between the Fox News Channel and the Cartoon Network, but now we finally have conclusive proof. Multichannel News announced today that Bill O Reilly deserved to be member of cable's Sweet Sixteen, taking his place alongside Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Battlestar Galactica. SpongeBob SquarePants also made the list — a coup which, considering SpongeBob's "affiliations," greatly pissed off Hannity and Colmes. -KEW