Newsweek SaysTranslation
In the week since our Periscope item about alleged abuse of the Qur'an at Guantanamo Bay became a heated topic of national conversation, it will come as no surprise to you that we have been engaged in a great deal of soul-searching and reflection.The feds beat us within an inch of our lives. Can you guess who made us wear a ball gag?
As most of you know, we have unequivocally retracted our story. In the light of the Pentagon's denials...The truth is flexible, and we journalists have to bend to that truth.
We have also offered a sincere apology to our readers and especially to anyone affected by violence that may have been related to what we published.Want a cookie?
Veteran reporter Michael Isikoff relied on a well-placed and historically reliable government source.We know we're right, and so do you, GITMO LEAK RAT!
...we mistakenly took [an anonymous] official's silence for confirmation.Silence equals agreement. No means yes. Everything old is new.
In the weeks to come we will be reviewing ways to improve our news-gathering processes overall.Dick Cheney will have final approval over every last charticle.

A Letter To Our Readers [Newsweek/MSNBC] Earlier: Newsweek Kinda Sorta Makes A Retraction-ish Statement [Gawker]