CNN is reporting that in an article in the next Vanity Fair, W. Mark Felt has stepped forward as the "Deep Throat" informant for reporters Woodward and Bernstein. Felt was the crucial inside source for exposing the Watergate scandal, which ultimately resulted in Nixon's resignation.

During Watergate, Felt was the number 2 or 3 man at the FBI and, since then, has been long considered (with a handful of others) as possible suspect for the infamous leak. Now at age 91 and clearly ailing, Felt has finally revealed the best-kept secret in journalism. Anti-climactic, no? Nevertheless, congrats to Vanity Fair — there's a light in Graydon's tunnel, after all.

Even at this moment, Woodward and Bernstein are standing by their initial promise with "Deep Throat" to not reveal or comment on his identity until after his death. It's so ethical, it's retro.

Update: A million apologies — we totally forgot to make a bunch of crude jokes. Send us some great double entendres, and we'll run them.