The Projectionist: Holiday Weekend Edition
mark · 09/03/04 02:04PMMonday Morning Box Office: Hero Disappoints Giant Snake Fans
mark · 08/30/04 11:00AMThe Projectionist: Anacondas!
mark · 08/27/04 12:26PMMonday Morning Box Office: Exorcist Outlasts The Mediocre Field
mark · 08/23/04 10:09AMThe Projectionist: Summer Crash
mark · 08/20/04 01:57PM
Because the summer box office season is now officially over—this time we really mean it!—and the studios are opening three mediocre movies just for the the hell of it, projections are going to be a crapshoot. In the past, we've urged you to take these predictions to the bank; today, we recommend you try to sell them to the slow kid in front of the 7-11 who spends his day smashing a soda can with a jagged rock.
Monday Morning Box Office: AVP Spins Reality Into Meaninglessness And Chaos
mark · 08/16/04 10:43AMThe Projectionist: Princess Vs. Predator
mark · 08/13/04 02:19PMMonday Morning Box Office: Tom Cruises To Mediocre Number One Opening
mark · 08/09/04 12:58PMThe Projectionist: Mr. Rough Trade Flirts With Number One
mark · 08/06/04 02:22PMMonday Morning Box Office: The Village's Unsurprising Twist
mark · 08/02/04 10:53AMThe Projectionist: Feel Smart Watching The Village
mark · 07/30/04 02:32PMMonday Box Office Special Edition: Catwoman In Perspective
mark · 07/26/04 04:15PM
To fully appreciate the performance of the film that Roger Ebert called "unbelievably bad" and "truly bad," resident statistician Andrew Krucoff puts Catwoman's box office numbers in historical perspective with his chart.In addition to finishing a distant third in its first weekend of release, it had only the fourth-best opening of any "cat" movie in recent history, and the competition isn't exactly fierce; Mike Myers' reviled The Cat in the Hat and Fox's Reagan-defiling Garfield both put Halle Berry's light S&M feline offering in a burlap sack and tossed it off a bridge.
Monday Morning Box Office: Natural Bourne Killer Bourne To Run To Number One
mark · 07/26/04 10:27AMThe Projectionist: Bourne To Be Wild, Etc Etc
mark · 07/23/04 02:45PMMonday Morning Box Office: Will Smith Still Huge
mark · 07/19/04 10:49AMThe Projectionist: I, Probably Not Buying A Ticket
mark · 07/16/04 02:13PMThe Projectionist: Next Year's July 4th Debuts
mark · 07/12/04 07:25PM
Variety anticpates a battle between Paramount and Fox over next year's Fourth of July weekend, when both Mission: Impossible 3 and Fantastic Four are scheduled to open. Defamer is up to the challenge of fearlessly predicting the outcome of this face-off, presuming that one of the studios doesn't pull their offering off the Independence Day picnic table and withdraw from Hollywood's biggest dick-measuring contest.