Monday Morning Box Office: Tom Cruises To Mediocre Number One Opening

Here are the numbers that help you keep down that first cup of coffee of the work week:
1. Collateral — $24.4 million
We thought that Cruise's seeming admission that he's a vampire (or, as some of you alternately interpreted his remarks, a meth addict) would help the public lay back and enjoy the back door invasion of his R-rated charms. Perhaps the real problem is that Cruise is playing a cold-blooded killer and the guy is only slightly more menacing than Hello Kitty on Zoloft.
2. The Village — $16.6 million
M. Night Shyamalan's spooky, not-so-surprising ending: The Village falls 67 percent from last week. BOO!
3. The Bourne Supremacy — $14.1 million
A quick scan of recent news reveals that Matt Damon has not done anything interesting (except possibly lose his hair due to anxiety) other than increase his per-picture quote on the continuing strength of TBS's box office.
4. The Manchurian Candidate — $10.8 million
This weekend's box office was off 23 percent from the same weekend last year. You can't really blame Denzel Washington for the decline, but you have to start somewhere. Maybe TMC would've done a little better if there were some sort of political tie-in event going on.
5. Little Black Book — $7 million
Doesn't it seem like someone picked up this script from the turnaround pile and showed it to a twentysomething studio executive, who then asked. "What the fuck is a 'little black book?'" The older staffer then patiently explained that a 'little black book' is where the Fonz kept his list of whores who didn't mind that his over-the-top womanizing was an obvious cover for his love for Richie Cunningham. Upgrade the book to a Palm Pilot, and you have a timely, gadget-centered flop.