Monday Morning Box Office: Will Smith Still Huge

This week: Will Smith is officially "Mr. Mid-to-Late July."
1. I, Robot — $52.25 million
The head of distribution at Fox distills Will Smith's box office potency: " "My God, this guy opens movies. He's just so likable, he takes something like science fiction, which can be a little cold, and he makes it warm and entertaining." Sure, the musical number where Big Willy Style raps amidst a throng of pop-locking robots helped to take the edge off the movie's bloodthirsty automatons and drew families to the theater. But the scene where Smith visits a futuristic animal rescue shelter and spends five minutes rolling around with abandoned puppies seemed a little too calculating. Sequel already in the works: I, Roomba. Chilling.
2. Spider-Man 2 — $24.2 million
The hottest job in Hollywood: Tired of wiping his own ass with Spider-Man money, Tobey Maguire now has two assistants to do it for him.
3. A Cinderella Story — $13.8 million
Does Cinderella's promising opening signal a second summer jailbait wave? Our fingers are crossed.
4. Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy — $13.4 million
Hiary Duff takes down Will Ferrell in Anchorman's second week. There's nothing left to do but close your eyes and wait for Bewitched.
5. Fahrenheit 9/11 — $7 million
F-9/11's tenacity in the top five is a clear sign of America's rejection of King Arthur's reactionary politics.