The Projectionist: One Headline Per Movie Edition

If the box office numbers don't unfold exactly like this over the weekend, we promise to ignore these predictions and carry on with our life.
1. Spider-Man 2 — $53 million
Spidey's Bulge Spins Sticky White Web Of Box Office Dominance
2. Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy — $34 million
Anchorman's Unironic Hairdos Muttonchop The Weekend B.O.
3. King Arthur — $21 million
Disney's Camelot Redux Shits On The Round Table
4. Fahrenheit 9/11 — $14 million
Girthy Filmmaker's Bush-Baiting Tone Poem Continues Record Roll
5. Sleepover — $5 million
Sleepover Has A Pillow Fight In A Woman's Prison Chance Of Cracking The Top Five, Whatever That Means