
Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 02/22/06 03:45PM

Meet Ai Ly, a jeans designer for Ralph Lauren. In New York magazine's latest Look Book, Ai confesses that despite being the evil one behind atrociously expensive jeans, she prefers vintage — so much so, in fact, that she owns pieces that have vintage blood stains on them. So hip, right? Ai also makes her own clothes, thinks tomahawk-style fringe and feathers will be big for spring, and considers her look very "ragamuffin." We don't know; she lost us at the blood stains. Intern Alexis (who has a much stronger stomach than we do) rounds up Maisie Tivnan, Sarah Gray, and Daniel Feder for further analysis.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 02/16/06 08:21AM

Harry Bernstein, this week's subject in New York mag's Look Book, is a Cathew — half Catholic, half Jewish, and all hip-hop. An advertising art director who hasn't found inspiration in much since his peyote trip in the White Sands desert, Bernstein loves Southern girls and "taking two things that already exist" to combine his "original" look. After the jump, Intern Alexis picks the brains of Tiffany Gong, Rachel Khong, and Jacob Carlson for thoughts on Harry's super-original peacoat/hat/scarf combo look.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 02/08/06 10:05AM

We love it when New York bmag's Look Book features darling old biddies, like Lois Evans. Lois is an ex-diplomat whose job was to greet visiting dignitaries like Indira Gandhi and tardy Trudeau. Lois is a lady with an undoubtedly shady past — her husband was a legal partner of Richard Nixon's — but she's not talking. What she will reveal, however, is that she showed her knees in Tonga, which makes her a depraved criminal. We like that!

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 02/02/06 12:40PM

Frederica Monaco is truly blessed: Aside from being featured in this week's edition of New York mag's Look Book, she's totally French and didn't have to wait on the list to score her offensively colossal Birkin bag. She's been in the United States for eleven years, during which time she worked at the French consulate and grabbed herself a husband while she was at Barneys; Frederica is now a mother who takes "shopping days," which are devoted to buying beige items. Admit it: you wish you could spend your life purchasing beige. Either that or, say, punching your monitor right now.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 01/17/06 04:08PM

OK, you know those random Jack White sightings you hear about that aren't actually of Jack White? They're of this chump, Brian Ermanski — who, from what we can tell, is everything that's wrong with life below 14th Street. In this week's edition of New York mag's Look Book, we learn that Ermanski is an artist who calls himself the Prince of Elizabeth (because he works outside on the corner of Prince and Elizabeth). Ermanski makes money by purchasing shitty thrift store clothes and reselling them to overpriced vintage boutiques like Resurrection, where you'll eventually buy his crap for $75 (because you're a total sucker). When he's not jacking up the price of used clothes, he perfects his "punk fop" look by wearing the same outfit for a month and only showering once a week.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 01/10/06 05:10PM

We don't know what sort of resolutions they made for the New Year over at New York magazine, but this week's Look Book suggests that they've resolved to be insanely egalitarian or somesuch nonesense with the inclusion of Winsome McDermott, a social worker who runs the men's shelter on Bowery. Not that we're objecting to the inclusion of McDermott in a fashion Q&A, but she's been in the helping-others biz for 20 years and is so, well, good that we're left feeling like real assholes who care far too much about shoes. Which we are, of course.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 01/04/06 10:15AM

Meet Margaret Mickles, 2006's first victim of New York mag's Look Book. Mickles is a former model who, after 6 years, just left the industry after to feed her mind and pursue her education in religious studies. She doesn't really believe people can express themselves through their clothes, but that doesn't stop her from donning her funky crochet pants and pursuing a folk-esque, East Village look and hunting for mountain laurel flowers. Big words from a chick living in Gramercy. After the jump, Intern Alexis rounds up Brian Stromquist, Noah Carr, and Neel Shah for a discussion on Ms. Mickles' pickles.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 12/20/05 04:30PM

Look at this fucking picture. Are you kidding us, New York mag? Is this your idea of a joke? How are we supposed to do anything with this week's Look Book when all you give us is the back of some dude's head? You may have been trying to show off his "leopard spotted" hair, but it just strikes us as some sloppily frosted tips. Nevertheless, sculptor Josh Levine insists his leopard hair is part of a long-term artistic project with his wife. Josh Levine is his own art, which works into his larger work as a living sculpture based around the narcissistic sense of self. Yep, sounds pretty narcissistic to us.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 12/13/05 03:30PM

Sit up straight and chew with your mouths closed, because this week's edition of New York magazine's Look Book features Robin Chandler Duke, a grand old dame who doesn't deal with barnfolk such as yourself. Puzzlingly enough, Duke is a political activist and the former chairman of NARAL, yet she seems rather kind to Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito — we chalk this up to her being 82 and having forgotten her morning round of meds.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 12/06/05 03:30PM

Just to clear some things up, right off the bat: the individual featured in this week's edition of New York magazine's Look Book is not, we repeat, NOT Fake David Cross. While the bald head and glasses may indicate Fake Davidness, we want to remind you that the beard automatically disqualifies any potential doppelganger.

Remainders: Tara Reid's New Twins

Jessica · 11/30/05 06:00PM

• Tara Reid copes with the cancellation of Taradise by doing a little shopping at the cosmetic surgeon's office. That can't possibly be good for her already-mutated nipples. [Cityrag]
• Rick Hilton pisses off Cartier customers and employees by loudly chatting on his cell phone. Like father, like daughter. [Radar]
• Looking for the perfect Chrismukkah present for the addict in your life? Show them you truly care with a gold-plated coke spoon. At only $265, it makes that 8-ball seem cheap. [Citizen Citizen]
• Capturing the very moment when Look Book lady Strummer Hoffston met Joe Strummer. [Bob Gruen]
• Has the NME list of best albums been rigged to the benefit of commercial interests? And, if so, are we the least bit surprised? [Londonist]

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 11/30/05 11:47AM

Meet Strummer Hoffston, the one and only writer living on the Lower East Side who experiences "cheap rent." The lucky bitch is featured in the latest edition of New York's Look Book, where she muses on her stoop-sale blazers, being named after the Clash's Joe Strummer, how gentrification makes bohemia impossible. Also of note: her mother, a hippie, was arrested a lot — mentioning this makes Strummer feel better about gentrifying everything she touches. After the jump, Intern Alexis gathers analysis on Strummer's style from Henry the Intern, AJ Daulerio, and Sarah Lewitinn.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 11/22/05 02:57PM

This year, we're thankful for the latest participant in New York magazine's Look Book feature, Lisa Falcone. Ms. Falcone claims she used to model before meeting her hedge-funding husband, and now she's writing an anonymous novel. A quick Google search, however, reveals that Falcone is better known for her topless work (especially her NSFW appearance in Breast Men).

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 11/16/05 05:04PM

In the latest edition of New York magazine's Look Book, we're introduced to 24-year-old Maame-Wansema, who moved here from Ghana eight years ago, when her father was a diplomat for the U.N. Dad's diplopower only got Maame so far, however: she's an aesthetic consultant for a cosmetic dentist. Maame likes to wear things that nobody else is wearing, so she shops at obscure boutiques like H&M, Banana Republic, Zara, and Daffy's. After the jump, Intern Alexis rounds up a sausage-heavy panel of Andrew Krucoff, Bucky Turco, and a man named Sac give their advice on Maame's unique style.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 11/09/05 07:40AM

This week's edition of New York magazine's Look Book presents a problem: Sam Masters, at right, is but a wee lad, a high school junior at Browning. And yet? He deserves a firm smack for being a total Stroke-in-the-making. Masters is a David Bowie fan with a band called the Deadly Monks, he acts through the New York Film Academy and is drawn to Jude Law's role in Closer, his clothes are "funked" and tight, and his girlfriend Destine is everything he's ever wanted (because she, too, is a big Bowie fan). And even though he doesn't say so, you KNOW he spends his weekends skanking around Tompkins Square like he's the next LES Jewels. After the jump, Intern Alexis solicits insight from the Imaginary Socialite, Fiorella Valdesolo, and Alan Wilkis on where young Sam is headed in life.

Looking Way Beyond the Look Book

Jessica · 11/02/05 09:20AM

We hate to do this, but yesterday's edition of our New York mag Look Book analysis has led a reader to engage in some dangerous sleuthing, resulting in the image at right: Look Book victim Michele Oka Doner, who, according to the Times, gold-tiled at the Herald Square subway stop and created the tiled floors at the Miami airport (thanks for filling us in there, New York). And, judging from this portrait, Ms. Doner will seduce the living daylights out of you, whether you like it or not.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 10/25/05 04:38PM

Try not to look directly at the crotch of Gaby Basora, who is not a piece of meat. Rather, this week's Look Book victim in New York magazine is a stylist and editor-at-large at Violet magazine, which apparently has something to do with someone related to Charles Mingus. A reformed Cacharel shopper with an affinity for genderless colors and camel-friendly jumpsuits, Basora allows her children to dress in hip-hop clothing while she gallavants around art openings wearing vintage swimsuits over tights and boots. But really, who doesn't?! After the jump, Intern Alexis rounds up Josh Tager, Kerri Kolen, and Rhoda Rahaii for your weekly dose of sartorial sass.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 10/18/05 04:58PM

Isn't this week's featured face in New York mag's Look Book, Bethany Liebman, pretty? It doesn't matter whether you agree or not: Liebman knows she's pretty, which is why she doesn't have to wear a lot of makeup. Pity, seeing as she's a makeup artist at the Clinique counter, the fall-back of choice for struggling painters — such as herself — everywhere. No matter: the Clinique gig is just to hold Liebman over until she starts her clothing line for well-heeled toddlers. No, we're serious. After the jump, Intern Alexis rounds up Dawn Chan, Jason McIntyre, and Tiffanie Graham for a game of fashion police.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 10/12/05 08:20AM

In this week's Very Special Look Book, New York mag goes to opening night at the Metropolitan Opera and finds Fancy People. While the glittery visages of many an opera fan are featured, special attention is paid to the couple at right, Cathryn Macrae and Robert Graff. Cathryn is wearing a sparkly balloon from Oscar de la Renta which, she can't help but mention, she wore to dinner with Prince Charles at Windsor Castle. Well, la-di-da! After the jump, Intern Alexis rounds up Jamin Warren, John McGill, and Ali Rosenzweig for a roundtable discussion on the size of that damn dress.