
Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 09/21/06 04:45PM

For this week's edition of New York magazine's Look Book, Amy Larocca found the silliest looking dudes she could just so that Adam Moss couldn't be accused of ignoring the "urban" demographic. The victims are Jonathan "Fli Guy" Saunders, Tyquan "Young Money" Jonies, Erick "Socks" Jonies and Derron "Ronney Fresh" Bond. They consider their look to be "geek style," and the whole goal is to dress like Will Smith circa Fresh Prince of Bel Air. And there's really not a lot more we can say. The pic is pretty self-explanatory.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 09/14/06 03:45PM

Meet Kevin "Aren't I Quizzical" Townley, an actor who just so happens to be featured in this week's edition of New York magazine's Look Book. Kevin's had his first big part — playing a young Eddie Izzard in My Super Ex-Girlfriend — but he's not really working right now, so instead he's taking a screenwriting class taught by Michael Showalter. Though, come to think of it, screenwriting is really hard, so Kevin might just wait until he gets another role. Oh, and as for his gentle bumblebee style, Kevin turns to fashion icon Diane Keaton for inspiration. Mmhm. Y'know, if we cared enough, we'd totally host an mp3 of what we imagine he sounds like. Because in our head, his voice is very specific, and very nasally.

Looking at the Look Book

gdelahaye · 08/30/06 03:00PM

This week's Look Book is all about Lisa Mayock, a fashion designer who makes up one half of the Vena Cava label. You don't have to stare into her supercilious eyes for too long to realize she has already dumped you and moved on with someone wittier and better dressed. She is unimpressed with your McSweeney's and n+1 subscriptions, and anyone could wear that slimming thrift store suit over a homemade silk-screened Banksy tee. SNOOZE. Remember the part in Say Anything when Lili Taylor's character writes 65 songs about Joe? Well if that were real life, and Lili Taylor were a guy, then Joe would be Lisa Mayock.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 08/17/06 04:15PM

We've no proof of this, but we bet Jarvis Wong, featured in this week's installment of New York mag's Look Book, lives in Brooklyn. The belt, the glasses, the iPod — just a hunch. He's an architect who considers himself an "urban nerd" and likes to dress as as minimal as he designs his buildings. Or something.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 08/10/06 05:30PM

This week's installment of New York magazine's Look Book tackled 18 different tourists; overwhelmed by the slew of possibilities, we almost disregarded the LB altogether. But we could not shake the image of poor Nils Asmussen, a student from Hamburg, Germany. Just look at him. Don't you want to grab him, swaddle him, and nurse him towards American normalcy? We can't explain it, but he reminds us of a fuzzy baby duck.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 07/19/06 04:00PM

My, isn't New York magazine's Look Book trying to be rather artsy this week with its black and white photography? Herb Ritts would be so proud. This week's man on the street is model-slash-student (mudent?) Joshua Ku, a half-working male model who got into the biz like everyone does, through his co-worker at Starbucks. Ku seems like he might be better off brewing java, though — he wasn't paid by L'Uomo Vogue and had to bleach his hair for Pop magazine, so now he looks "unapproachable." He's not much of a fashionista, either, shopping mostly at H&M and putting work and school and relationships before clothing. Jesus, boy, then what the hell are you doing in New York?

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 06/21/06 02:30PM

Is it possible to be friends with the Look Book? Because we kind of want to. His name is Ben Nardolilli, and you love him too. It's OK — his mustache has so much to give in return. Ben started growing facial hair when he was just 10, making him the sort of glorious anomaly who could never live a normal life outside of academia. And so he studies history and philosophy at NYU, spending his summer teaching a camp for gifted students at UVA. While he teaches a bunch of 6th and 7th graders about free will, we know you'll be loyally waiting for that mustache to come back home and tickle you with its kisses.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 06/15/06 03:36PM

Do you recognize this woman? Yep, she's the ho who cut you off as you were exiting Barneys — she just breezed right through you, knocking down your broke ass as she hopped into her chauffered luxury SUV. She is better than you, more worthy of New York's Look Book than you'll ever be. Other, less relevant details: her name is Joanne Prager and she's a mother of four who lives in Soho. Her husband buys her clothes, her driver keeps things cozy, and her kids attend "more-traditional schools uptown." None of the hippy boho chic education downtown, not for her little babies! Sigh. Don't we all know a Joanne Prager?

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 06/07/06 03:45PM

Shit. We can't make fun of this week's Look Book. We just can't. He's just too adorable! God, we miss our grandpa, we really should give him a call...

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 06/01/06 02:59PM

It's a shame that New York magazine doesn't ever put together some sort of panel discussion amongst its Look Book folk; if they did, we'd totally buy a ticket, sit in the front row, and throw feces-filled Balenciaga knock-offs at the young lady at right. 19-year-old Elizabeth Beare is a student at Boston University, but she hates how students wear sweatpants and, like, study and stuff. Lizzie prefers shopping — every day is an occasion for her to bust out the Marc Jacobs sunglasses and nautical tank top, and maybe hit Bergdorf for a new outfit to wear out to Double Seven that night. She's a child of the city, the spawn of Jeffrey and Intermix, and the girl is long overdue for her David Amsden profile.

Looking at the Look Book, Project Runway Edition

Jessica · 05/25/06 12:25PM

In New York mag's latest Look Book, we're served a helping of Sunhwa Chung, an East Village choreographer who believes that in getting dressed, one needs freedom to express the passion of transforming one's body. This, she says, can be found at a Korean H&M-type store.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 05/17/06 04:16PM

Would you let this woman near your dog? Didn't think so, but apparently a lot of folks do, as this week's fashion victim for New York mag's Look Book is a professional dog-walker named Suzanne. Just one name, mind you; she's more comfortable that way. Suzanne considers herself both extremely feminine and extremely masculine, and loves mixing her tribal punk look with some hints of Sideshow Bob. She's also in an unnamed all-female hardcore-slash-punk band — but you already knew that, didn't you?

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 05/10/06 04:30PM

In this week's edition of the Look Book, New York mag introduces us to Desmond E. Wilder, a financial analyst living large in North Bergen, New Jersey. Actually, he sounds and looks pretty normal to us: after a morning of midtown meetings, Wilder hit Bond No. 9 to pick up the "Wall Street" scent. He's also the co-publisher of Renaissance Man, a lifestyle magazine for men of color that will launch this summer. Interestingly, Wilder is not quite a Renaissance Man himself, but he intends to mix-and-match items from Saks and Century 21 until he reaches his goal.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 05/03/06 04:32PM

We feel genuinely bad for this week's victim in New York's Look Book. Not because Onia Jane Balsebre looks particularly mangy, but because she moved here from Barcelona for love, and it didn't work out. Now she's still here, watching reruns of Felicity and trying her hardest to be an actress, despite her accent, desire to dress like a boy, and her lack of familiarity with Neil Simon. Yeah, we're thoroughly depressed now — time to draw the shades and call it a day.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 04/26/06 03:00PM

In their latest installment of the Look Book, New York magazine takes its Brooklyn Style issue to the extreme by hitting Fulton Mall and interviewing Glenn Staley and Kyle Mingo, two "urban b-boy" party promoters. Staley likes his clothes by Pharrell, but Mingo prefers shirts with Muslim themes and "Afghanistan scarves" around his neck. The guys keep the stickers on their hats to show that they, uh, have a lot of hats, and they both think they'd fit in better around Soho. What, not fans of Maclaren-laden Brooklyn?

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 04/18/06 03:38PM

God, we hate it when this happens. New York hands their readers a woefully misguided fish in the sartorial barrel, and we are forced — yes, forced — to go to town on the poor soul who posed for their Look Book. This week, that person is Gloria Ward, a wig-wearing beautician who admits that on the day this photo was taken, she was looking "a little flashy." Indeed! Gloria is into fake eyelashes and a triple coat of mascara, paired with a disturbingly large blazer. You should also know that she was once a drummer in her husband's band, the Ink Spots, and she fell in love with her husband after he asked her if she did any typing. We suppose this makes Gloria a real romantic.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 04/11/06 05:33PM

It's a big week for New York magazine — they've actually acknowledged that there are working-class people in this world! Or, at least, they're acknowledging their readership's domestic servants by featuring Michelle Mills, a nanny who cares for 3-year-old Lily of Bleecker Street. Michelle also works part time at Magnolia Bakery and is originally from Vermont, where she grew up in the woods (we suppose this makes her slightly feral).

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 04/04/06 04:16PM

This week, presumably in honor of their Travel Issue New York magazine's Look Book posse went to London for some original style. And lo, look who they found — Molly Carroll, the British Carmen Miranda! We don't know what it says about New York's fashionistas when our regional glossy has cross the Atlantic to find some real freakage, but we're more than happy to meet miss Molly, a writer/artist/musician who really wants to see New York's "Jewish part, with lots of old jazz," because she's heard "Jewish New Yorkers make all this great music." Sigh — we've so much work to do abroad, don't we?

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 03/08/06 01:45PM

Before we begin this week's treatment of New York mag's Look Book, we just need to say something: holy fucking wow. We don't mean that in a nasty way; we're truly in awe of unemployed Judy Arlick, who keeps herself busy by decorating her door for all the holidays and painting her scary claw nails. Judy used to model for a "well-known raincoat" house, but now she spends her time trying to figure out how to get away from the East Village, where she's forced to live amongst "low-class people." Poor Judy — not everyone below 14th can manage to swaddle themselves in dead animals and accessorize like Laurel Touby.

Looking at the Look Book

Jessica · 02/28/06 03:10PM

We actually kind of like the featured fashionista, Kate Chapman, in this week's edition of New York magazine's Look Book, if only because she straight-up admits that she sometimes looks "like a crackhead." Oh, if only all the other Look Bookers were so self-aware, the world would be a better place. Anyhow: Miss Kate works at Jen Bekman's gallery and can be seen walking around, sockless and in linen pants, in the middle of winter. She describes this look as "pretty classic and downtown-preppy," inspired by Debbie Harry, and explains her bleached hair as a rebellious move inspired by life at Wake Forest. She also notes that her headband is taken from her "ski bin," which we believe is where Kate stores dirty pictures of Bode Miller. Good to know, right?