Looking at the Look Book

Meet Kevin "Aren't I Quizzical" Townley, an actor who just so happens to be featured in this week's edition of New York magazine's Look Book. Kevin's had his first big part — playing a young Eddie Izzard in My Super Ex-Girlfriend — but he's not really working right now, so instead he's taking a screenwriting class taught by Michael Showalter. Though, come to think of it, screenwriting is really hard, so Kevin might just wait until he gets another role. Oh, and as for his gentle bumblebee style, Kevin turns to fashion icon Diane Keaton for inspiration. Mmhm. Y'know, if we cared enough, we'd totally host an mp3 of what we imagine he sounds like. Because in our head, his voice is very specific, and very nasally.
After the jump, Intern Alexis gathers Scott Kidder, Matthew Schneier and Rachel Goodman for some timely analysis of Kevin's happily layered style.
Scott Kidder, Gawker power-intern
What does Michael Showalter think of Kevin?
Michael has actually never met Kevin. He has no idea who he is. But this will help when Michael's asked to pick Kevin out of a police line up for following him home after "screenwriting" class.
Kevin dresses on the outside like how he feels on the inside. How does he feel on the inside?
Like a near-sighted bumble bee, apparently. He has a busy career, full of "layers": buzzing around to roles as a miniature Eddie Izzard, plays, bands, improv, and Michael Showalter's apartment window.
How about what does Diane Keaton think of Kevin's outfit? Please feel free to answer as a) Diane Keaton in Annie Hall; b) Diane Keaton in Marvin's Room; c) Diane Keaton in Something's Gotta Give.
From the looks of it, she probably wants her purse back.
What are Kevin's Fashion Week plans?
Remember that whole police line-up? Turns out Showalter makes a pretty good educated guess. The local women's prison doesn't get the Style Channel, and Diane Keaton doesn't carry enough cash for bail.
Sorry Kevin...
Matthew Schneier, gadabout
What does Michael Showalter think of Kevin?
Michael Showalter is much too busy to think about Kevin, whose sidelong and heaven-tending glances indicate his deference to Showalter's six and half feet of greatness. Which is all to say, I'm pegging Kevin at around 5'1" in stocking feet. The stripes say, "who's going to trip over me now?" To which I can only reply, well, probably still Michael Showalter, on his way out the door. But at least it's a prime chance to shove a sweaty screenplay into his hand. In a witty and ironic reversal, I see Eddie Izzard to star!
Kevin dresses on the outside like how he feels on the inside. How does he feel on the inside?
Uncoordinated? Thickly striped? There's a hint of manpurse on the shoulder (don't think we didn't notice, Jake Chessum, you sly fox), so I'm guessing there are also a lot of feelings of adolescent confusion, longing, and some residual picked-last-at-dodgeball shame. All things considered, Kevin is the fanciest dragon I know.
How about what does Diane Keaton think of Kevin's outfit? Please feel free to answer as a) Diane Keaton in Annie Hall; b) Diane Keaton in Marvin's Room; c) Diane Keaton in Something's Gotta Give.
I contacted Diane Keaton on the set of Something's Gotta Give for comment. (I contacted her several years ago when the film was still in production: unsurprisingly, Diane Keaton is clairvoyant in addition to
telekinetic, so she had no problem answering. Few know that Diane Keaton was one of the original X-Men.) Diane: "Blah blah blah women and aging, glass ceiling/double standard, a couple of cheap jokes at the expense of my sagging flesh, who is this kid wearing unmatched items and blaming it on me?, and how did I end up in a movie with Amanda Peet?, anyway, point is I don't give a shit about Kevin Townley. And, yes, Diane Keaton can say 'shit.' Next question."
Touch , Diane, touch .
What are Kevin's Fashion Week plans?
Seventy-five more auditions and an herbal tea before bedtime. The real question is, why has there not been a Look Book runway show in Bryant Park? Take to the boards, kids, and strut your questionable stuff. Can you get a SAG credit for that?
Rachel Goodman, red-headed world-saver
What does Michael Showalter think of Kevin?
Michael Showalter thinks of Kevin about what he thinks of every other shmo who shells out 400 bucks for that screenwriting class: Thanks for the drinking money, dude. Michael Showalter also hopes that Kevin
will not offer to buy him a Stella. Because he's heard that one just a couple of times before.
Kevin dresses on the outside like how he feels on the inside. How does he feel on the inside?
Kevin is at peace with his identity as one of the Townleys of Westport, but he wishes people could understand that a Fairfield County upbringing does not mean that he wants to drink anything but PBR. Unless, of course, it's Stella. He also wishes they would believe that going anywhere above 14th Street makes him really uncomfortable.
What does Diane Keaton think of Kevin's outfit? Please feel free to answer as a) Diane Keaton in Annie Hall; b) Diane Keaton in Marvin's Room; c) Diane Keaton in Something's Gotta Give.
Alvy, see that kid over there? I think he's wearing my grandmother's glasses.
What are Kevin's Fashion Week plans?
Kevin plans to wander from show to show collecting as many outfit-inspirations as possible, which he will then wear simultaneously without regard to coordination. By forcing himself to justify layering on this magnificent scale, Kevin will learn to understand both the rich interconnectedness of humanity and the merits of breathable polypropylene.