Looking at the Look Book

For this week's edition of New York magazine's Look Book, Amy Larocca found the silliest looking dudes she could just so that Adam Moss couldn't be accused of ignoring the "urban" demographic. The victims are Jonathan "Fli Guy" Saunders, Tyquan "Young Money" Jonies, Erick "Socks" Jonies and Derron "Ronney Fresh" Bond. They consider their look to be "geek style," and the whole goal is to dress like Will Smith circa Fresh Prince of Bel Air. And there's really not a lot more we can say. The pic is pretty self-explanatory.
After the jump, Intern Alexis gathers Molly Worthen, Isaac Kardon and Rus Jude to try and make sense of this crap.
Molly Worthen, public intellectual
What do you think the one in the back that's poking his head to try and be seen is thinking about the other ones?
"I can't believe I used to think I was the only one into airbrushed baseball caps and Kabbalah. EHarmony.com really works!"
Why do you think Eric Jonies is called "Socks"?
"Socks" is short for Socrates. He's the group's aesthetic philosopher.
What would Will Smith think of the Fresh Princes?
Will Smith has the same opinion of the Fresh Princes that Jesus has of the Da Vinci Code. Meaning that he thinks, "Wicked! This will boost my sales!"
If the Fresh Princes claim to embody "geek style" what do members of their rival crew, The Carltons, look like?
They prefer v-necked, cable-knit leotards, hoops of flaming pocket protectors, and zany make-up - it's more of a Cirque Du Soleil approach.
Isaac Kardon, media mogul
What do you think the one in the back that's poking his head to try and be seen is thinking about the other ones?
"Why is Young Money being so dismissive towards me? And Fli Guy? Ever since I refused to omit the "G" at the end of maxin' and relaxin' he acts like he doesn't even KNOW me. I can't believe Socks is wearing my vest."
Why do you think Eric Jonies is called "Socks"?
I think we can reasonably assume that hip-hop/fashion impresario Erick Jonies plays "Socks" as the lovable, goofy, wild-card member of this posse. Cribbing a technique pioneered by visionaries like Michelangelo and Ringo, Socks provides the chuckles while brother Tyquan "Young Money" Jonies tirelessly crunches numbers, Jonathan "Fli Guy" Saunders macks on honeys, and Derron "Ronney Fresh" Bond delivers his rude—but insightful*—assessments of contemporary media. The name itself came from an incident involving slippery floor and some hilarious physical comedy from a shoeless (but stockinged) "Socks".
*Post-VH1-hitting-rock-bottom-with-drugs-and-gambling phase. Before that episode, the guy was much more charming, though less self-aware.
What would Will Smith think of the Fresh Princes?
"These jokers are mixing their metaphors," said Smith, betraying more than a little disgust. "Whereas my bold color combinations and irreverent good nature were a profoundly hopeful symbol of cool for a culturally backward generation, they've gone and flipped my effortless chic into a "geek" parallel universe. Honestly, glasses? And is that David Alan Grier on the right?"
If the Fresh Princes claim to embody "geek style" what do members of their rival crew The Carltons look like?
There's only one left now, and he looks more like a mid-level bureaucrat than anything else. Almost by default, The Carltons have been pushed farther down the geek spectrum than they would like to admit. After gang-related violence claimed three of their charter members, the crew brought a number of bitterly contested intellectual property lawsuits against The Fresh Princes, entirely financed by an incensed Alfonso Ribeiro. The court upheld The Fresh Princes' "Geek Style" trademark, adding legal insult to the fashion injury by further ruling that The Carltons can no longer have any black members.
Rus Jude, purveyor of funny
What do you think the one in the back that's poking his head to try and be seen is thinking about the other ones?
The guy in the back, a.k.a. The Jazzy Jeff Posse of One, is trying to see the new hand signal which designates which clothing style will be appropriated next in order to garner just a little more attention, while maintaining their strong stance on "no substance whatsoever". This particular signal denotes that on Wednesday, after hearing the song "Crazy" by Gnarles Barkley for the 3rd time they will put their Cross Colors pants on backwards. "The Fresh Princes" are full of such subtlety.
Why do you think Eric Jonie's is called "Socks"?
Eric Jonies is called "Socks" because on Tuesday, May 8th, 1992 he came into school walked over to the friends he had grown up with and began affecting a Boston accent.
What would Will Smith think of the Fresh Princes?
The Will Smith of 1987 really appreciated these guys. "These guys are fly. It's so obvious. Duh!" The Will of 1997 mourned them. "They are the embodiment of all that is dead and gone". He referred to them as "the hip-hop equivalent of Latin. Their character is as empty as their glasses. Go see Men In Black." The Will Smith of 2006 would say they're "very creative" and "hip-hop". Because by saying this it implies that he himself is still creative and hip-hop.
If the Fresh Princes claim to embody "geek style" what do members of their rival crew The Carltons look like?
The Fresh Princes embody "geek style" in the old sense of the word "geek". When it meant something bad. The Carltons embody the new connotation of "geek", only with a bit of that unmistakable charm of that genius foil. They don't "walk" anywhere, this gang of six travel to their powerful technology positions via the classic Carlton dance. They have graduated from the Cosby sweaters and Ivy League colleges and gained steam toward retribution for the girls they didn't get. They live a life of power, and righteous unhappiness while hating and needing everything they have. They imbibe large quantities of cocaine and sadness. And collectively now own Gawker.