Looking at the Look Book

This week, presumably in honor of their Travel Issue New York magazine's Look Book posse went to London for some original style. And lo, look who they found — Molly Carroll, the British Carmen Miranda! We don't know what it says about New York's fashionistas when our regional glossy has cross the Atlantic to find some real freakage, but we're more than happy to meet miss Molly, a writer/artist/musician who really wants to see New York's "Jewish part, with lots of old jazz," because she's heard "Jewish New Yorkers make all this great music." Sigh — we've so much work to do abroad, don't we?
After the jump, Intern Alexis rounds up Alex Blagg, Bob Castrone, and Alicia Van Couvering for their insights as to what the hell Molly has in her hair.
Alex Blagg, BlaggBlogg and Best Week Ever
If Molly were the opening act on a tour, what band would she open for?
Opples and Banonos: Raffi Returns! Or Bonnaroo, opening for the timbales player from Rusted Root in the parking lot between the nitrous tank and the guy selling blown glass. But most likely you'd find her at Burning Man making a painting with her breasts while standing in a baby pool filled with absinthe as Joanna Newsom rode circles around her on a tricycle, yowling out traditional slave hymns.
How do you think Molly got her wine bottle past the security guard?
While known for their magic and beauty, the elves of Rivendell have a surprisingly lax policy on alcohol consumption, which is why Molly had no problem with enchanted forest security once they confirmed she wasn't consorting with any orcs or evil wizards or whatever.
What, if anything, would you change about Molly's style?
I think I'd like to see some non-citrus fruit on that dress. Sure, oranges and lemons are rich in vitamin C, but they're also pretty boring. What she needs to do is Jamba that shit up a bit with some guavas and passion fruit and papayas and a brain booster or seven. Or maybe she just needs a big fanny pack shaped like a pineapple to round out the whole outfit.
The photo of Molly makes us want to eat some candy. What is the candy equivalent of Molly?
Laffy Taffy with pot in it.
If Molly were the opening act on a tour, what band would she open for?
I'm pretty sure I saw Molly open for the Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players back in 2002 (when their drummer was roughly 16-months old.) I think they let her open because she's somebody's cousin.
How do you think Molly got her wine bottle past the security guard?
She very politely walked over to the guy, tapped him on his shoulder and calmly explained that her bottle of wine was nothing more than a prop in her effort to look like spring incarnate. And, if for some reason, he had a problem with that, she would not hesitate to crack it right over his fucking skull. (Don't let the British singer/artist/writer thing fool you; you can see in her eyes that the bitch has rage.)
What, if anything, would you change about Molly's style?
Nothing at all. Though I would ask her to stop making the "No, no everything's great! I just assumed you'd take me somewhere nicer for our two-month anniversary, that's all" face.
The photo of Molly makes us want to eat some candy. What is the candy equivalent of Molly?
Molly reminds me of the kind of candy you find in a glass serving container at the reception desk when you go to the doctor. The kind that's individually wrapped and yellow and orange and you don't necessarily want one but you end up taking one anyway because it'll give you something to suck on while you fill out your insurance information. It tastes alright, but you would never go out and buy it on your own. In fact, you would never even consider buying it. But it's still around, so somebody must be. Somebody must be.
Alicia Van Couvering, hotstepper
If Molly were the opening act on a tour, what band would she open for?
Molly would put her thinking cap (a vintage ladies teatime thinking cap of lavender organza, plastic leaves, twigs and birdies) and O! would this be an Opening Act. It would be all about society: first some particularly game art world friends, dressed as street toughs from her old neighborhood, would start a knife fight in the lobby. Molly would pop out of the will-call line and, singing softly, unfurl an enormous bolt of lavender organza fabric over her costumed shills. Onlookers, moving as if hypnotized by her mellifluous singing, would grab corners of the organza and soon find themselves enveloped in a tent of springtime wonderful.
How do you think Molly got her wine bottle past the security guard?
I think he assumed she was already drunk (but in a good way).
What, if anything, would you change about Molly's style?
I'd like to see the Crown of Flowers motif extended... rings made from butterfly wings... edible garlands of yummy sugar cane... braided belts of Spanish moss, live garter snakes & dead puppy dog tails....
The photo of Molly makes us want to eat some candy. What is the candy equivalent of Molly?