Looking at the Look Book

It's a shame that New York magazine doesn't ever put together some sort of panel discussion amongst its Look Book folk; if they did, we'd totally buy a ticket, sit in the front row, and throw feces-filled Balenciaga knock-offs at the young lady at right. 19-year-old Elizabeth Beare is a student at Boston University, but she hates how students wear sweatpants and, like, study and stuff. Lizzie prefers shopping — every day is an occasion for her to bust out the Marc Jacobs sunglasses and nautical tank top, and maybe hit Bergdorf for a new outfit to wear out to Double Seven that night. She's a child of the city, the spawn of Jeffrey and Intermix, and the girl is long overdue for her David Amsden profile.
After the jump, Intern Alexis rounds up Sarah Gray, Shanon Kelley, and Chris Lehault for some hard-hitting analysis of Elizabeth's father's credit card.
Sarah Gray, frontwoman, 6-lady rockabillly outfit
What do you think Elizabeth's summer plans are?
From the sound of her responses, Betsy doesn't need to worry about such plebian concerns as paying rent, surviving on Subway sandwiches, or scrounging for Metrocards — I mean, she wants to make "booklets" for a living. She did mention a "nautical" inspiration in her look, as well as some interest in "travel," so mayhaps she'll be taking her yacht on a world tour. don't make a left turn at the red sea, Betsy — I hear Sudan's got some of those icky "war zones" you're not too interested in.
What does Elizabeth do when she wants to look a) 13 years old (getting into Disney World for free) and b) 62 years old, when she wants elder statesman discounts at the cineplex?
When she's going for the young look, she trades out the Marc Jacobs shades for those heart-shaped Lolita glasses, rolls her jean shorts up a couple more inches, trades out the yellow Bergdorf jacket for a
kindergarten-style yellow slicker, and sucks on a lollipop. When she's trying to pass for 62, she takes off that headband that's holding back all of her wrinkles, buttons up her coat, sprinkles her spare cocaine
in her hair to make it look white, and hunches over. It's surprisingly successful.
What name is on Elizabeth's fake ID?
Sienna Rothschild Moss
What do sweatpants-wearing BU students think of Elizabeth?
They likely know the truth: that she's at BU because her grandparents donated a building and she couldn't get into any of the Manhattan-area schools, despite a fine Spence education. Also, they like her because she way overpays for coke.
What do you think Elizabeth's summer plans are?
I'm sure it's something involving orphans in Africa. I mean, those orphans just don't know how to shop properly. They're always buying things they don't need or would never wear - it's heartbreaking! They need an aspiring young trophy wife to teach them the ways of Bergdorf.
What does Elizabeth do when she wants to look a)13 years old (getting into DisneyWorld for free) and b) 62 years old, when she wants elder statesman discounts at the cineplex?
a) Nautical outfit
b) Nautical outfit.
What name is on Elizabeth's fake ID?
Ivana Tinkle. I'm kidding! That's the name on my fake... I'm guessing she's Louisa May Humpsalot.
What do sweatpants-wearing BU students think of Elizabeth?
Hermaphrodite. Either that, or self-involved, takes-pictures-of-her-feet photography student.
What do you think Elizabeth's summer plans are?
My guess is to grab some blow and head to the Hamptons looking to starfuck and talk about how lame Boston people are. "I mean, come on... sweat pants to class? Ha! Try that in the Meat Packing District on a Friday!"
What does Elizabeth do when she wants to look a)13 years old (getting into Disney World for free) and b) 62 years old, when she wants elder statesman discounts at the cineplex?
I think she probably does the same thing and just goes, "Come on! I'm TOTALLY 13... didn't you SEE Hard Candy?" As for 62... that's a lost cause...
What name is on Elizabeth's fake ID?
Liz Beare... she paid too much for it not to have her real name on it.... maybe Lady Miss Elizabeth Beare if she's got skills.
What do sweatpants-wearing BU students think of Elizabeth?
That she's just another Upper East Side girl making NYC the east coast LA... come to one of our parties baby, we'll show you how downtown gets down... but make sure you bring that fake with you...