
GOP Pandering at the Republican Jewish Coalition, Ranked

Ashley Feinberg · 12/04/15 12:42PM

Most of the 14 (??) remaining GOP candidates congregated in Washington yesterday to put themselves at the mercy of the Republican Jewish Coalition. It was a spectacular display of men (and Carly Fiorina) who generally devote a lot of energy to convincing people that they are deeply Christian competing to answer one, important question: Who can pander to Jews the hardest?

All the Dumb Pundits Who Said Bobby Jindal Was the "GOP's Obama" 

Allie Jones · 11/19/15 01:12PM

Bobby Jindal, the Louisiana governor dedicated to making his state’s education system worse, became yet another Republican candidate to drop out of the presidential race on Tuesday. “I’ve come to the realization that this is not my time,” he told Fox News. That’s true. Bobby Jindal’s “time” was six years ago, when a bunch of dumb pundits said he would be the “next Reagan” and the “GOP’s Obama.”

Real GOP Voters: Ben Carson Is "Professor Xavier," Made of Dinosaur Bones

Sam Biddle · 11/18/15 04:28PM

The Annenberg public polling firm just released the findings of Republican voter focus group, in which each candidate is described with a litany of the worst and most confusing metaphors: Donald Trump is “Dennis the Menace: ‘doesn’t necessarily have bad intentions, but he can screw some things up.’”

Jealous of Donald Trump's Body? It Can Be Yours 

Allie Jones · 11/18/15 04:11PM

What if I told you that you could lose 15 lbs. in five months with no calorie-counting, treadmills, or embarrassing weigh-ins? You can even eat snacks. All you have to do is work yourself into blindly racist huff one-to-three times per day, and you will see results. Just ask Donald Trump!

Birther Congressman: Canadian-Born Ted Cruz Will Restore America's Soul

Jay Hathaway · 11/16/15 01:08PM

Iowa Congressman Steve King continued to raise doubts about Barack Obama’s place of birth long after the president released his longform birth certificate. As late as last year, he was still asserting that wherever Obama may have been born, he was “not raised with an American experience.” Which is presumably why King just endorsed a real American—Canadian-born Ted Cruz—for president.