Even on a national holiday, Donald Trump can’t help himself from being a petulant slice of stinking, festive shit-pie.

After the Republican presidential candidate dredged back up a widely-debunked rumor that people in New Jersey were celebrating as they watched the Twin Towers fall on September 11, 2001, the reporter whose story Trump cited came forward to say that the rumor was undoubtedly untrue. That reporter, Serge Kovaleski, suffers from a musculoskeletal disorder that limits the movement of his arms—a fact that Trump seized on, mocking his physical handicap at a rally this week.

On Thursday, feeling the spirit of giving, Trump started off giving us the unwanted gift of an attack against Kovaleski’s employer, The New York Times.

But that clearly wasn’t enough on this most hallowed of days — later in the day, Trump again gave us another (again, unwanted) present. In a tweet, the current leader in the Republican polls said he wasn’t aware of Kovaleski’s disability—but refused to issue an apology for mocking it. He also told Kovaleski to “stop using his disability to grandstand and get back to reporting for a paper that is rapidly going down the tubes.”

It’s nice that we, as Americans, can sit down today around a table with our relatives, grateful that, offensive as they may be, Donald Trump is not among them.

[Image via Getty]