The above is Donald Trump’s reaction to the backlash after he tweeted out a race-baiting image that featured a mess of wildly erroneous stats on race and crime.

Here are the accurate statistics, for what it’s worth:

But come on—can a presidential candidate really be responsible for every little thing he tweets these days?

Update 9:50 p.m.:

In the wake of his racist tweet catastrophe, Trump told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly on Monday that the man he retweeted was an expert.

“I retweeted somebody that was supposedly an expert and it was also a radio show...It came from sources that are very credible, what can I tell you.”

That credible source? A fellow who goes by the pen name @SeanSean252, a man whose credentials read:

“NEVER VOTE RINO AGAIN! If you are not Conservative? Please don’t follow me as I will not Follow you back ever! I am done meeting in the Middle”

SeanSean252 is perhaps not an expert at either American crime statistics or proper capitalization of words.

The graphic originated from a neo-Nazi on Twitter who goes by the name “Non Dildo’d Goyim.” This user’s bio also suggests that they, too, may not be an expert on crime in the U.S.:

Detester of any kind of sick perverted dildo waving marxism and liberalism,display a symbol of pagan or saxon heritage get called a nazi by libtarded manginas.

[Image via Twitter]

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