
Jeb Bush Still Around

Ashley Feinberg · 05/06/16 04:08PM

It’s been a long 67 days since we last heard from Sad Jeb. And considering his sodium-addled state, we were starting to get worried. But fear not. Noted scion Jeb Bush is still here, and he’s (probably) fine(-ish). Also, he’s not voting for President.

Trump’s Taco Tweet Was on Every Fucking Channel Last Night

Ashley Feinberg · 05/06/16 12:45PM

Did you know that, yesterday, presumptive Republican nominee and cost of our own collective sins Donald Trump ate a taco bowl for lunch? Of course you do. Because for the rest of the day (and well into the night), people couldn’t stop talking about that goddamn tweet. It was phenomenal.

Don't Blow This

Alex Pareene · 05/06/16 11:15AM

It’s Trump versus Clinton. It’s a well-funded mainstream Democrat against a widely reviled demagogue who will struggle to earn the support of his party’s donor base. It’s a man whose every public utterance is a potential negative ad waiting to be cut, versus the most cautious candidate in modern memory. The Clinton campaign has been given a tremendous gift, as I am sure they know.

Donald Trump Wears a Hat

Hudson Hongo · 05/05/16 10:30PM

At a campaign rally in West Virginia on Thursday, Donald Trump put on a hat. Specifically, a coal man’s hat for men who mine coal. It served as a convenient excuse for Trump discuss an issue near and dear to his head: Hairspray.

A Brief History of Accusations That Donald Trump Cheats at Golf

Andy Cush · 05/05/16 12:17PM

Donald Trump almost certainly cheats at golf. He denies this vehemently, just as he denies that there is violence at his campaign rallies. (There is definitely violence at his campaign rallies.) And while we may not have video of Donald secretly moving his ball into the fairway, the way we do of his supporters punching people, there are plenty of people who have come out and said they saw the cheating firsthand.

Hillary Clinton Would Like to Thank GOP Leaders for Making Her Latest Attack Ad

Ashley Feinberg · 05/04/16 05:04PM

Now that we’re just six months away from electing our country’s very first tanned hernia into office, Hillary Clinton has her sights set squarely on taking down our future President Trump. And with that laser focus comes a brand new attack ad that is great—at least as far as attack ads go—but also a futile attempt to stop the inevitable.