According to CNN, the FBI is close to concluding its probe into whether Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information by using a private email server and is expected to interview the former Security of State about the matter “in the coming weeks.”

Citing U.S. officials close the investigation, the network reports that federal investigators have already interviewed a number of Clinton’s aides, including long-time advisor Huma Abedin, and have so far found no evidence she “willfully violated the law”:

One of the final and most anticipated steps in the probe is an interview of the former secretary of state. The fact that Clinton is a presidential candidate active on the campaign trail presents some logistical challenges for the FBI, which has been quietly bringing witnesses into an FBI office without drawing attention.

Clinton’s security is provided by the Secret Service and she’s typically followed by a corps of campaign reporters. The FBI plans to coordinate her interview with her attorneys and security to try to ensure it can be done privately.

Throughout the investigation, Clinton has maintained that she never sent or received classified communications on her private server.

On Wednesday, Romanian hacker Guccifer claimed in a prison interview with Fox News that he easily hacked Clinton’s server, a claim Clinton representatives dismissed as “unfathomable.”