
Gossip Roundup

Gawker · 03/22/04 10:42AM

· Keeping up with LA's bathroom sharing: "Daryl Hannah was seen emerging from the men's room at Morton's with boyfriend Sean Macpherson. Alex Von Furstenberg and girlfriend Ally Kaye disappeared into the loo at the Hollywood branch of Soho House. And Peter Beard had some business with two lovelies in a powder room at the home of Richard Weisman." [NYDN]
· Martha Stewart, dining with Peter Bacanovic and friends at Spice Market? Haven't they been seeing enough of each other this last month? [NYP]
· Speaking of, Janet Jackson is throwing her record party at Spice Market; if you're famous enough, she'll fly you in and pay for your outfit. [Fox411]
· Mark Wahlberg says he was supposed to be on 9/11 flights. He's kept his mouth shut about it and exhibited good taste until now, so we don't have to make "better luck next time" jokes. [NYP]
· The Sex and the City movie: it's on. It's off. It's on again. At this rate they're going to have to make it animated because the girls will finally be too damn old to fuck their way across Manhattan. [NYP]

Courtney Love Trainwreck Alert

Gawker · 03/18/04 08:30AM

After a long night on the David Letterman show — during which she flashed her hooters in an apparent protest against the draconian FCC — Courtney Love got arrested, reportedly at Plaid during a surprise gig organized by Lyle of Squeezebox fame. Shortly after hitting the stage, around 2:30 a.m., she threw a microphone stand and split some guy's head open. In full dramatic fashion, she was dragged out, sobbing and wailing, off to the Ninth Precinct. Thanks Courtney! You light up our lives.

Martha Stewart Essay Contest

Gawker · 03/17/04 12:09PM

Live from Turkey Hill, Martha Stewart's letter to pals asks them to write letters prior to her sentencing about her "character" and "probity." (Click the image for a full view.) You could certainly submit yours to her lawyer, but it'll undoubtedly get trashed.

Remainders: Trot Out "Whitney Houston We Have A Problem" Joke

Gawker · 03/16/04 11:12AM

· Whitney Houston goes to rehab. Hopefully she'll get a Bobby Brown-ectomy while she's there.
· Tori Spelling sends thank-you letters to anonymous wedding gift givers.
· A history of diets since 1087.
· In case you think the children of today are lazy, uneducated, illiterate, and unmotivated: you're right! Stewart Butterfield gets his IM name caught in Google and is forced to do everyone's homework.
· Jay-Zeezer: Jay-Z's Black Album mashed with Weezer's Blue Album.

Page Six Family Feud: Love Triangle

Gawker · 03/16/04 10:34AM

Page Six said: WHICH supermodel had a really good time with her new rocker boyfriend in public the other week? While she deejayed at a party, he pleasured her from an out-of-sight position . . .
You said: "We're going with Naomi Campbell and Tommy Lee. They were in Miami for the music conference last week. Page Six had at least 3 items about them (not blind ones) over the past two and a half weeks. It has to be the grossest celebrity pairings since Madonna and Dennis Rodman. The skank factor between them is off the charts."

Gossip Roundup: Tara Reid Fired, Kimberly Stewart Hired

Gawker · 03/15/04 10:45AM

· Move over, Tara Reid! Kimberly Stewart (fashion show troublemaker and daughter of Rod) reportedly slapped a publicist because she wasn't provided with an all-night limbo. Yay! Trashy nightlife girls are back, baby! [NYP]
· NBC apparently blanketed New York with letters addressed to everyone with the same names as the Martha Stewart jurors. Sooner or later, they nabbed one. How lucky. [NY mag]
· Star Jones' fiance, Al Reynolds, makes a statement on rumors that he's done a lot of dudes: "We are satisfied that we know everything we need to know about each other's pasts." One of the Daily News's sources insinuates that Reynolds must be gay because he shared a house in the town of Water Island on Fire Island — which is goofy, as Water Island (although summer home to the late gay icon Madeline Kahn) is a pretty straight town. [NYDN]
· Jason Pomeranc, current hotelier fucktoy of Shannen Doherty, purchased the Mansfield Hotel — and will have to supersize the tiny rooms to make the hotel fly. Tell him to ditch the cheap make-it-yourself coffee bar in the lobby, too. V. v. ghetto. [NYP]

Page Six Family Feud

Gawker · 03/15/04 08:43AM

Still working on a couple of these — your thoughts (and legal threats) regarding today's Page Six blind items welcome.

Sponsor Roundup!

Gawker · 03/12/04 03:13PM

Our marvelous advertisers keep me in Pumas and hash. Bless them. Hey, if you'd like to advertise, there's info here.

Gossip Roundup: This Means War!

Gawker · 03/12/04 09:28AM

Daily News gossip boy Lloyd Grove launches an all-out attack on Page Six this morning, which is something no one in this burg's tried in a good while. (And we can't remember who tried it last, because they were run out of town so completely it's like their name was deleted from the Social Security database.)

A Plea From Staten Island: "We Don't Know Nuthin"

Gawker · 03/10/04 12:46PM

I thought we'd done something to ban internet addresses originating from Staten Island, but evidently people from the forgotten fifth borough still somehow read Gawker. Dammit! Anyway, a long-distance reader writes in with a request:

Gossip Roundup: Lick Bush On TV

Gawker · 03/10/04 11:14AM

· Access Hollywood's Billy Bush is slowly getting edged out of good interviews by unhappy PR firms. Really? Just because he's the king of the asspeople? [NYP]
· 50 Cent: loves the ladies who loves ladies, but "ain't into faggots." [NYP]
· Us Weekly bought a photo of Ben Affleck snuggling with Jancee Dunn, a Rolling Stone writer — an op staged to bring out the paparazzi. [NYDN (2nd item)]
· She's thirsty, too: Lily Vonnegut, daughter of Kurt, charged with DWI. [NYP]

Gossip Roundup: Ben Affleck, Boston Jackass

Gawker · 03/09/04 08:58AM

· Reverend Al sleeps alone, staying at an apartment half the week instead of home with his wife and kids. Lucky lady. [NYDN]
· Lizzie Grubman promises Oscar tickets to charity auction winners; instead, the would-be attendees get detained by Oscar-night security. Lizzie Grubman to get sued senseless. [NYP]
· Boston's bitch Ben Affleck goes off on the Yankees on this upcoming Friday's Dateline. The Yankees are reportedly very upset, knowing just how important Affleck's dumb-ass opinions are to the world. [NYDN]

Spalding Gray Update

Gawker · 03/08/04 02:27PM

The latest news on the still-missing Spalding Gray is that an autopsy is being done on a body found in the East Village. According to this morning's Post — it's the Post, so you KNOW it's true — the "only piece of clothing that had not disintegrated on the body was a pair of black corduroy pants." Gray was wearing black corduroys when he disappeared.

Gossip Roundup: McKinley Must Un-Queer Apartment Or Pay

Gawker · 03/05/04 12:12PM

· Jesse McKinley, NYT reporter and most vocal colonizer of the Lower East Side, violated NYT's ethics policy by having Queer Eye Thom Felicia fruit up his LES lovenest for an Oprah show. The renovation cost 50 grand; McKinley will now begin paying back some portion of those costs... one quarter at a time. (Maybe he can sell some furniture on eBay, like one Queer Eye straightey is.) [NYP]
· Madonna's publicist says that Madonna's summer tour is unconfirmed. That's not what Clear Channel said back in January while they were rustling up sponsorship. [Daily News]
· Gigantic Miuccia Prada profile to run in next week's New Yorker; Ms. Prada (if you're nasty) will tell-all about ditching her Marxist roots for the world of high-priced fashion. [WWD]
· Paris Hilton: did she dump boyfriend Nick (not Aaron) Carter? Did she make out with home-pornographer Rick Salomon on Oscar night? Is she making bank on her own disavowed porn video? Is she ever going to go to therapy? [NYP]

Letter From the Editor: Drinking Time Is More Important

Gawker · 03/04/04 01:00PM

Regarding the slight tardiness today and yesterday — I've been having a little kerfluffle with Gawker Media HR department. Yes, they're trying to railroad me into rehab. Again! Well I have one thing to say: fuuuuuuuck you! I took this job because I could have a Pabst and a smoke and work in my underwear, and I won't be alienated from those inalienable rights.

Gossip Roundup: Andre 3000, Beach Boy

Gawker · 03/03/04 10:05AM

· Hey, LA! Andre 3000 is not moving back to New York. [NYO]
· The Weinstein's wild ride with Michael Eisner on their back may be coming to an end: within a year, they'll have ditched Disney for less Mouse-y pastures. [NYP]
· Fabrizio allegedly caught with his tongue down a non-Drew Barrymore throat at CBGB. [NYP]
· Michael Musto takes up Tim Robbins on his Oscar-night plea to acknowledge abuse: the Academy Awards ceremony was a disfiguring, brutal experience. [VV]