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Please note: by popular demand, Ian Klaus, paramour of Chelsea Clinton, is hereby banned from Gawker Stalker.

In this issue: Chris Noth, Ethan Hawke watches the Oscars, Chelsea Clinton with IT, Sean Lennon, Malcolm McClaren, Tommy Zung, Dakota Fanning, Drew Barrymore and Fab, getting manicures with Rose McGowan, Meryl Streep and galpal, the Proenza Schouler hotties, Bob "The Bachelor" Guiney, Zac Posen, Shannen Doherty, and Cynthia Nixon, free at last.

· My fiance and I were at dinner tonight in the theater district — Da Marino. Anyway, could it be owned or co-owned by Chris Noth? He kept walking in and out of the kitchen. In any case, he was at the table next to ours with about 12 people, including Gina Gershon. Chris was sitting opposite an older man, thinning gray hair, tall. A snippet of conversation between gray-haired man and Noth:
GHM: ...the last episode of Sex & The City? I didn't see it.
CN: I think I have it on tape. I'll send it to you.

· I saw Ethan Hawke last night at Blue Smoke at 6pm-ish. He stepped outside with his very, very blond, two year old looking long haired daughter/son (hard to tell the gender) for a cigarette. As he was smoking, his child darted in the restaurant and Ethan ran in shortly after and they went back to their seats in the back of the restaurant. Coincidentally, they were showing the Academy Awards red carpet previews on the TV at the bar and Uma was there. I guess Ethan didn't get invited this year and settled for and early bird BBQ dinner. Ethan looked really scraggly as usual.
· just saw chelsea clinton wandering around the measly produce section at the 22nd and park avenue associated supermarket looking all sorts of dowdy and confused in her sidwell friends sweatshirt as she gazed at the red peppers. following her around was her greasy-haired boyfriend looking pretty smug as he saw me notice her. [Ed. HIS NAME MUST NOT BE SPOKEN. AND AVERT YOUR EYES.]
· Friday saw Sean Lennon trying out axes at Guitar Center on 14th st. with a doting sales rep. Saturday I sat next Malcolm McClaren at that french breakfast joint in soho with the long communal tables. Talking movie business with a young couple. Sunday I was looking at overpriced summer shares in montauk with looney "local" real estate agents and didn't see anyone but Tommy Zung.
· I saw the adorable Dakota Fanning walking around on the Upper West Side, 2/29. She was with a couple of other people, I'd guess family members. They, like everyone else, seemed to be enjoying the beautiful weather.
· Yesterday, my roommate and I saw Drew Barrymore with her boyfriend Fabrizio Morietti and another couple at the Cosi across the street from the Union Square movie theater. She looks amazing!
· Went to Spa Belles on the afternoon of February 28th for a mani/pedi, and ended up being seated next to Rose McGowan. She was attractive, but moreso in the 30-something year old mother of two from Newton, Mass. way than say, the ass-floss wearing starlet manner. (I wouldn't have recognized her if not for my friend pointing her out and the Korean ladies calling her "Rosie" every five minutes.) Oh, and she's not deathly pale in real life, but does wear a bit too much makeup, has thin-ish chemically straightened hair, and the tiniest little size six feet (she bought sandals.) The amusing part? There was a video playing that demonstrated massage techniques. The masseur was demonstrating on a man, and much of the video consisted of her rubbing his slightly hairy, tan-lined ass. Our friend "Rosie" was disturbed enough by this to mention it to me and the woman on her other size, and wondered out loud if it was "really necessary for them to show us his naked ass?" Oh, the hypocrisy!!!
· I just saw Meryl Streep, looking haggard, on Bleecker and W. 10th. She was with an older Diane Keaton-look-a-like... Meryl was wearing a hat, which in my giddiness I thought was for gay marriage, but turns out is to protest female genital mutilation (among other things). Minutes later on 17th and 8th I saw that black guy choreographer from America's Next Top Model (I was possibly more excited by this). He saw my face light up and he looked confused.
· Saw the handsome fashionistas behind the Proenza Schouler label walking down Bleeker at Christopher St. Jack McCollough was carrying a pair of grocery bags, but Lazaro Hernandez, (the cuter dark-haired one) wasn't helping at all with them. I followed them until they turned off Bleeker on Morton. They're every bit as gorgeous as they seem in photos, but neither one of them has much of an ass.
· Question: What kind of fame-whore goes to Tortilla Flats on a Saturday night? Answer: A reality TV fame-whore, namely Bob ("The Bachelor") Guiney. (Another question: Why was I at Tortilla Flats on a Saturday night? Answer: Don't ask.) Bachelor Bob and his Jheri curl were accompanied by his as-identified-by-US-magazine soap opera actress girlfriend and legions of Long Island and New Jersey's finest bachelorettes, all of whom were hoping that Bob would take the journey with them/take them on a fantasy date/give them a rose. Highlight of the whole spectacle: Drunken frat boys at the bar serenading Big Bob with a personalized sing-along to Poison's classic "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" ("Every BOB has its thorn/Every BOB has its daw-aw-aw-awn....") Good times.
· Zac Posen at Piccolo Angolo on Hudson St. at dinner last night. The eyebrows were plucked or something, because the resident catepillars were gone. He dined with a dour looking sidekick and two older characters.
· I saw Shannen Doherty at LV this weekend in Soho, she was with a guy who looked like a shorter version of Ashley Hamilton. I also saw Famke Jansen with her dog at Otto Tootsie on Lafayette, she's tall and very skinny.
· saw cynthia nixon on 79th and amsterdam in a black trench coat last night around 7. she's really much prettier in person. also saw oregon senator ron wyden a couple weeks ago at city grill on a brunch date. there was total hand holding by the end of the meal.