· Move over, Tara Reid! Kimberly Stewart (fashion show troublemaker and daughter of Rod) reportedly slapped a publicist because she wasn't provided with an all-night limbo. Yay! Trashy nightlife girls are back, baby! [NYP]
· NBC apparently blanketed New York with letters addressed to everyone with the same names as the Martha Stewart jurors. Sooner or later, they nabbed one. How lucky. [NY mag]
· Star Jones' fiance, Al Reynolds, makes a statement on rumors that he's done a lot of dudes: "We are satisfied that we know everything we need to know about each other's pasts." One of the Daily News's sources insinuates that Reynolds must be gay because he shared a house in the town of Water Island on Fire Island — which is goofy, as Water Island (although summer home to the late gay icon Madeline Kahn) is a pretty straight town. [NYDN]
· Jason Pomeranc, current hotelier fucktoy of Shannen Doherty, purchased the Mansfield Hotel — and will have to supersize the tiny rooms to make the hotel fly. Tell him to ditch the cheap make-it-yourself coffee bar in the lobby, too. V. v. ghetto. [NYP]