Sightings are provided by readers; do send yours to

In this accidentally-delayed edition (my bad!): Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard, Fabian Basabe, Sean Lennon making out with Leelee Sobieski at Citizen Kane, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jay-Z, Amy from the Apprentice, Keith Richards and & Patti Hansen, Three of the Queer Eyes (Ted, Carson, and Jai), Sean Lennon with Vincent Gallo (not making out), Elizabeth Spiers, Vincent Gallo again, Daryl Hannah with mystery man (was it rumored paramour, nightlife impersario Sean MacPherson?), Tom Arnold, Guy Maddin and Isabella Rossellini, David Lauren, literally dozens of Drew Barrymore and various Strokes sightings, Snoop Dogg, Kathy Lee, and Willem Dafoe.

· Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard, outside Cafe Habana on Elizabeth Street, recent Sunday afternoon. They were sitting on a tree box or something on the sidewalk, balancing plates on their laps. This place always seems ridiculously busy, and now they're seating the celebrities on the curb. Why? (On a related-but-not note, why are people always waiting outside 7A during brunch time? I mean, how many better, cuter spots are within a few blocks of that place? Is it just that the name makes it easy for all the uptowners to remember where it is?)

· Sighting: Fabian Basabe
The Place: Mercer Hotel lounge, a Sunday afternoon
The Setting: In walks that greasy creep Fabian Wassuppee — phoney boy-toy poseur hipster (and any other derogatory names one normally associates with Ian Klauss, Rick Salomon, or Joe Francis).
The Denouement: Fab lights up an Ecuadorian gaulois cig and proceeds to smoke in the lounge — of course none of the lazy-ass staff bothers to say anything as they are hoping to be discovered by a potential agent casting for [beheaded corpse behind bodega in] Law and Order [Episode 546]. In my best impersonation of Harvey Pecar, I grumble " Put it out, pretty boy". Fabassy pretends not to hear. Louder this time, I cough up a lung as I snort," Take it outside, bitch." Again, no reaction, but now EVERY one in the place has heard me — they all give ME the Sandra Bernhard 'tude with looks of sheer disdain as I try to enforce their municipal liberties!! Finally, Fabio (now searching for his non-existent entourage and/or secret service protection) throws his cape over his shoulders (yes, a cape!) and swoops out of the joint looking like Corey Feldman at an Oscars Party.
· Last Sunday I went to see Citizen Kane at the Film Forum and two rows diagonally in front of me were Sean Lennon and no not Bijoux Phillips, but Leelee Sobieski making out (a lot)! Weird movie to make out to, but hey whatever floats your boat...
· is philip seymour hoffman banned from this thing yet? i think he should be, but then the man is stalking me, so im over him. i saw him 3 times this week. first i saw him at the starbucks in union square (the one on the east side of the park), but no big whoop as everyone and their brother sees him there. then 2 days later i saw him buying papers at the newstand inside the 1239 subway station at 14th. sadly my train was coming, so i couldn't see what he was buying. he was wearing that bloody NY Film School sweatshirt i always see him pictured in. granted, the man's not pulling in salary's of affleck-ion proportion, but buy a new sweatshirt, goddammit! then coming out of work sunday night, who is standing outside the john houseman theatre but PSH and his girlfriend talking to brendan sexton III (warren from empire records, who by the way looked very skinny and dirty). i was about to turn to my friend and make a disparaging, but then it turns out she knew his girlfriend. good thing i kept my mouth shut.
· leaving work, standing on 6th ave at 23rd st, waiting for the walk sign, all of a sudden, this sublime silver mercedes convertible with the top down slinks through the amber light, banging out beyonce. i look, i look again, and yes, it is my future boyfriend jay-z hat on, goregous lips in full view. man, i wish i was beyonce!! i guess this might either be a sign that they're not broken up, or maybe it means they are broken up and he was playing her cd as a sign of his heartbrokeness who knows, but boy did he look hot in that goregous mercedes!!!!
· Amy from The Apprentice was at Tracy J's doing Karaoke. Hope she wins the Trump job- although she did a very spirited performance of "Let's give them something to talk about", she shouldn't quit her day job.
· so i just saw keith richards and patti hansen at meyer's of keswick on horatio & hudson ... he's shorter than you'd expect (or i'd expect, anyway) but looked surprisingly sexy for a reanimated corpse... he was dressed as you'd expect: leather coat, black jeans, purple slippery-looking boots and a headband, but was sporting partial tommy-lee-solo-album faux dread/braids, complete with colorful rubber bandy things. he was supe chatty and a big flirt... with everyone. patti is really pretty, too — but looked believably like a rock star's wife (as opposed to his kid or groupie or somesuch) and was dressed in head-to-toe suede. for what it's worth, both patti & keith were shockingly sweet (keith in particular was joe jocularity), and they aparently were in town "to pick up the girls". oh, and if you're wondering: keith likes his tea with milk and lots of sugar — "but not too much".
· I saw the Food Queer (Ted?) hanging out at the Starbucks on 81st and Columbus. He was a lot cuter than on TV. He wore a long dark grey coat, black scarf, and his signature glasses. He ordered a grande caramel macchiato and sat for maybe twenty minutes reading the New York Times. I think it might have been the art section. At some point he reached for his phone—I think it was on vibrate—checked the screen to see who was calling and then put it away without answering. He must be avoiding someone. That or he's one of those obnoxious people who like to take their phones out for no apparent reason. Anyway, he left the paper at his place, along with his napkins. What a slob! I'm sure the others wouldn't appreciate his shirking from his queerilific duties like that.
· I saw Carson Kressley the other afternoon on Eighth Ave & 22nd St. He was dressed like a cowboy, not in a 'adding a bit of western flare' way, but rather as though he was from Temple, Texas. The last time I saw him, he was wearing seemingly Zubaz inspired sky blue cloud-print pants.
· Today @ 400pm I saw Queer Eye for the Straight Guy's Jai Rodriguez . He was dressed in a suit, holding the leash to a teeny tiny dog wearing a sweater. He is taller and bigger than he he looks on television, he look stern and was deep in conversation with a short blond guy, which I could've swon was a Hobbit from LOTR. This was on 23rd street, on the west side of the toy building.
· A scrubby, bloated looking Sean Lennon came into Max Fish around 8 pm with wild-eyed Vincent Gallo . They took seats at the bar, drank beer and chatted up the middle aged red-headed bartender. You'd think they might wash or groom a little better.
· I saw Elizabeth Spiers in the bathroom at New York magazine. She's a lot smaller than I thought she'd be.
· Vinny G was spotted skulking around the Williamsburg club North Six Thursday night at the Mommy and Daddy show.
· Daryl Hannah , looking casually lovely and entirely fun and vivacious, having dinner at Matsuri Wednesday night with an unidentified man who seemed nice enough but was no match for her in the looks department.
· Tom Arnold was on my flight from LAX to JFK Sunday (AA 180) on Sunday, March 7. I stood next to him at baggage claim for 10 minutes, not knowing it was him. He was in jeans and a sweater with an NFL hat, glasses, gabbing on his cell phone. Some man accosted him. The guy proclaimed "Tom Arnold! I'm from FOX!" and shoved his hand at Tom who wasn't all that keen on talking to this guy. He was polite, but obviously not interested in chatting him up. Tom walked away to some seats not so subtlely to get away from the guy—an LA type.
· Chatted, March 4th evening, with Great White North auteur Guy Maddin at National Arts Club. Later, the star of his new pic — "The Saddest Music in the World" — Isabella Rossellini , slipped in, standing but five feet away as I gulped free Labatt's, striking the standard "oh-I-see-celebs-all-the-time" pose. Yep, she still looks dyn-o-mite, at 52 (!). What were you thinking, Lancome?
· tonight/thursday March 5 @ Elephant in the East Village; friends and I were seated at a table across from the bar, directly underneath the huge hanging mirror. David Lauren walks in with date?/girlfreind?/armcandy? and is lead back into the restaurant. But on the way, he literally stops in front of our table, checks himself out in the mirror, adjusts his hair, and continues on to his seat. WHO DOES THAT?
· The other night at Raoul's was a sighting extravaganza. Owen Wilson shared a table across from the bar with a few very beautiful girls. Owen was the only one in the joint wearing a baseball cap, so I hope he wasn't trying to go incognito. Two tables down was a large party consisting of the various Strokes and their female model/actor friends, including a girl my boyfriend identified as "that blonde model girl," Fabrizio and Drew . At a certain point, the couple went over to Owen's table and stood there for several minutes, chatting and laughing it up. On our way out, we saw a few Strokes, including Albert, smoking outside.
· thursday, around 8.30pm: one of the strokes walking west on east 2nd street toward first avenue. which one? oh how should i know, i don't like their stuff... i could just tell it was one of them. presumably headed to a hot date - no, make that dinner party - as he was carrying a plastic bag exactly like the kind you get at the wine shop on 4th and A, and something else that was flopping around, i think flowers. big hurry. big puffy hair.
· Drew Barrymore on the evening of March 2 on 3rd Avenue just north of St. Mark's Place, with Weird Rocker Boy in tow, looking slightly underfed and wearing those schreckliche Ugg(h)s. So nondescript and casual no one else on the crowded sidewalk seemed to notice.
· Was at the W on 49th and Lex last night in the lobby waiting for someone. A posse walks in, and as I'm on the phone with a friend jokingly saying that "Snoop Dogg" just arrived, I turn around, and Snoop actually does walk in. We follow him to the elevator where with posse in tow (including a 6'0" drop dead gorgeous blonde woman carrying what looked like a 75 pound bag of his luggage) he heads up to the no-access regions of the hotel. He's very tall and for some reason was wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers jacket.
· Does seeing Kathy Lee qualify? Caught a peak of this nice lady, with three others, one particularly bleached platinum blonde with tan-creamed face (think Cameron Diaz grandma in There s Something About Mary, yeah) at little sushi spot Taro on 26th near 7th. I thought what a coincidence because I watch Jimmy Kimmel show, and she was on as guest host like previous week.
· Willem Dafoe , holding the hand of a fetching younger woman, sitting in the front row at Lincoln Center's Walter Reade Theater, and laughing out loud throughout a screening of Vittorio Gassman's Il Sorpasso. (A film introduced by Vittoria Gassman, the late actor's daughter, whose mother is Shelley Winters!)