
NYPost's Battle of the Unctuous Hipsters

lock · 04/21/05 03:57PM

Unretouched Post captions: Left, "Joe Praino say he texts 'amazing revelations' to his ex-girlfriend." Right, "Williamsburg Warriors Siri Wilson and Eve Sibley flash 'W' hand signs to demonstrate their allegiance to the hipster 'hood."

Defamer Party Report: Ron Howard's Wife's Book Party, We Think

mark · 04/21/05 03:15PM

Our latest Defamer Party Report reinforces one of the most important of all Hollywood partygoing rules: You only need the vaguest sense of whom the party's being thrown for to guiltlessly gobble down as much free food and booze as your body type will allow. An operative files this report from Monday's fête for Ron Howard spouse/author Cheryl Howard Crew's new novel at Imagine pal Brian Grazer's house (the Variety VPage report is available here, if you'd like some pretty pictures to illustrate):

To Do: Neon, Performance Art, Or Haggadah Madness

Jessica · 04/21/05 02:55PM

· Looking to catch some good old Aussie power pop? Sorry, Ben Widdicombe can't sing. But the Down Under trio Neon hit up Mercury Lounge, if it's any consolation. [Mercury Lounge]
· RoseLee Goldberg pretty much wrote the book on performance art history. Seriously—she wrote Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present. Ask her what, exactly, that means at the panel discussion "Not for Sale: New Media and Sound" tonight, which she moderates at NYU's Einstein Auditorium. [flavorpill]
· Put on your Yarmulke and head over to 48 Wall Street for the 5th annual Downtown Seder, where you can pay $135 to eat Gefilte fish and hear luminary Jews from Al Franken to Dr. Ruth offer their interpretations from sections in the Haggadah. Sounds like a hoot. You're gonna feel guilty, whether you go or not. [Oyhoo]

The Manhattan Suckage Map

Jessica · 04/21/05 12:38PM

Click to enlarge.
File this one under Great Moments In Google Maps: a search for locations under "you suck" in New York turns up some interesting listings. The Village Voice, CBGB, The New York Sun, Matador Records, and several other amusing answers are included, although we would never encourage anyone to avoid the Gay City News.

Gossip Roundup: Bob Kerrey's Imaginary Candidacy

Jessica · 04/21/05 11:10AM

· After the Times mentioned New School president Bob Kerrey's interest in the NYC mayoral race, Kerrey has withdrawn. Tomorrow, he'll re-enter under the guise of his favorite ex-employee, Actor's Studio robot James Lipton. [Page Six]
· Nicole Kidman has been taking theology courses at Pepperdine. The Malibu sun hasn't harmed her porcelain skin, but the Old Testament may have damaged any chance she had of getting back into the Scientology Celebrity Center. [R&M]
· Publicist Ken Sunshine speaks the truth: Hollywood flacks are a "fucking joke." [Lowdown]
· Another day, another audience scarred by Anna Nicole Smith's breasts. [Scoop]

CSI: Blogosphere Victims Unit

Jessica · 04/21/05 10:33AM

Today in the world of silly blogs that make you laugh, cry, and call the Anti-Defamation League, everyone's atwitter over recent developments regarding the source of an anti-semitic little hate blog entitled Some Blogs Are Better Than Others. Shortly following yesterday's publication of our quasi-investigation of Kasey Doshier as the suspected author of the vitriolic site, the entire blog was removed (no worries, its prior nastiness is cached here) and a "disclosure" was posted:

Get to Know Your Area Flight Attendants

lock · 04/21/05 10:03AM

Since its founding by Andrew Krucoff over a year ago, the Gothamist Interview (n e the Young Manhattanite interview) has talked to New Yorkers of all ages, professions, and religious orientations about their lives in the big city. In all that time, I'm not sure I've ever enjoyed one more than Josh Abraham's chat today with 24-year-old Kew Gardens flight attendant Kelly O'Shaughnessy:

Deconstructing Lindsay Lohan's Lips

Jessica · 04/21/05 08:30AM

Oh Sweet Jesus, it's true — Lindsay Lohan has dyed her hair blonde! Quick, grab the kids and take them into the fallout shelter!

Adventures in (Possible) Power Potties: Jonathan Safran Foer

lock · 04/21/05 08:30AM

You're a young, widely acclaimed novelist who delights in giving introspective interviews into what it means to be human in an inhuman age. You love Bright Eyes. For you, Jonathan Safran Foer, nothing less than a bathroom fit for a prince will do. With the deal for the $6.75 million Park Slope townhouse Foer was said to be buying now signed, his possession of this regal stall may soon become reality. In JSF's own words, "The waiter serves it, you eat it, and you crap it. And then it s gone." (The gilt-edged toilet, however, is forever.)
Property Listing: Park Slope [Douglas Elliman]
More Books, More Room [NYT, 2nd item]

Today In Animal Cruelty: Kimora Lee Simmons

Jessica · 04/21/05 08:08AM

The latest issue of Animal Fair, available at a free veterinary clinic near you!
Don't you hate it when your six pounds of wrist bling snag your Kabbalah bracelet? It totally gets Kimora's pet wolverine all worked up.

Ryan Seacrest Gets Ready To Pay For His Star

mark · 04/20/05 04:20PM

It seems that our plans to use time-travel to prevent Ryan Seacrest from getting a star and further tainting the Walk of Fame were utterly unsuccessful, for the American Idol host did indeed receive his little slice of soon-to-be-urine-soaked immortality earlier today. Seacrest was apparently so overcome with emotion that he immediately dropped to his knees and offered himself up for repeated "displays of gratitude" in an attempt repay the people who shelled out for the honor.

To Do: Handsome Boy, Man Man, And Brooklyn Film

Jessica · 04/20/05 03:04PM

· Prince Paul and Dan the Automator, collectively Handsome Boy Modeling School, perform at Irving Plaza tonight. Any group that features guest spots from both Mars Volta and Linkin Park on the same album probably requires a good deal of marijuana for listening (note: it's 4/20, and our inner frat boy compels us to make just one comment). [Irving]
· Supersystem's influences include Disemberment Plan, Q and Not U, and !!!. The sound of headliners Man Man can be described as "carnivalesque hobo-stomp." And somebody needs a job at Pitchfork. Mercury Lounge, 8:30pm. [flavorpill]
· 100 movi—er, films—12 countries, 5 days, and a whole lotta pretension: the Brooklyn Underground Film Festival kicks off at the Brooklyn Lyceum tonight. [WUNY]

O'Reilly Accuser Buys in Liberal Enclave

lock · 04/20/05 02:52PM

Andrea Mackris, the Fox News assistant who sued Bill O'Reilly for phone sex harassment then settled out of court, has found solace as only Manhattanites can: by taking a dip in the city's overheated real estate market. Manhattan Transfers reports that Mackris snagged an $809,000 condo in the building that Tina Fey also calls home on the Upper West Side — a special liberal land far, far away from the No-Spin Zone.
O Reilly Accuser Buys U.W.S. Condo for $809,500 [NYO]

Gawker Stalker: Minnie Driver's Modest ATM Receipt

Jessica · 04/20/05 02:26PM

Sightings are sent in by readers at an alarming rate, which means we're a few days behind and short on time to check/edit/organize — dare we say, we're more sloppy than usual. Send your springtime sightings to