Sightings are sent in by readers at an alarming rate, which means we're a few days behind and short on time to check/edit/organize — dare we say, we're more sloppy than usual. Send your springtime sightings to

In this edition: Minnie Driver, Ashton and Demi, Leo and Giselle, Ben and Christine, Lou Reed, Jay McCarroll, all forms of PoweR Girls (you may only refer to them as such for one more day, btw), Regis Philbin, Penny Lancaster, Wes Craven, Juliana Margulies, Jimmy Smits, Anthony Mackie, Skeet Ulrich, Ryan Gosling, Simon LeBon, Michael Jordon, Chad Lowe, Justin Chambers, Julia Stiles, Long Duck Dong, Scott Speedman, Lohan, Cynthia Nixon, Michael Imperioli, Billy Joel, Drew Lachey, Robin Williams, Michael Michelle, Howard Stern, Sandra Bernhard, Michael Lucas, BD Wong, Charlie Rose, Jessica Hecht, Joy Behar, Sam Champion, Peaches, Paul Sevigny and whole load of hipsters, Michael Stipe, Dylan and Becky Ann Baker, Topher Grace, Kyle McLachlan, Olsens, Vincent Gallo, Jamie Gleicher, Gotti boys, Goo Goo Dolls, Mario Cantone, John Waters, Maya Rudolph, Sean Lennon, Philip Bloch, Linda Evangelista, Robin Williams, Uma Thurman and Andre Balazs, Jay-Z, and Tim Robbins.

I feel bad about doing this, but somehow I think I'd feel worse if I DIDN'T tell you about it . . . I was in line behind Minnie Driver (who was looking tall, sad, and frightened in high heels, black pants, and a cream-colored trench) at the ATM at Rogers Garden Deli on 1st Ave btwn 1st and 2nd. When my turn came, the ATM was still processing Minnie's transaction, asking whether she'd like a receipt. After about a millisecond of soul-searching, I of course I hit "yes." She took out $100, and her remaining balance was 1440.24. Stars . . . they're just like us!

Sunday PM I was witness to our favorite mother-son team, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, getting out of the requisite black tinted big-ass SUV in Nolita. Ashton was dressed and pimped in his punk d getup ( read T-shirt with some kind of ironic slogan, dirty jeans, you get the picture), and of course, a color coordinated trucker hat. Ashton was quite cute, I mean face-wise, not the whole persona thing. Demi was quite small, only came up to her son s chest, and sporting a pair of black sunglasses covering 2/3 of her face. She was dressed like some UES rich wife out strolling on Sunday. I was gawking hard at Demi only because I was fascinated with her wrinkle-free face seriously, it was so tight that you could bounce a quarter off it. They and their entourage of lackeys stopped at the Mayle boutique on Elizabeth, but Ashton didn t go in and sat on the bench outside instead. Seriously, trucker hat, that must be an LA thing.

Today (Sunday 04/17) I shared a restaurant (Rialto on Elizabeth St) with Ashton and Demi. They were with a few other nondescripts. Ashton's looks have never done anything for me until today. He is very, very goodlooking in person. Upon further analysis I realized that half the reason he was so goodlooking was because he was quiet and normal, not that retarded "wacky" Punk'd character. He actually looked very bored (the look suited him). His eyes were wandering everywhere except in Demi's direction. Speaking of which, Homegirl looked old as the hills. And she was wearing TONS of makeup. Much too much. I mean, really.

Saw Leo & Gisele Sunday afternoon (4/17) at the Ashes & Snow Exhibit at Pier 54. He was much taller than expected, actually a few inches taller than her, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, with a fleece around his waist and a Wolverines (?) hat rather than his ubiquitous Lakers gear. She had on a red hat, tank top, khakis and flip flops. She looked amazing, with no make-up at all of course. They breezed through the photo part of the exhibit and watched the movie portion for quite a while. They spent most of the time walking with their heads down and arms around each other and trying not to be noticed, I'm pretty sure my friend and I are the only ones who recognized them. As a result we couldn't pay too much attention to the exhibit until the way out because they were both so damn good looking....

just got back from the nomadic museum (4.14) and spotted ben stiller and christine taylor going in.... i noticed her first - for a brief moment i thought she was ashely olsen... they were both dressed in black and had big black wraparound sunglasses on... ct is glowingly beautiful...

Spotted Lou Reed dining solo at ever-so-trendy Spotted Pig. Walked by several times to verify, and then went directly home (next door) to load my iPod with Loaded. Sweet Jane!

I saw Jay McCarroll of Project Runway fame today walking on Mercer around NYU. He was wearing his typical cowboy hat, vibrant sunglasses, jeans, jacket, etc. I did a doubletake but it was definitely him.

Last night at Level V my friend was kicked off an empty table for the POWER GIRLS (all four of them). Other friends provided their identity since I've never seen the show but know all about it from your super intern! They were mighty cheesy. G-d help us all if they have more than two minutes of fame!

Entered Spamalot last night behind Regis (short? check!) and his wife. Followed Rod Stewart's hair and 7' tall Penny Lancaster out. They got into the wrong limo. Hilarity and the flowing of blonde locks ensued as they ran down 44th St. (hand-in-hand) to find the correct one. They were a spectacle, albeit a darned good looking one.

Saw "Master of Horror" Wes Craven (w/ blond woman in tow...his wife perhaps?) at Thursday night's performance of the The Pillowman. Very low key, sat in the mezzanine...I didn't even notice him 'till my boyfriend pointed him out during intermission.

last night at Caviar & Bananas, fka "The Restaurant", we witnessed of Lizzie's crew (no Millie). while i don't watch the show (my exposure is limited to the Gawker intern synopsis) my friends apparently do and drunkenly, and loudly, informed me that those girls are "POWERFUL". I only really noticed Kelly who was wearing some scarfy halter top in pinks and blues. her hair was way vivid blonde. aside from my friends, no one seemed to notice them.

spotted Juliana Margulies of ER fame (and that's about it, right?) walking towards Bryant Park on 42nd and Madison yesterday. she looked good, but shorter in person (shocker) and a bushy pony tail. she's got a very tight ass.

4/14 Hurlyburly performance I was near Jimmy Smits and his wife/gf/ladyfriend. They were keeping it seriously low profile but rocked out to the talking heads song during intermission. he is pretty tall compared to most actors you spot in real life.

Anthony Mackie (8 mile) outside Public. I think he got out of a BMW. Very Well dressed.

At Cain's Tuesday night Bunny Chow party, Skeet Ulrich was hanging with Ryan Gosling and checking out hottie DJ Sky Nellor. Wednesday night Simon LeBon was there for a party that DJ Pete Tong was throwing and on Thursday Michael Jordan was there. This place is on fire!

just saw chad lowe eating lunch with two guys in the cafeteria here at abc headquarters. it's a beautiful day outside and our food sucks. Not sure what he's thinking. (one of those new man date things??)

I saw Justin Chambers in the Westsude taven in Chelsea. Short and skinny. He was drinking beer and hanging out with a guy in a very cool looking leather blazer. He had sunglasses on his head and black jeans and a fleece. I follwed him outside when he went to smoke a cigarette and he stood there, smoking a marlboro ultra light and scowling. Later he went into the bathroom and I told my boyfriend to follow him in and tell him he had Patrick Swayze eyes (ala Hysterical Blindness) while they were staring at the urinal but it never happened. Too bad. All in all, not impressed.

Sat next to Julia Stiles last night (4/14) at blue ribbon with a group of about 3-4 other nondescript members of the hoi polloi. Cute, nice skin, adorable dimples, said my boyfriend, who also had to alert me to her presence at all since I had been grossly overserved at a wine tasting earlier. i was just trying to keep my eyes open at that point.

Gedde Watanabe, aka Long Duck Dong, stealing a cab from an adorable hailer in front of Juniper Suite on W. 56th on Thursday evening. His "sexy gurr-fend" was in tow.

While at The [NYU] Campus "Cheatery" on 4th Street, I noticed a hot young guy who, I decided, was MY real-life version of Felicity's "Ben." And then I walked outside, noticed a stunningly handsome man with a perfect jawline, and creamed my pants while staring awkwardly at the real thing: Hot Scott Speedman. In perfect form.

Last night in Times Square near the new Hard Rock Cafe, I saw Lindsay Lohan, Colleen Pelletier, Allyson Flloyd, and a bunch of other cast and crew shooting a scene from "Just My Luck" at about 10:00pm.

my first submission. the last 20 hours have been the peak of my nyc celeb sighting in my 1 1/2 years here: sat next to /sex in the city/'s cynthia nixon on the bus this morning, crusin down broadway on the m104. the now-blonde was seated at the back next to her adorable, spiffy-looking son charles, apparently on his way to school. was so taken by charles that i didn't even look up to see nixon, my roommate (on my other side) had to point out to me that it was her. as i got off, nixon's partner christine marinoni, who i also hadn't initially noticed because she wasn't sitting next to them (although there was an empty seat next to charles) actually got up and jokingly pretended to sit /on/ charles.

have decided that little kids are the perfect celeb disguise. Almost missed /the sopranos/'s michael imperioli (who plays Christopher moltisanti, tony soprano's coke-snorting, overeager nephew) last night around 8pm walking down west broadway in tribeca. he was wearing a leather jacket and stubble, and had one little kiddo on each side of him, walking hand-in-hand. and a younger woman to the left of one of the kids, the only one not in the chain. the foursome breezed past the 2/3 stop at chambers, waited for the light, and then crossed and continued south.

what a busy day yesterday was! that was after seeing a driver open the back door of a black car pulled up at the southwest corner of hudson and laight street at 1pm, out of which stepped musician billy joel, lookin snazzy but also stubbly and short in jeans and a jacket. a male friend got out of the car, too, then stood talking for a moment on the corner, and then walked south on hudson.

saw drew lachey at coffee shop in union square last night... at first I thought it was nick, but after some consideration decided it was his look-alike brother. he was with some guy and they were discreetly sat without having to wait.

Mork on Mulberry! On Saturday afternoon, people in Nolita were treated to an apres Brunch treat. Robin Williams was at the weekly young designers market in NoLita (aka as theMarketNYC) on Mulberry between Houston and Prince. He was with his wife, son, and his son's girlfriend. Robin walked around for checking out the hip and original designs of the young designers and even bought a few things. He was spotted buying some jewelry, a vintage belt buckle. He wasn't bothered for the first 30 minutes but then some people started stealing pictures of him, which didn't phase him at all. He waited outside for the rest of his group and he was mobbed by some fans. He signed autographs, posed for pics, and shook hands. Nano Nano. The next day Michael Michelle was seen at the market, though she didn't buy anything.

On Friday evening at 6.15, I saw Howard Stern heading into Da Silvano. Apparently they run an early-bird special for senior citizens and their large-breasted, bottle blonde sidekicks.

Walking down 9th Ave near 18th St. on Sat. eve, a woman in a khaki pantsuit approached with another woman and a little girl holding hands between them. My boyfriend was on the phone but immediately recognized the woman in khaki in question to be Sandra Bernhard. Not wanting to interrupt his phone call but having to say something, he twiddled his fingers at her and said "Sandra! HEY!" She responded with a hearty "HEY!!!" in her trademark snarl. Less remarkable, a few blocks up on 9th Ave: porn czar Michael Lucas window shopping with a couple who appeared to be his parents.

Saw BD Wong walking down Broadway in his gym clothes, maybe on the way to Crunch. Hands in pockets, looking down. Then Charlie Rose drove by in an open-top black car. He looked very weird. Hair dyed bizarrely, looked like he was wearing make-up. Alone in the car. It was very "look at me". Then, about an hour later, I saw Jessica Hecht from Friends, eating soup, standing on 15th Street, talking to some people.

Saw The View's favorite firecrotch, Joy Behar, at the Saturday evening performance of HurlyBurly. Before the show started my roommate and mom felt the need to stare Joy down as she sat facing the audience with her leg crossed over the arm rest. At intermission Joy and her much older date (lover mayhaps?) switched to stealth mode and snuck out.

Today, Saturday, 4/16/05, was a beautiful sunny day in NY. Broadway in Soho was jammed with people and like a walking fluorescent bulb, there was the blonde Sam Champion. If he was planning to walk around incognito, dude, wearing head to toe white isn't the proper ensemble to wear. He was walking with a black dude and methinks SC has gotten more muscular and buffer. He was looking good.

wednesday at the marquee club.saw princess superstar hanging out with peaches, paul sevigney, asfour and that melissa burns girl from w.i.t. they all seemed happy having a great time. later i saw peaches and melissa canoodeling in the corner! i heard it was melissa's birthday party.

I saw michael stipe, with what appeared to be his boyfriend coming out (ha ha) of the chase manhattan bank on the corner of 12th street and 8th avenue. Both looked very confused, wearing paperboy hats, boyfriend (?) was carrying flowers.

Just saw michael stipe sunday afternoon apparently looking at real estate in park slope.

I saw Dylan Baker (13 Days, Spider Man 2, Kinsey) and his lovely wife Becky Ann Baker (Freaks And Geeks) at the Times Square Chevy's on Friday night.

Today i was was having a nice sunny saturday afternoon with my friend walking her dog. As we stolled down second ave we passed by a very plain looking julia stiles. Following our uneventful sighting we proceeded to talk about how pissed we were that we had not seen topher grace since he moved to nyc. We walked over to Washington square park to find Topher Grace sitting on a bench with a some short dude and his little dog. He looked very cute, skinny and had a beard. A Lauren Prepon lookalike came and met them. They walked the dog around and then Topher stood in front of the NYU library for a couple minutes alone and then hopped in a cab with his dog. Needless to say, my friend and i were pleased with finally getting out topher sighting.

Looking homeless-delish, Scott Speedman in the bodega on the corner of West 3rd and Sullivan. Nice ass.

On Saturday 4/16 we were at the little flea market at 18^th st & 7^th . I turned my head and found my self standing next to an Olsen twin. I have no idea which one. When I went to find my friend and ask her, the twin was gone into her truck/limo. She was with a husky bearded dude. Not very attractive.

It turned out to be a double sighting day. As we crossed 7^th at 21^st street we walked into an oddly coiffed Kyle Mclachlan tugging two little dogs somewhere.

As I was walking to the subway after work(4/15), on 6th Ave just past Spring St, I spotted Vincent Gallo eating at a sidewalk cafe. He was staring at everyone that walked by, and was sitting so he was practically facing the street so people couldn't help but notice him. Not a block later, I walked by Jamie Gleicher, Gleichman - whatever - the Jewier one from MTV's Rich Girls. She was wearing a hoodie, with the hood up, and a jersey skirt, and talking loudly on her cell phone. The awful voice was what made me notice her.

Saw the PoweR Girls stumble into Marquee - where they didn't stay long because they had such a hard time getting in at the door. Imagine - they weren't recognized and given a table immediately. Also at Marquee - saw the Gotti brothers. All dressed in white as though it was Diddy's white party. Apparently, the camera doesn't add that much because they had just as much gel on in person as on TV. They stood, never leaving each other's side and didn't speak much to anyone. Jess Palmer (former Bachelor) was also in attendance. He sat on the top of a couch (maybe so people could see him better?) and sucked face with a skinny brunette who couldn't stand up and walk on her own without falling. Quddus (host of TRL) was also there and was pretty chill amongst the crowd as girl after girl flashed him their pretty smiles.I'm ashamed to say that these sightings helped to highlight the evening. I usually pride myself on not helping to encourage the reality show d-list celebrity facade.

i saw ashley olsen scratching her ass while in the whole foods soup aisle yesterday. she was a bitch and gave me the finger when she caught me looking at her. whatevs, dude. in my mind, she will forever be that lovable scamp michelle tanner, waddling around in diapers and saying "Right on, dude!" to uncle jesse.

my roommate and I were satisfying our beef craving the other night at peter luger when a group of four guys in matching adidas tracksuits rode up and parked their vespas outside. When they too off their helmets right out our window we were shocked to see it was actually the goo goo dolls — or at least johnny and robbie and some pals. for a bunch of old soft rock has beens in matching outfits, they sure were hot. Johnny goo even smiled at me when he caught me staring at him.

Last Sunday on 9^th Avenue and 14^th Street, walked right past the jean-clad, diminutive Laugh Whore himself Mario Cantone, accompanied by a much taller man (a significant other??). Mario was not as loud as I had expected but wildly gesticulating nonetheless . A mere few minutes later, on 8^th Avenue, in the low 20 s, spotted Parker Posey. She was sitting on a bench, with some non-descript male, right in front of one of the many gay establishments Walked right past her but decided to turn around to take a better look her hair was all afro (I guess for the play) and she had a pair of ghastly gold wedge shoes on! Her skin did not look too good .

This past Saturday John Waters taking a leisurely stroll on West 13^th Street, between 8^th & 9^th Avenues. His companion looked a mere 20 years old or so, wearing a very slacker get-up, spiky hair and all. Mr. Waters infamous mustache looks very fake, by the way as if it s painted on yes, I was this close to the happy go lucky couple . Had early dinner at Pastis on Saturday the paparazzi were stalking in full force. Apparently Ms. Lohan was staying at the Gansevoort Hotel across the street alas did not see her But if I have, I d given her a piece of my mind for keeping us up the other day, filming her new movie all night long, right underneath my windows ^

Sunday saw Maya Rudolph and some SNLish people walking into Scoopnyc in the meatpacking district .. altogether,,,while Christina Applegate s husband (the guy from that movie That Thing You Do) walked by walking there tinsy little dog . Then Leo and Giselle eating burgers in Pop Burger .. She is ridiculous.. he not so much so .i had heard he wasn t that impressive.. and its true.

On Friday I saw Rod Stewart shoe shopping on 5^th Ave. I pretty sure it was the real Rod and not his fake impersonator who likes to ride around on the F train - he was buying a pretty expensive pair of shoes and was trying to get the salesman to messenger the shoes to his hotel.

Yesterday (4/17) I had a wonderfully calm afternoon, accidentally trailing Sean Lennon and his skinny (but not busted) gal-pal twice (oh, but it gets better, read on). The first time, I was walking south on Mercer, towards Prince, behind the two. My first thought was, "Someone with that much facial hair must be trying to cover-up something." Then I saw who it was. He's gained weight and, like I said, facial shrubbery since I saw him last, when he had brunch at Columbus Bakery (the one on the UWS) with his then-girlfriend Bijou Philips. Anyways, Sean and the girl crossed over Prince, and I lost them. Fast forward to an hour later, as I'm walking up Greene, between Spring and Prince, and I recognize the blue cords Sean had been wearing. He was walking with 4 other people, one of whom was freshly-tanned (this wasn't no Mystic Tan) Vincent Gallo. Since I wasn't really in an oh-my-god-I'm-in-the-presence-of-hipster-celebs mode, I was trailing them pretty closely and, actually, trying to figure out how to pass them b/c they were walking around like tourists, and, for this reason, Mr. Gallo kept looking at me, as if to say, "May I help you?" I was finally able to pass them when Gallo started talking about some building across the street, both architecturally and in terms of who the original owners were. It seemed that he was talking to Sean directly, for a reason, so maybe Sean's buying up some SoHo real estate? Price, obviously, would not be an issue.

saw philip bloch on the west side highway's pedestrian walkway on Saturday afternoon, 4/16. my friend said "isn't that philip bloch?" I looked and only saw a crazy homeless man talking to himself. a few seconds later, he passed us. it was philip bloch! he wore burgundy track pants w/white stripes down the side, a vest over a long sleeve top, a beige knit beanie and a black nylon prada messenger bag. he made a U turn and passed us again a few minutes later. philip was animatedly talking, gesticulating with his hands and shaking his head. no cell phone headset was visible in either ear and he was alone. perhaps he was practicing his lines? shortly thereafter we saw linda evangelista at the catherine maladrino store in the meatpacking district. she looked great, not bloated and out of shape as previously reported in gawker stalker. hollow cheekbones, pale skin, yellow tinted sunglasses, white trench coat and jeans. I had just seen her "flashback" page in W along with her MAC viva glam ad so it was strange to see her in real life. I was surprised to see that she was a normal height. I always thought she was at least 5'11". a woman shopping at the store fell as linda passed by her. we thought it was because she was too busy staring at the 80s supermodel to notice the step down.

robin williams, his wife and kids were browsing at the young designers market on mulberry street. he was very low key, making a couple of purchases. people for the most part left him alone, though as he left i couldn't resist stopping him (apologetically...i never bother celebs) to tell him how much i loved the movie TOYS. he seemed a little taken aback but was very kind and talked to me for a bit about what a beautifully shot movie it was and how much he liked the art director. very cool.

I passed Uma Thurman and some guy on the sidewalk on Mercer St. just south of Houston Friday night. Felt really uncool for not knowing who he was- Andre or something? Obviously I haven't yet earned an Olsen sighting...

Saw Jay-Z last night (4/17) getting out of his Maybach and walking into Cipriani in SOHO. Looked great and was with a group of guys. Unfortunately, no Beyonce to be seen.

I was sobbing on the phone to my therapist's answering machine on Sunday around 5 or 6pm, on 14th and 6th, when all of a sudden Mr. Susan Sarandon rollerblades up next to me with his son. I interrupted my emotional meltdown long enough to inform my therapist that Tim Robbins looked really hot. Then I went back to my misery and got on the F train. It made me feel like I was in a movie! A really bad one about a crying cellphone girl!

Saw Uma Thurman and Andre Balzas at brunch at Balthazar on Saturday morning. She was not wearing any make-up and her was messy, but she still was looking good. At one point she reached over and affectionately rubebd Andre's head. Very cute.