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Since its founding by Andrew Krucoff over a year ago, the Gothamist Interview (n e the Young Manhattanite interview) has talked to New Yorkers of all ages, professions, and religious orientations about their lives in the big city. In all that time, I'm not sure I've ever enjoyed one more than Josh Abraham's chat today with 24-year-old Kew Gardens flight attendant Kelly O'Shaughnessy:

What exotic locales have you seen?
California, the Dominican Republic This is my third airline, so I've been everywhere. You name it I've been there.

Are you prepared for a terrorist attack?
I'm ready. Bring it on. BRING IT ON.

So what would you do?
I'm not telling you, but BRING IT ON.

What advice would you give Mayor Bloomberg?
Um, raises for flight attendants? He needs to have more respect for flight attendants. No, he's been very nice and respectful to us.

Favorite bar or restaurant?
Down the Hatch, because there's hot guys there.

Krucoff, you're going to answer for this in the Bardo.
Kelly O'Shaughnessy, Flight Attendant [Gothamist Interview]