From today's gaytastic Thursday Styles:

Since the advent a half decade ago of the jeans category termed "premium" or "luxury" denim, referring to trousers that cost $75 or more, the price of what were once quaintly known as dungarees has spiked so precipitously it is now in cloud-cuckooland. More curious still, blue jeans have suddenly shed their proud proletarian roots and turned into what retailers call a status buy.

Sounds familiar. Probably because we read the same schtick not quite a year ago. From the May 24, 2004 Observer:

"The designer jeans — I was shocked," said Kal Ruttenstein, fashion director of Bloomingdale's. "I believe we have 30 women's brands in our Soho store, and 16 for men. I remember when jeans were $ 78 retail, and that was considered designer jeans. If you go out in the evening, women are in a Chanel jacket, you see jeans and high-heeled shoes on everybody at Spice Market and Schiller's. It's like a uniform. They have to have it, and they're willing to spend for it. We have some at $ 88, but a lot between $ 100 and $ 150, and going up as high as $ 200. We're selling them especially in Soho, where I thought everybody was young, hip and poor."

Okay, it seems that we have a real problem with originality. How about someone lay off on the denim crap and write an aricle about overpriced hookers or something? That, in comparison to the "jeans are pricey" stuff, would at least tell your grandma something she doesn't already know.

Who Pays $600 For Jeans? [NYT]