
Patrick Hearts Lauren: A Hollywood Wedding Story

mark · 05/23/05 01:50PM

At the time of this posting, there's only 89 days, 8 hours, and 51 minutes until agent Patrick Whitesell of Endeavor and local TV personality Lauren Sanchez dive into the heated, Olympic-size Infinity pool of wedded, entertainment-industry bliss. How do we know this? The happy couple's erected an online monument to their impending nuptials. Here's an excerpt from their proposal story, related by Lauren. SPOILER ALERT: She says yes, and the rock is huge:

Gossip Roundup: Casting Tom Cruise's Beard

Jessica · 05/23/05 10:40AM

· Katie Holmes was not Tom Cruise's top choice for the role of "girlfriend." That would've gone to Kate Bosworth, but Bosworth wasn't confident enough in her acting skills to accept the part. [Gatecrasher (2nd item)]
· Meanwhile, Cruise continues to babble his career down the drain. [Lowdown]
· When pressed with questions about whether or not Counting Crows singer Adam Duritz hired hookers, Duritz's rep responded: "He's a rock star, for God's sake. He gets some of the most beautiful women in Hollywood." These beautiful women, mind you, are usually hanging at Off The Wagon. [Page Six]
· American Idol loser Corey Clark refuses to fade into obscurity after openly admitting he humped Paula Abdul; now Clark insinuates that Ryan Seacrest and Simon Cowell were an item. Which we totally believe. [R&M (4th item)]
· We love us some Elisa Lipsky-Karasz, but how much longer are they going to leave her final column up on the site? It's time to let go. [ELK]

The Poets Of Craigslist: Perverts With Pens Of Gold

Pareene · 05/23/05 08:27AM

Wouldn't it be cute, said the Times City section, if we poked gentle fun at the desperate losers of Craigslist? And, say, stole a gimmick from Slate, mixed it with a bit of The Black Table, and tied it together with the usual "New York is a city of whatever we need it to be for the purposes of this piece" talk?

Guest Editor: Letter From a Young Blogger

Pareene · 05/23/05 07:45AM

Hi, I'm Alex. I'm guest-editing Gawker as part of a work-study program through the department of Blogs and Public Policy at the New School — I get one department credit for every 10,000 hits. I was briefly a Sploid intern, but I was fired for inserting pro-life messages into all of Ken Layne's posts. I'm totally pumped about spending the week with you — send me your tips, links, and funny pictures of ostensibly famous people. The library computer filters block Drudge so I can't just steal my content all day. -AP

The Latest In Underpaid Freelance Writers

Jessica · 05/23/05 07:23AM

Ain't no gangbang like a Gawker gangbang, 'cause a Gawker gangbang don't stop. As such, this week brings us another guest editor by the name of Alex Pareene. And who is this Alex we speak of? He's a student (of life), a pilot (of Cessnas), and, most recently, a failed intern (at Sploid). Always keen on sloppy seconds, we've brought Alex under Gawker's ghetto wings for the week. We'd ask that you be gentle with our new slave, but he likes it rough — so bend him over and love him the only way you know how.

Yabba Dabba Dead

mark · 05/20/05 05:59PM

RIP, Henry Corden, voice of Fred Flintstone.

Guest Editor: Acknowledgments, Feedback Still Welcome

kewalters · 05/20/05 05:00PM

Hey folks, it's been real. Thanks to Gawker Media and Ms. Jessica Coen. Good luck to the staffers at Radar: I hope your site traffic picks up soon.* On that note, I ll leave you with a fascinating tip, received via electronic mail only hours ago.

Remainders: All Blogs, All the Time, All Wrong

kewalters · 05/20/05 04:40PM

· A new study on web-logs finds 32 million people can be wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong.[Business 2.0]
· What happens when a blog meets trucker hat? Sky falls, sharks jump, and Denton smiles. Some of us, however, struggle to hold back tears. [Adrants]
· Blogarajah Jeff Jarvis leaves to change the world with and the New York Times' TimesSelect team. Pony up the fifty bucks, and you can see how he does it. [Buzzmachine]

To Do: Stellastarr*, Bright Eyes, And Housewives O' Desperation

Jessica · 05/20/05 02:45PM

· NY2LON is dedicated to breaking down the cultural divide between the US/UK. We read on Slate's American History 101 that the divide was kind of broken down in 1776, but what the fuck do they know. In any event, the Ordinary Boys and Amusement Parks on Fire rep the Brits; Hong Kong and stellastarr* (posing as The Ligers — shhh! Don't tell!) rep the US at Bowery tonight. [flavorpill]
· One of these days, someone will come up with a way to take on the right-wingers at Fox News and Drudge. Air America, alas, was not that someone. Janeane Garofalo, Sam Seder, Tim Robbins, and Jason Bateman reinforce this fact at the Tank tonight. [Tank]
· The East River Music Project is a group of New Yorkers trying to foster a sense of community in this beautiful beast of a city," says Flavorpill. The Evens, Parts & Labor perform tonight as part of East River Music Project, which aims to "foster a sense of community" in New York. Good luck, dude. Feel the attempted love tonight at the East River Amphitheater. [flavorpill]
· Bright Eyes, aka Conor Oberst, aka the collective wet dream of OC fans and novelist Jonathan Safran Foer, plays at Webetsr Hall tonight. You know you want to, and, if you're lucky, you just might see a certain post-modern someone! [Webster Hall]
· Do you even listen to our Sunday suggestions? We know you're just going to watch the season finale of Desperate Housewives no matter what we tell you to do.

Advertorial Holla

Jessica · 05/20/05 10:57AM

Thanks to this week's sponsors, whose support keeps us drenched in pimp juice. Interested? More info here.

Remainders: The Nothing About 'Radar' Edition (Seriously)

kewalters · 05/19/05 05:20PM

·Think you have an eating disorder? You probably do! So get over your anorexia, and train like a competive eater. [Black Table]
·What s a housing map? Don t know, but if it will knock $300 off the rent, we re listening. [omg]
· The blog-on-blog wildness at Standard Deviance is quoted in Time Magazine. Rejoice! There's hope for us all — or, like, the exact opposite. [Standard Deviance]

Paris Hilton Hack Explained!

Jessica · 05/19/05 04:21PM

After months of sleepless nights spent wondering how and why Paris Hilton's Sidekick was so mercilessly hacked (can you remember that far back?), our geeky brother notifies us that the Washington Post has made contact with the hackers responsible for the release of Hilton's personal information. So how'd they do it?

To Do: Bhangra, Underage Social Climbers, Hold Steady

Jessica · 05/19/05 03:15PM

· Bhangra's the hottest thing to come out of the UK since the Beatles. No wait, that was Grime. Fuck, these trends are impossible to keep up with. In any event, State of Bengal and Dhamaal (that means a period of violence in Gujarati—Intern Neel) get all subcontiental and shit for Sub Swara at Capitale. [flavorpill]
· Investment Bankers have "Monkey Business;" fashion assistants have "The Devil Wears Prada;" budding alcoholics have "Smashed." Now, the obnoxious little twits of Chapin and St. Ann's have "The Rise and Fall of a 10th Grade Social Climber." The authors read excerpts of the book at the Borders on Park Ave. between 56th and 57th Streets, though quite frankly we'd rather stay at home and stare at Lindsay Lohan's boobs in "Mean Girls." [SocialClimberBooks]
· A spot on the Pazz and Jop poll. A feature in the Village Voice. An interview in Pitchfork. Better catch the Hold Steady in all their late-night bar rock glory before they blow up. Err, too late! Better luck next time. [BB]

Emailing Scary Norwegians From Brooklyn

kewalters · 05/19/05 02:20PM

Nothing gets our Satan-worshipping hearts beating faster than a long, bizarre, and heated email exchange between a Brooklyn writer and a Norwegian black metal group. Hunh? Norwegian Black Metal? A Brooklyn freelance writer? Fuck! It's the Apocalypse!

Donald Trump: Lower Manhattan Needs to be Saved

kewalters · 05/19/05 09:22AM

Yesterday we reported on Donald Trump s finances. Per usual, we totally missed the real story. That story being: Trump confirms he is an Ass of the Highest Order (and we love him for it). Also, he sounds somewhat serious* about wanting to rebuild the WTC. Quoth The Donald: