· NY2LON is dedicated to breaking down the cultural divide between the US/UK. We read on Slate's American History 101 that the divide was kind of broken down in 1776, but what the fuck do they know. In any event, the Ordinary Boys and Amusement Parks on Fire rep the Brits; Hong Kong and stellastarr* (posing as The Ligers — shhh! Don't tell!) rep the US at Bowery tonight. [flavorpill]
· One of these days, someone will come up with a way to take on the right-wingers at Fox News and Drudge. Air America, alas, was not that someone. Janeane Garofalo, Sam Seder, Tim Robbins, and Jason Bateman reinforce this fact at the Tank tonight. [Tank]
· The East River Music Project is a group of New Yorkers trying to foster a sense of community in this beautiful beast of a city," says Flavorpill. The Evens, Parts & Labor perform tonight as part of East River Music Project, which aims to "foster a sense of community" in New York. Good luck, dude. Feel the attempted love tonight at the East River Amphitheater. [flavorpill]
· Bright Eyes, aka Conor Oberst, aka the collective wet dream of OC fans and novelist Jonathan Safran Foer, plays at Webetsr Hall tonight. You know you want to, and, if you're lucky, you just might see a certain post-modern someone! [Webster Hall]
· Do you even listen to our Sunday suggestions? We know you're just going to watch the season finale of Desperate Housewives no matter what we tell you to do.