Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Nancy Reagan, Merv Griffin, Ellen DeGeneres, Trent Reznor, Julia Roberts, Jon Stewart, Derek Jeter, Liev Schreiber, Naomi Watts, Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Janet Jackson, Jimmy Fallon, Tom Selleck, Joan Collins, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gisele Bundchen, Pierce Brosnan, Scarlett Johansson, Bono, The Edge, Bill Hemmer, Amy Sedaris, Paul Dinello, Matthew Fox, Macaulay Culkin, Mila Kunis, Keri Russell, Jason Alexander, Allison Janney, John Turturro, Jason Bateman, David Cross, Lawrence Fishburne, Jerry O'Connell, Rebecca Romijn, Alyson Hannigan, Alexis Denisof, Seth Green, Danny Masterson, Jenna Elfman, Gary Shandling, Malcolm Gladwell, Helena Christensen, Jessica Cutler, Les Moonves and Jerry Bruckheimer.

Last night I experienced my best celebrity sighting ever. I went to see Spamalot (very funny show) and was surprised that Nancy Reagan (yes, that one) was sitting three rows behind me. She was with an older gentleman (dare I say date?). I wouldn't think a show with fart jokes would be her speed but whatever. It gets better: I was with some people who knew members of the cast so we went backstage. In the small holding area, I found myself just a few feet from Nancy and discovered that her "date" was more of a "walker": Merv Griffin! Merv definitely has aged and looked very much like a rich Palm Beach daddy (blue blazer, tan pants, tan skin). Nancy looked smart as always in a cream-colored suit and although she does resemble a bobble-head, she is less fragile looking in person. Various members of the cast (Tim Curry, Hank Azaria) came to pay their respects but Nancy saved her big hug for David Hyde Pierce and then remained in an intense conversation with him for 10 minutes. What is it with her and the gays? It's all a bit too self-loathing for this homo.

Just stepped out of my office to drop some mail in the box at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Washington Square North and came across Ellen DeGeneres taping some kind of people-you-meet-on-the-street segment. Ellen was wearing an all-white suit with tuxedo-style pants and had a massive entourage in tow.

Saw Trent Reznor waiting to go into Spamalot on Tuesday. Which makes perfect sense because when you think of musical theater, you naturally associate Trent Reznor.

on 5/18 saw julia "pretty woman" roberts crossing 34th st on 5th avenue by herself. i was suprised at how "normal" she looked. hair pulled back in a ponytail and wearing dark sunglasses chatting on her cell phone, but her skin looked really good. no one seemed to notice her except me.

5/19 Just saw Jon Stewart with wife and stroller entering Whole Foods on Union Square. They were walking slightly annoyingly slowly in front of me, which caught my attention, but I'll cut them slack because they were in a tight circle, not sprawled across the sidewalk. He was lightly stroking her back in a circular motion with the tips of his fingers; I'm sorry, but it was cheesy.

Saw Yankee Badboy Derek Jeter at around 10:00 at Patsy's Pizzaria tonight on 3rd Ave at 34th St. He was facing each us for the whole meal! He is VERY good looking and tall. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt with a Michael Jordan logo on the front. He was there with a very attractive younger woman and another guy who also looked like a baseball player - could have been Paul O'Neill, but we didnt get a good look as his back was to us. He had an adorable smile and seemed really nice - he was letting a group of tourists (we think) pretend to take pictures of themselves, when they were obviously taking pics of Derek Jeter in the background.

Saturday May 21, 5pm - Spotted Liev Schreiber and Naomi Watts making out in a park along the West Side highway at 55th Street. She looked pale and pasty without any makeup.

Saturday afternoon in Central Park, walked right past Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, who walked with a boy (14ish?) that I think was their son. I actually noticed her first (she was v. pretty), and tried to smile, but think I was more likely making the "i'm-trying-to-be-cool-when-caught-staring-at-a-celebrity" face. Tom Hanks looked like any other dad in the park, wearing shorts, a t-shirt and baseball cap, and was shorter and less puffy than I imagined. On Sunday, saw none other than Pacey (aka Joshua Jackson) chowing brunch with a teeny tiny girl at 7A. He looked great...tall, longish hair. They sat at the bar and kept to themselves...couldn't tell if she was someone I should recognize or not.

Sat next to Janet Jackson at Paris Commune the other day. She sat with her back to the room with hat and giant sunglasess with male friend. Her neanderthal bodyguard gave her away by sitting at adjacent table and refused any food or drink. The owner was beside himself, hovering about with gleeful grin. Overheard waiter saying that her check was comped and she left zero tip. Ever the class act, those Jacksons.

my wife and mother-in-law were walking past the Union Square W yesterday (5/18) when they both collectively spied Jimmy Fallon standing outside. this was immediately followed by my mother-in-law yelling "hey, it's Will Ferrell! take a picture!" nice. sorry, Jimmy.

A couple of good classics at La Gouloue last night. While sitting there a hot, tan daddy type walked in the door — and then I realized I was getting turned on by Magnum P.I. himself, Tom Selleck. He looked great — well preserved, but not creepy like Burt Reynolds. But then a better one: tiny woman, in HUGE super dramatic white hat and matching scarf gets up to leave. It's Joan Collins! She was with a stylish, very young cute guy and I thought, good for her all Demi Moore style, but then I remembered, doesn't she have a gay son? They left holding hands. Super cute. She looked botoxy, but really happy.

I saw Giselle and Leo eating lots of junk food at the Barrow/Bedford/Commerce Street Fair in the West Village on Saturday afternoon. Leo is much bigger and beefier in person than I would have imagined (maybe bulking up for role?). Giselle had a bad case of noassitol in baggy jeans but is very tall and attractive in person.

Pierce Brosnan, Tuesday, on Madison Ave and 67th Street. Looked like he just stepped out of an Australian tennis club. His butt is really small. But anyway - Some German (I think) tourists whipped out a mini videocamera and just pointed it at him. He stood around for a minute, but then went up to them and said, "Get that camera out of my face - please." German man: "what?" Bond: "I said get that thing out of my face, please." At least he was somewhat polite. Then, almost tripped into Scarlett Johansson as were leaving. She is shorter than expected (maybe 5' 2") but very beautiful and voluptuous in person.

saw Bono and The Edge at babbo last night (5/19). the edge came in 5 minutes before bono, and no one else seemed to notice him. bono came in followed by his goon. he is pretty hard to miss, despite being about 5'8" tops. after a trip to the bathroom, i saw they were eating at separate tables. i wonder if bono sleeps with his sunglasses? they are both looking pretty good for their age.

I saw Bill Hemmer from CNN's "American Morning" this evening at Da Silvano. He was joined by a rather large group of friends, including two ladies wearing a lot of make-up and plenty of trashy clothes. When I went to the restroom, I accidently walked in on Bill as he took a piss. Why he didn't lock the door, I'll never know. Anyway, as he exited the restroom, he gave me a polite nod. Upon entering the facility, I discovered that Bill had left me a present: he pissed all over the seat. And he apparently never learned how to shake because there was a small puddle of urine in front of the toilet. Did he just let it drip-dry...who knows? I'm not sure if Soledad likes this kind of stuff, but it was definitely a turn-off for me.

The Olde Village Street Fair in the Village this past Saturday was choc-a-bloc with celebs. I spotted 'Strangers With Candy' stars Amy Sedaris and Paul Dinello working their way through the crowd and Fisher Stevens and his posse.

Leaving my building, on my way to the gym, I nearly opened my gate into Matthew Fox from Party of Five and Lost walking down 2nd Street between A & B, he was holding hands with a woman who looked 15 years older than him and they were discussing how hard it s been for him the last few years. Oddly, they were both dressed in black, not in a stylish kind of way, but in a we just came from a funeral kind of way.

Thursday night around 1AM I walked into Bar None to grab a drink with some friends and at the booth right by the door I saw Chris Barrett, Macaulay Culkin and his girlfriend miss That 70's Show Mila Kunis. Once people began to realize who was at the bar they started getting bombarded and they called their limo and got out of there.

5/19 at The Pillowman I saw Keri Russell sitting with a guy who seemed to be her boyfriend. Is absolutely stunning in person. Also seemed very nice and gracious when a woman came up to her outside during intermission.

Last night (5/18) at Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf was apparently current and former NBC cast night — saw Jason Alexander (as short as you think) and Allison Janney (as tall as you think). Not together. Later, on the street, friends saw Maura Tierney, but I missed her. Dammit.

Saw John Turturro standing in line at the Film Forum for the 3:15 showing of either Nights of Cabiria or that movie with the kid from Third Rock. He was looking like... himself. With a young or youngish lady.

Had lots of fun celeb spottings at Cain last night (5/19), which was absolutely packed for their Upfront party. At the table to our left were Jason Bateman and David Cross celebrating the renewal of Arrested Development along with Will Forte who my friend recognised from SNL. At the table to our right was Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luther from Smallville) looking hot with his buzzed hair quite a good dancer too. His one-time Smallville co-star Jensen Ackles was hanging out in front of that table looking stunningly beautiful.

Saw Lawrence Fishburne having dinner last night at Jezebel's. He is still looking mighty fine.

Spotted Jerry O'Connell and Rebecca Romijn having a quiet dinner at a back table at Rose of India on 6th Avenue on Thursday Evening. They had a large amount of food for the pair (is she pregnant? She looked a teensy heavy) but were very quiet and polite to the help.

On Thursday, May 19th, I saw wife and husband Alyson Hannigan and Alexis Denisof (of Buffy and American Pie and Buffy and Angel fame) walking along Spring Street in Soho. They appeared to be either lost or just taking a very casual stroll. I noticed Alexis first, in a nice blue sweater and dark rimmed glass before I realized why he looked familiar. Then I took notice of who he was with. Alyson was sporting large 70s style marron tinted sunglasses, her red hair cut in a sort of a layered longish pixie. (I'm not good with hair styles!)

Yesterday (5/18) saw Seth Green (aka Dr. Evil's son Scott) on 9th and 26th. He looked SOOO much better in real life to the point where at first I was like "that kind of looks like seth green but that guy is a lot hotter than him": taller and thinner (he had cheekbones), non-red hair, and was wearing jeans, brown leather jacket, aviator glasses and a scowl. He was walking really fast over to 10th w/ his hands stuffed in his pockets.

I'm in Atlanta for the American Psychiatric Association conference (boring, but you get all the free pens and notepads that you can stuff in a Zoloft tote bag), and who do I see but Danny Masterson from "That 70's Show" marching in the anti-psychiatry and medication protest near the convention center. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (aka Scientologists in disguise) were protesting the use of antidepressants on kids. Remember kids: it's ok to play a pot-smoking burnout on television, but physician-prescribed controlled substances are BAD.

Walked by Jenna Elfman on the way back from lunch on 51st and Avenue of the Americas. The girl needs a new hairstylist. Her normally stylish blond waves were frayed and stringy. I didn't know blond could be so... bright. I would tell you what she was wearing but I was too distracted by her new do. She was walking with some woman but again, can't give you much details. Isn't it weird how one thing catches your eye and you can't see anything else but? Oh, and she's tall and skinny.

Gary Shandling and a MUCH younger woman @ The Pillowman 5/19 - he is not attractive in person.

Malcolm Gladwell, A Haiku:
Thursday lunch alone
In Soho cafe window
Staring at laptop

I saw Helena Christensen looking radiant and shopping her balls off in Marc Jacobs on Bleecker yesterday.

around 6:30 p.m. on sunday the 22nd, i saw washingtonienne aka jessica cutler checking out of whole foods market in union square. she was wearing a khaki trench coat, a black skirt and black high heels. i was surprised that she was so petite. she was carrying a jamba juice drink and seemed to be by herself. she was smiling and looked a little tanned. i couldn't see any of the items she bought.

Tuesday 5/17 at Wolfgang's Steakhouse, i recognized Les Moonves and super hot wife Julie Chen. She's gorgeous, he's not. Also at the table was the fabulous Jerry Bruckheimer. All my friends were discussing his movies and all I could come up with was Amazing Race!!!! I'm sure they were all there to celebrate the CBS upfronts but they didn't seem too happy...