Sightings are sent in by readers; send yours to

In this edition: Julia Roberts, Sarah Jessica Parker, Ashley Olson, George Clooney, Hank Azria, Jon Bon Jovi, Uma Thurman, Michael Kors, Lindsay Lohan, Drew Barrymore, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gisele Bundchen, Jimmy Smits, Naomi Watts, Barbara Walters, Katie Couric, Anderson Cooper, Ben Stiller, Christopher Meloni, Theodora Richards, Jessica Alba, Mike Meyers, Pierce Brosnan, Jimmy Fallon, Elijah Wood, Rebecca Romijn, Jerry O'Connell, Julia Stiles, Famke Janssen, Chloe Sevigny, Kevin Bacon, Christian Slater, Dennis Leary, Kurt Loder, David Schwimmer, Tyra Banks, John Turturro, Steve Scharripa, Ivanka Trump, Adam Yauch, Damon Dash, Marcia Cross, Danny Masterson, Matt Lillard, Eric Stoltz, Wyclef Jean, Annabella Sciorria, Helena Christenson, and Al Sharpton.

last night at the Riverkeeper benefit at Pier 60: Jon Bon Jovi, looking somewhat leathery and sporting severely overprocessed hair, was there with his casually dressed, regular-person wife; a semi-incoherent Uma Thurman emceeing the live auction, quasi-aware of her rambling on: "i have to check with my boyfriend to see if i'm embarrassing myself." Andre Balazs, also in attendance, ought to have responded in the affirmative. she did look amazing though. super tall and just glow-y in a white-base, gauzy flowered dress; Christy Turlington, sans Ed Burns in a boring black dress (also chiffon-y); Cedric the Entertainer, with a very tall, Kangol-capped bodyguard (is a bodyguard *really* necessary at an event that's like $1,000/plate or something like that??) who accompanied him to the mens room; SVU's Richard Belzer, who arrived alone and spent much of the night wandering about solo with dark sunglasses on all the while.

ka-ching. Just walked past Julia Roberts crossing 14th Street at 2nd Avenue, which I thought was random until someone told me she has a place in Gramercy. I was the only civilian around who sensed her presence. Her hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail, enormous black wraparound shades which covered most of her face, long-sleeve black tee and jeans, and one (only one) baby attached to her torso. She was walking with an older woman, who now that I think about it may have had the missing baby #2 attached to her, but I was so zeroed in on a positive ID that I didn't really pay attention.

Walked by Sarah Jessica Parker on Park Ave South Tuesday, May 18 around 6:15 PM. She was walking uptown, talking on her celly and smiling largely. She had one of them news boy caps on — and pants... and a shirt and a jacket. (I pay close attention to what women wear!) Wouldn't be a legitimate SJP Stalker entry without mentioning she's petite, right?

I walked past a decidedly non-boho dressed Ashley Olsen and female friend on Laguardia between Third and Bleecker this afternoon. Monstrous sun glasses were, of course, in full effect. The two seemed inordinately interested in a cheap Italian restaurant. God only knows.

Last Friday night I saw George Clooney and Hank Azaria hanging out in the middle of the (Union Square) W Hotel Bar. Clooney was all decked out like Danny Ocean and had some surprisingly un-hot (considering he's George fucking Clooney) but very young chick in tow.

Sunday, May 15th- Sayville, NY (Fire Island Ferry Dock) Got cruised by an overly botoxed & bloated Michael Kors. He obviously had timed his charted boat's arrival at the dock to coincide with the ferry's so that all of us plebs could catch him being whisked back to the city in his towncar. If you ask me, seems like a lot of work for nothin' since his head shot has got to me at least 10 years old & no one even recognized him.

i finally ran into lindsay lohan. it was about 2am on tuesday the 17th, i was trying to meet my friend in some place called Butter (lafayette/astor) i stood arguing with Craig, the friendly but stern guy at the door, i saw Lindsay Lohan and a posse of people leaving. They jumped into the infamous black SUV. I didnt really get a good look at Lohan, cuz i was drunk and didnt realize that this was the pinnacle of moment of my life ( i previously thought the pinnacle was when i saw the guy from counting crows). I did notice that she was with a bunch of doofy white guys though. I wonder why she hangs out with such lame-os. next time i see her, im gonna see if she wants to smoke weed.

When I was going for my so "must have"-morning coffee at my favorite coffee-place, I barely saved myself from getting knocked down by a lovely, but in a hurry, Drew Barrymore. Two steps behind, the Sparrow (the Southside Stalkers-singer) came in the same speed, and almost as lovely. I dunno if they were in company though, but they were wearing matching hats! Drew hold one coffee-cup in each hand, and had one stucked under her arm, but she wasn't exactly looking tired so I assume that the coffee was for someone else. She's just looking better and better for every day, completely stunning!

Saw Leo and Giselle at Pearl Oyster Bar on Saturday night. We went in late because we figured we had a better shot at a table and were JUST about to be seated when we got bumped. Turns out it was for Leo, Giselle and her mom. The chef was really nice, buying us lots of food to make up for it—note to other NYC restaurants, that is how it's done! Then we ended up at the table across from them. They totally fit in with the crowd, Leo smiling, joking with the waitstaff, and looking handsome in jeans and a basball cap. Giselle looked very young with no make up but very cute. The waiter spoke to her in her native language and she and her mom loved it! So much for the super model cigarette and red wine diet, the three of them ate TONS: 2 dozen oysters, fried oysters, steamers, clam chowder, some fried shrimp thing, a grilled lobster and a whole fish. Overheard them saying they wanted to bring in friends.

Spotted on Saturday, May 14th, 2005. Union Square West. I'm dodging tourists and jaywalkers across from the Mickey D's, look left and there they are in a big black Escalade (*I believe....). Leo and Gis are in the backseat, superdark tinted windows down, Leo on the left, Gis in the middle——-looking way HOT. I stop cold in my tracks and decide to stalkerishly see where they are headed (By the time I decide to turn around and follow them, Leo starts raising the window, juice concoction in tow, I cross onto the SE corner of Univ place and 15th. I think they are headed toward 14th, so I cross the street and pass the Coffee Shop. But they turn onto 15th!!!!!!!!! I can't let this chance pass and turn around. I decide to pull a little stalkerazzi and start walking down 15th at breakneck pace. Luckily, they are stuck at a light, a couple of cars behind the red. I'm hoofin' it (*with two bags weighin' me down) and make it to 5th, but they are gone........a couple of blocks ahead of me crosstown....

Saw Jimmy Smits outside of Elio's on 2nd Ave. at 84th St. last night - on crutches - with a cute little hat on and cute facial hair - talking to a woman who looked very enthusiastic.

Saw Naomi Watts at intermission during last night's performance of The Glass Menagerie, on her cell phone outside with two women who were smoking. She looked great but no one else seemed to recognize her. I wanted to ask her if she had actually paid more than $20 for the play, but settled for stammering that I'm a big fan - she was in mid-bite of a chip but managed to thank me nicely without choking.

saw Barbara Walters in a bright red suit having a late lunch at Osteria del Circo on 55th this afternoon (5/18). spotted her from the back but confirmed the sighting after hearing her distinctive voice.

While trying to cross the street at Rock Center to suck more money out of the ATM I was suddenly assaulted by a ban of tween girls all carrying Build A Bear Boxes and Louis Vuittons (faux or no?) "That's her! In the Pink! AAAAAA!" they screamed while throwing themselves in front of traffic. It was none other than the Today's Show Katie Couric standing on the street for no apparent reason (no doubt trying to claw back at her sugary sweet image after being publicly ousted as provoking a wave of pink terror alert fear in the halls with her Minolos). A policeman quickly appeared on horseback to avert the traffic caused by the rush of tourists. And Katie smiled. Widely.

I was having lunch today outside at Eatery on 9th in (getting-gayer-by-the-day) Hell's Kitchen, and none other than Anderson Cooper walked by and smiled at me. He was looking great, but small, and very, very gay in a little pressed black short-sleeve shirt and trendy-ish jeans. His hair was less done than on TV, but I guess that's to be expected.

Saw Ben Stiller on University Place near 8th Street on Monday. He was looking quite shady, standing to the side with a non-descript gentleman and chatting it up. Shorter than I expected, which means that Christine Taylor must be extra short.

Chris Meloni (Law & Order / Oz) looking very cute, albeit a bit shorter than I imagined at the Gersh upfront party tuesday night at Bed. He stayed awhile and complained about the lack of airconditioning.

5/17 - was on my way to meet some friends at the Yard in soho for a drink and bumped (literally) into Theodora Richards who was a bit shorter than i thought but extremely stunning. while cocktailing al fresco at the yard, i saw Wilmer Valderrama and Seth Green noching.

Saw Jessica Alba striding quickly through Central Park with two big guys behind her. She has really short, blond hair now, well what I could see underneath her baseball cap.

Saw Mike Myers and wife waiting to cross the road on Hudson and Morton for the second time in a week. She was cooing over my dog and I was telepathically saying to him say something funny, say something funny and then when his wife commented on my dog s disgusting wart he said we accept you! We accept you! in a sort of robot voice. I didn t laugh, was too excited to discover telepathic abilities.

I saw Pierce Brosnan at the Whitney museum at about 4:00 this afternoon. It was this kind of weird Tim Hawkinson modern art exhibit, but he seemed really into it. He was alone, and he looked really good!

So some poor girl straight outta new mexico is out trying to get anyone to sign a petition to "stop lead poisoning" and nearly faints from an embarrassing, extremely lame, public case of "B-rate star power." It all starts when one of the few living, non-$100 million bank account holding, ex-SNL male castmates, i.e. Jimmy Fallon walks by with his crew. He musta been impressed with her opening, "wanna help stop lead poisoning?" His friends do the right thing and continue into the coffee shop in Gramercy Park while he stops to listen to her go off about 'lead' and also how much she loves him and can't believe he's there talking to her right now. Now get this, she gets his ear and ultimately his signature on the petition. It's nice to know even some stars have 5 minutes for the little people. When he was walking away the poor little girl mentions she made his day as she recently met Regis Philbin too. Jimmy says Regis is a great guy.

it was party time in the LES tuesday nite with a X 3 sighting: Elijah Wood, looking true to size and clean cut in a white buttonup short, and Donald 'don't get on the freeway' Faizon and Liev Schieber!

Two sightings last night (5/16). I saw Rebecca Romijn & Jerry O'Connell on Hudson and Jane. They were dressed up and seemed slightly lost. She's unbelievably hot in person. He was sporting a hanging cigarette a la Dr. Raymond Stantz and went out of his way to give a homeless dude some money. Walking onwards and upwards, I saw Julia Stiles eating dinner outside, around 19th & 8th. She looked whatever. I wanted to ask her to say, "I WOULD NEVER PLAY YOU LIKE THAT!!" but thought that might be construed as "rude".

Julia Stiles was walking down 3rd Avenue by 10th Street Wednesday afternoon with an extreme scowl on her face. She was wearing a pink cardigan of sorts and had on no make-up, which certainly didn't make for the best look. She also looked angry... Really angry.

Sunday May 15, saw the ubiquitous Famke Janssen with her dog in front of the Moma store on Spring Street. I always notice her dog first, and then her! She looked like she had some serious foundation on, that was melting in the humidity, but still so striking and pretty!

I just saw Chloe Sevigny at the Duane Reade at 46th and 6th, Wednesday 5/18, 4 p.m. She blew in and out in about four minutes — power-walked down to the pharmacy and back out the door in the time it took me to get through the three-person line with my toilet paper. Is it so horrible to mingle a moment with the common people? Apparently so. Her outfit was less hideous than I might have anticipated (black-and-white peasanty skirt, black tank top, white leather hobo bag, and an unfortunate pair of gray python knee-high boots), but damn, that's not a pretty girl.

Forget six degrees of separation...try less than three feet away from Kevin Bacon on the UWS, who was with two teens who could have easily been his offspring. Sad to say though his footloose days are O-V-E-R. He's actually beginning to resemble a piece of his last name, what with his greasy, stringy hair and wrinkles and all. Either that or a trucker. 10-4.

Saw Christian Slater walking west on 49th Street between Madison and 5th on Tuesday, May 17th. He stopped for a while mid-block and had a conversation on his cellphone.

I just drove by Denis Leary and someone that resembled Michael Madsen filming at Fabiane s on Bedford Ave. in the burg. Imdb didn t yield any clues as to what they re filming.

Saw Kurt Loder browsing the outdoor selection at Biography Book Shop in the West Village on Sunday afternoon about 2:30 p.m. Wearing jeans, blue blazer and loafers. Short (5'7" tops), ginormous head and cute, slightly elflike ears. Otherwise, he looked very well preserved. Looked younger than I'm sure he actually is.

was having an early drink at the spotted pig in west village when we noticed David Schwimmer. he had been walking around the bar for about 5 minutes before i noticed him - he was dressed down and not particularly good-looking, albeit quite tall. after he and his friend picked a spot they had a v. low-key conversation, and we forgot about him.

Was heading out for lunch today (5/17) with a co-worker and we were walking down Sixth Ave. between 46th and 45th, when I spotted on the crowded sidewalk Tyra Banks. She was on her pink cell and walking in the opposite direction. She was very dressed down, jeans, t-shirt, and a grey zip up hoodie. I've seen her in person before, but my co-worker was very surprised
that she wasn't taller.

We saw John Turturro shopping in the green market at Prospect Park as we were on our way to see the Basquiat show at the Brooklyn Museum on saturday the 14th.

I had a late lunch outside at Remi with a friend today (5/17) when what to my wondering eyes should appear but Pacey himself, that's right, Joshua Jackson, looking quite hot with a bit of facial scruff. He came alone and sat by himself - RIGHT BEHIND ME, I might add - keeping to himself. He's much taller than I thought and damn sexy - looks like an Abercrombie model. My friend wasn't convinced it was him, but I KNOW my Pacey...

Sunday, May 15h, 2pm; a Steve Scharripa joke: What do you call Bobby from the Sopranos crossing Warren Street near the movie theaters listening to his MP3 player? A fat slob with an IPod. What's with the baggy shorts and t-shirt look on a guy that huge?

Monday afternoon- Ivanka Trump trying to hail a cab between West Houston and Broadway. Her hair is a lot blonder than it was in that Born Rich movie. Oh, and she's about 6 feet tall.

Saw MCA Adam Yauch (from Beastie Boys) last night walkling up Hudson (at Perry) with worn red duffle bag in hand; sporting capris and sweatshirt glancing across the street at buildings. He looks old (sorry Adam).

I saw Damon Dash outside my office building on 43rd and broadway yelling, yes yelling, into his cell phone about not being able to get a million dollars from somebody. As he was yelling, he had a bodyguard in front of him blocking the non-gawking public. Oddly, also blocking him was a girl who was standing right next to the bodyguard. Could it have been a tiny female bodyguard? Or does he make his girlfriends do bodyguard duty when he cant talk to them? It was very confusing.

May 16th - Saw Marcia Cross by herself walking by Zara (probably coming from Bloomingdales?) on 59th at Lex. Hair in a ponytail, dark glasses, baggy jeans rolled up. She's not as tall or skinny (but still very thin) as I had imagined and definitely less angular in person. Even though she was dressed like a hobo, she's absolutely stunning - beautiful skin and gorgeous hair color.

So I'm at the 17th and Union Square West Starbucks when I spy Danny Masterson of That 70's Show fame and a guy friend sidling up for some lattes. As we are waiting for our coffees to arrive, I turn to Danny, look him straight in the aviator lenses and say "I'm putting you on Gawker." Well, believe it or not, he actually replies "What's gawker?" So I told him to check it out. Danny, if you're reading this...hi!

Tuesday, strolling near 72nd street (on my way to Tip Top Shoes, if you must know), I spotted John Lithgow. And on Wednesday, I saw Ron Reagan Jr lunching at a Bedford Street sidewalk cafe in Williamsburg. Ah, spring...

on Sunday on University Place, my boyfriend saw "that guy from the Scream movies and Scooby Doo" (read: Matthew Lillard. unsurprisingly "Without a Paddle" didn't make the reference cut). in a sleeveless shirt, with facial hair, seemingly on the way home from the gym and was "ripped".

Last Sunday (5/15) saw Eric Stoltz at the Paris Commune. He was waiting by himself up front. Not especially movie star-ish but easy to recognize. Had to name about eleven movies he was in before my friends could place him. Two decidedly unfamous women met him eventually.

In less exciting news, my boyfriend reports that Wyclef Jean is in front of his shop on Ave. B & 10th with his new band being photographed this afternoon. An assistant came in and borrowed a scissors.

I saw Annabella Sciorria at the Short Hills Mall in NJ on Saturday. She was tiny tiny tiny and dressed in all black and she had horrible skin. She was with some guy wearing O-twins type glasses who obviously fancied himself a celebrity. Not sure who he was.

Walked by Helena Christenson on Hudson (above Christopher) accompanied by young couple and commenting on "Brooklyn boys" (not in a positive way) seemingly harassing her kid. She looks very tan (fakely so) and doesn't stick out as an ex-supermodel as you'd imagine. Blends into the W Village nicely.

Was having breakfast at the Loews Regency on May 17 and spotted Al Sharpton pacing back and forth outside, talking on cellphone. He was way better dressed than those of us paying our own way.