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After months of sleepless nights spent wondering how and why Paris Hilton's Sidekick was so mercilessly hacked (can you remember that far back?), our geeky brother notifies us that the Washington Post has made contact with the hackers responsible for the release of Hilton's personal information. So how'd they do it?

Before gaining access to Hilton's wireless phone account, the group had spent a year studying weaknesses in T-Mobile's Web sites. The group member interviewed for this story had already written a simple computer program that could reset the password for any T-Mobile user whose phone number the hackers knew.

And, of course, it didn't take long for one of them to score Paris' number. Isn't it cute how the group responsible for this crime against humanity range in age from the mid-teens to the early-twenties, just like Paris' audience?

[Apropos of nothing, it's like a sweet relief to write about Paris again. Like coming home to an old friend... A skanky old friend.]
Paris Hilton Hack Started With An Old-Fashioned Con [WaPo via Gizmodo]