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Wouldn't it be cute, said the Times City section, if we poked gentle fun at the desperate losers of Craigslist? And, say, stole a gimmick from Slate, mixed it with a bit of The Black Table, and tied it together with the usual "New York is a city of whatever we need it to be for the purposes of this piece" talk?

The result: Missed Connections listings turned into free-verse poetry. It's certainly easier than coming up with a thousand words on your own, but the Times completely missed what Craigslist is really all about. After the jump, more representative samples of the poetry of Craigslist. Prepare yourself for emotional revelations.

white women + asian men

bottom line, and i'm being honest, as a white woman who has lived in hawaii where there are many good looking asian men,

their penises are obnoxiously


just not adequatly sized to fit
in a white woman's vagina.

i'm not loose


so much for trying to make a friend. i guess you are not very nice.

hope you are not confusing me with another pervert.

oh well

Saw You, Want You [NYT]