
Michael Jackson Appreciates Your Support

Jessica · 06/15/05 12:15PM

While Drudge babbles on about wanting to see some nudie pics, the copies of Michael Jackson's Thriller are suddenly worth owning again. Dust off your white glove and behold, from top to bottom, the progression of Thriller's sales rankings on

Back in the High Life, Again

Jesse · 06/15/05 11:12AM

We feel like we read this story over and over again: Yesterday, the High Line park project got the OK from some group or another, which will allow it to move forward, at least until it needs approval from some other group at some other point. So: Woo-hoo, for now.

Gossip Roundup: Don't You Dare Call Angelina a Homewrecker... Oh, Fine, Go Ahead.

Jessica · 06/15/05 10:50AM

· Because everyone's just confessing everything to Graydon Carter, Jennifer Aniston will reveal in Vanity Fair that the issue behind her breakup with Brad Pitt was not about starting a family. Golly, can you guess what the issue is? Or have you been living under a rock? If so, lucky you. [Page Six]
· An ambulance has a hard time making its way around Star Jones and Al Reynold's double-parked van. Yes, they ride in a chauffered van. And you know damn well why. [Lowdown]
· Did ReganBooks harpy Judith Regan negotiate a $500k deal for NBC to have the rights to "Runaway Bride" Jennifer Wilbanks' story? Interestingly enough, there seems to be no actual book involved with the deal — but are you going to stop Judith Regan from brokering whatever she damn well pleases? [Page Six]
· Is Nicole Kidman dating someone? Do we care? Can't we just discuss how her face seems to be getting more tight and shiny by the minute? [R&M]
· Now that Michael Jackson is off the hook, he can direct his energies to suing journalist Martin Bashir. [Scoop]

Dude, Where's My West Village Frat?

Jessica · 06/15/05 10:22AM

For the three of you who fondly look back on your collegiate days of panty-raiding and keg-standing, today's Observer has some great news. 57 Leroy Street — one of the West Village's more millionaire-friendly locations — has become home to the NYU chapter of the Delta Phi fraternity. ROCK!

Another Day, Another Stadium

Jesse · 06/15/05 09:57AM

This time, the Yankees. And — forgive us for saying so — this one sounds kind of cool, replicating the original Yankee Stadium and requiring relatively little public money (a mere $220 million of city and state dough, says the Times).

Bloc Party Thanks Henry Hudson & Robert Moses

Jessica · 06/15/05 07:33AM

Was it just us or, during Bloc Party's show last night at Webster Hall, did the band proudly give a shout-out to "Mayor Rudy Giuliani?" Granted our auditory abilities were likely impaired by the pools of sweat gently gathering in our ears, but we're still pretty sure we heard what we heard. Which leads us to the more pressing issue: Why didn't anyone in the audience drunkenly react? Not a single murmur, nary a head turned to a neighbor to exchange knowing glances. Alas, one can't expect much from an audience full of retarded NYU kids.

Blogorrhea: They Should Put the Two Sections Together, Real Estate and Obituaries

Jesse · 06/14/05 05:23PM

• The Rent Guidelines Board is holding hearings today and tomorrow on this year's proposed rent increases for stabilized apartments. Tenants, of course, will be there to protest the proposed hikes. Show up, tell a protester what you pay each month, watch him go into cardiac arrest, and then take over his lease. [Gothamist]
• Attention, Harper's: Canada is a big country, or at least so says one reader. [emdashes]
• Karen Finley: West Side Stadium rejection is payback to Bloomie for forcing the GOP convention on the city. Sounds fair to us. [HuffPost]
• Now The Corsair weighs in on the slapfest among Kurt Andersen, Radar, the lovely Phoebe Eaton, and — a little bit — us. If this gets any more incestuous, we'll be forced to move to West Virginia. [The Corsair]

Remainders: The Park is Busted, Then Quickly Reborn

Jessica · 06/14/05 04:00PM

· Chelsea uber-restaurant The Park — perennial favorite of the uptown pioneers who want to feel "downtown" without the mess — was closed today, and we're hearing it had to do with the sale of Jesus Juice to minors. The maitre'd confirmed to us that the venue is currently closed because of a "legal issue," but their doors will be open again by 6 tonight, just in time for mango mojito happy hour.
· After dissing just about every other music publication, The White Stripes grant Fader mag with an interview. [Fader]
· Oh, for the love of all that is holy, say it isn't so: R&B group Destiny's Child has run its course of promoting Beyoncé to fame and Jay-Z and is calling it quits after the complete their current tour (which should help ticket sales). [FMT]
· Now that Michael Jackson's free to touch whomever, wherever, it's time for a comeback!!! [Defamer]
· And we know just the publicist to help Jacko come-backo (har, har): Lizzie Grubman, of course. [NYP]

To Do: Krumping At The Drive-In

Jessica · 06/14/05 03:15PM

· Rockefeller Center hosts its second year of Drive-In Movies, featuring IFP-approved delights on an outdoor screen. Tonight's show is Rize, Dave LaChappelle's documentary about the hip-hop clown-dancing krump movement. Totally serious. [flavorpill]
·Everyone's favorite freak John Waters signs DVD copies of A Dirty Shame at the Virgin Megastore. How very 21st century. We feel mod just telling you about it! [TONY]
· Alas, both tonight and tomorrow's Bloc Party shows are sold out. Those looking to maintain their smug hipster quotient are forced to suffer the great indignity of jumping on the (gasp) LIRR and heading to Jones Beach tonight for the Pixies/Interpol/LCD Soundsystem show. Cowbells optional. [Bowery]

7-11 Spreads Its Seed In Manhattan

Jessica · 06/14/05 02:00PM

God, it's like Horrific Real Estate Day around here. So shield your eyes, dear Manhattan, or be blinded by the repugnance of a fetal 7-11, coming soon to the corner of 23rd and Park. Should this ghastly endeavor actually reach fruition, it will be the island's first only 7-11 and, consequently, your last summer free of the blood stains of suburbia.

Hey, Queens: The First Step Is Admitting You Have a Problem

Jesse · 06/14/05 01:49PM

A Times front-pager today, pegged to Queens as Bloomberg's second-tier choice for an Olympics HQ, draws a disturbing picture of the borough as, essentially, an abused wife. Consider just the front-page photo captions:

What Ever Happen to Baby Jane?

Jesse · 06/14/05 12:38PM

Not that this is surprising, but the real-estate blog Triple Mint calls attention to yesterday's Post report that Andy Warhol's Factory is set to be converted into luxury condo lofts.

Luna Lounge's Efficient Destruction

Jessica · 06/14/05 12:31PM

Closed on Sunday, dead by Monday.
Lower East Side favorite Luna Lounge closed its doors on Saturday night and, by Sunday morning, the music venue was but a hungover memory. A quick stop by yesterday evening reveals that they're not wasting any time tearing the place down — good thing, too, 'cause Ludlow Street needs those fabulous new condos, like, stat.

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines

Jesse · 06/14/05 11:36AM

So many stadiums, so little time. West Side is dead (probably), a new Shea is on its way (probably), Ratner is busy bending Brooklyn to his Netsian will, and the Yankees are planning to replace the House That Ruth Built. But none of them is slated to be the biggest stadium in the city. That honor goes to a proposed NASCAR racetrack planned for Staten Island, according to Gotham Gazette.

Gossip Roundup: Cruise-Holmes Apocalypse Is Near (We Hope)

Jessica · 06/14/05 11:25AM

· Warner Bros. execs behind Tom Cruise's War of the Worlds are wisely doing their best to keep Cruise and his girlfriend-for-hire Katie Holmes from doing any press together. You, the movie-going public, must do your best to stay away from Cruise's films — he needs learn that this sort of public dry-humping will not stand at the box office. [Page Six]
· Meanwhile, Katie Holmes has been programmed to love Scientology. Not that this surprises you. [Lowdown]
· And Cruise's ex-wife, Nicole Kidman, has managed to keep her mouth shut about the whole thing. [Scoop (2nd item)]
· In completely unrelated news, Baby Phatty Kimora Lee Simmons pouts about the hatemail she inspires. [R&M (2nd item)]

Why Paris Loves Paris

Jessica · 06/14/05 07:41AM

We're still reeling from last night's Michael Jackson-sponsored celebratory sleepover, so do bear with us for a moment while we delve into less complex matters like celebutwat Paris Hilton and the pockets of her fiancé Paris Latsis.

Blogorrhea: Wedding, Shooting, Close Reading

Jesse · 06/13/05 05:55PM

• The Observer's Ben Smith, devastated, we're sure, that he wasn't invited to Emma Bloomberg's wedding, hacks into her wedding website instead. [Politicker]
• Tourist shot while shopping at Broadway and 29th — which calls attention to lack of good name for that neighborhood. [Gothamist]
• Clever wordplay or idle coincidence? Andrew Hearst reads the Times much too closely. [Panopticist]