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· Because everyone's just confessing everything to Graydon Carter, Jennifer Aniston will reveal in Vanity Fair that the issue behind her breakup with Brad Pitt was not about starting a family. Golly, can you guess what the issue is? Or have you been living under a rock? If so, lucky you. [Page Six]
· An ambulance has a hard time making its way around Star Jones and Al Reynold's double-parked van. Yes, they ride in a chauffered van. And you know damn well why. [Lowdown]
· Did ReganBooks harpy Judith Regan negotiate a $500k deal for NBC to have the rights to "Runaway Bride" Jennifer Wilbanks' story? Interestingly enough, there seems to be no actual book involved with the deal — but are you going to stop Judith Regan from brokering whatever she damn well pleases? [Page Six]
· Is Nicole Kidman dating someone? Do we care? Can't we just discuss how her face seems to be getting more tight and shiny by the minute? [R&M]
· Now that Michael Jackson is off the hook, he can direct his energies to suing journalist Martin Bashir. [Scoop]