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For the three of you who fondly look back on your collegiate days of panty-raiding and keg-standing, today's Observer has some great news. 57 Leroy Street — one of the West Village's more millionaire-friendly locations — has become home to the NYU chapter of the Delta Phi fraternity. ROCK!

"We were having a party," [one Delta Phi] said. "We chant a lot — you know, just get up in the spirit of the moment and, like, whatever. If someone starts something, everyone just kind of hops on the boat."

"Yeah," added a frat brother nicknamed Hesh. " Puking makes you cool. That s one of our favorites."

Hesh then went on to list the other things which make one cool: Striped button-down shirts, beer pong, ice luges, recreational use of GHB, apple bongs, and anything bearing Se or Frogs insignia.

To-ga! In Land of Yoga [Observer]