
Get Domestic Or Die Tryin'

Jessica · 02/17/05 04:45PM

The residents of quaintly moneyed Connecticut 'burb Farmington have their conservative panties in a bunch over tonight's big party being hosted by Farmington resident and bullet-addled rapper 50 Cent. The local folks don't see a lot of 50, but they know he's around:

'Robots'' Parts Definitely Not In The Bad Place

Haber · 02/17/05 04:35PM

Perhaps fearful of another SpongeBob SquarePants situation, FOX seems to be going all family values with Robots, their upcoming fast food tie-in, merchandising bonanza, TV spin-off, and (finally) movie. No winking queer subtext here! Just sassy robots and their shiny, oiled exoskeletons.

To Do: 'Playgirl' Party — Need We Say More?

Jessica · 02/17/05 03:00PM

· For gay men and the straight women who love them: Playgirl throws a party at Webster Hall, complete with free smut mags, DVDS, and sex toys. You know you want to and for once, we're not judging. [Webster Hall]
· If Hollywood money makes you powerful, then Dreamworks co-founder David Geffen (worth a cool $4.4 billion, according to Forbes) is probably pretty important. Plus, he's Jewish! Go to the 92nd Street Y and listen to him declare ownership of the universe. [92Y]
· Miami rockers L-D Section I claim to be a "company that sees no distinction between art and commerce — or anything else." How intriguingly vague! Expect the art and business kids (we guess?) to be out in full force for their show tonight at the Mercury Lounge. [flavorpill]

Cumming All Over: Alan Cumming Bottles His Scent

mark · 02/17/05 02:50PM

News about Alan Cumming's er, upcoming fragrance line has been circulating for months, but Cumming was on The Daily Show last night, flogging his bottled scents. And we have to tip our hat to him, as he's done something that no other celebrity has managed with their vanity perfume lines: He's creating scents and accompanying beauty products that are completely resistant to satire. What are we supposed to do with products with such impenetrably coy names as Cumming:The Fragrance, or a cream called Cumming All Over? Joke about a mouthwash called Cumming In Your Mouth (as suggested by a reader), hoping that his marketing geniuses aren't already planning that line, or that they won't steal the idea?

Team Party Crash: Gets Drunk On Bordeaux

Jessica · 02/17/05 02:44PM

For their final party sponsored by Bordeaux Wines, the sexy masses of Nerve put on their classy-pants for a crowded house at Odea. When photographer Nikola Tamindzic wasn't in the bathroom documenting research for future Fleshbot content, he was capturing the libidinous masses for the following "photo essay." After the jump, red wine stains loom over Nikola's pictures (more available here) — all taken before people started threatening to kick him in the head. We love you too, guys!

A Year Too Late: Omarosa Speaks Out

Jessica · 02/17/05 02:00PM

Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth, tagged as an imperious diva on "The Apprentice," criticized the NBC reality show for stereotyping her and other black contestants.

Italian 'Vogue' On Hollywood Style

mark · 02/17/05 01:45PM

Some crazy person has scanned the entire "Hollywood Style" spread from Italian Vogue for the world's viewing horror. Our Italian's a little rusty, but we think most of the captions muse, "Why must these fashion-retarded actresses wear Ugg boots with everything?"

Hilary And Haylie Duff Don't Love Me

Jessica · 02/17/05 09:24AM

Yesterday, a wise PR agency had contacted me with an offer to attend a press conference this morning for sisters-in-pop Hilary and Haylie Duff, who were going to discuss their very first ad campaign together. (What this campaign is for was mysteriously not included in the press release, but who cares? Celebrities! Tweens! Lip gloss!) While normally I wouldn t leave the house for a junket-style circle jerk, this one was special: I was being offered the opportunity to actually interview the Duff sisters for a few moments. I was so excited that I didn t even need my morning crystal to get out of bed.

From Hare to Hottie

Haber · 02/17/05 08:16AM

DISCLAIMER: This post is merely the opinion of the author.

Staremaster At Cinespace: Not A Dry Eye In the House

mark · 02/16/05 02:52PM

Perhaps the only thing that could make importing a hipster-tinged-irony-o-thon staring competition from NY more delightfully pointless would be star-fuckering the whole thing up with the inclusion of MTV cameras and a band very recently cursed with a Best New Artist Grammy. (Of course, if we were facing off against Walken [warning, ancient blog self-promotion], we're talking a whole, new, dry-eyed ballgame.) A Defamer operative files this report from last night's Staremaster event at Cinespace, where the guys responsible for The OC's theme song squared off against a band with a number in its name:

To Do: Playwrights, Filmmakers, And Indie Rock For Bloggers

Jessica · 02/16/05 02:41PM

· Tony and Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Wendy Wasserstein interviews regular playwright Paul Rudnick about his favorite "night table" books tonight at the 92nd Street Y. We're pretty sure the description is saucier than the actual event. [92Y]
· Hey, remember the East Village in 1985? Or were you still scared of needles back then? Brush on your local hipster folklore at the start of East Village USA Films, a six day festival full of works made in the East Village during the 80's. [flavorpill]
· Listen up, nerds: Gothamist throws down with Movable Hype 2.0 (we're hoping most of you still don't get that title) tonight at the Knitting Factory. The showcase features Elkland, The Information, Other Passengers, The Cloud Room, and a bunch of people talking about RSS feeds. [Gothamist]

The Cultural Logic of Late Pauly Shore Films

Haber · 02/16/05 11:05AM

In this week's Onion A.V. Club, Nathan Rabin reviews Pauly Shore is Dead and writes, we're pretty sure, the first and (hopefully) last sentence ever to contain the words "Pauly," "Shore," "Postmodernism," and "moribund." See for yourself: