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While it's not as graphic or demonstrative as honeymoon pics, Kevin Federline's highly-anticipated interview in the latest issue of Details is just as telling. Stereogum took the time to transcribe some of the more insightful bits:

Kevin: A bunch of us [LFO background dancers] went out one time in a big group. That was when she was starting to get big. She was, like, what, 18? ... Shit, a few years down the road, and a couple tours later, I wound up meeting her ass again, and here we are.

Shit, Kevin, that's totes touché. More wisdom and classic, Red Bull-fueled hypocrisy after the jump.

Britney: Nothing gets to him ... Not my man. And that's why I married him, because he's not a shallow motherfucker Hollywood actor-guy.
Kevin: Yeah, baby!
Britney: I've met grown men in this business that are a lot older than Kevin and they think I'm this dumb blonde, because I'm quote-Britney Spears-unquote. Men in Hollywood are just — oh, my God, it's horrible. Babe, am I talking too much?
Kevin: Yeah, go away. [He laughs and hugs her.]
Britney: Is it okay if I stay? I miss you when I'm not with you.
Kevin: I don't care.
Details: I certainly don't mind. Unless, of course, you have some reason not to trust the press.
Britney: Ha, ha. I need to create my own magazine. People are just way too obsessed with celebrity. Look at Us Weekly. I think the same guy who does Rolling Stone does Us Weekly. He's this big old fat man.*

Details: People think Kevin is with you for your money.
Kevin: Oh, yeah.
Britney: Well, time will tell, motherchuckers...
Kevin: What you hear about in all those bullshit-ass magazines is bullshit.

Yeah, Britney actually said both "motherfuckers" AND "motherchuckers." And you thought she was a one-trick pony.
The Kevin Federline Interview [Stereogum]
*We'd like to reiterate that Britney SOLD her pictures to said "old fat man" — or Uncle Jann, as we affectionately call him.