Family Values Valkyrie (and government employee) Maggie Gallagher has a thing or two to say about Clint Eastwood's Million Dollar Baby. We just wonder which rival studio head slipped her a Franklin to write the following:

Hollywood gathers to confer its highest honor: the Oscars. Clint Eastwood's "Million Dollar Baby," which is nominated for seven of the statuettes, is an extraordinary movie that forces us to ask the question: How do you get liberal elites cheering a movie that lovingly reproduces every stereotype in the book about welfare mothers—fat, lazy, good-for-nothing cheats?

Answer: Have the hero kill an invalid.

"Fat, lazy, good-for-nothing"? What's that about not mentioning rope in a hanged man's house?

Oh, and just in case you hadn't realized that Eastwood's film is part of the avant garde of the new National Socialist movement, Gallagher helpfully tells us: "I used to wonder how the Nazis readied normal Germans for legalized murder. Walking out of that dark movie theater, I don't wonder anymore."

Good to see the discourse is staying grounded. Read on for her mention of pagans...