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In this week's Onion A.V. Club, Nathan Rabin reviews Pauly Shore is Dead and writes, we're pretty sure, the first and (hopefully) last sentence ever to contain the words "Pauly," "Shore," "Postmodernism," and "moribund." See for yourself:

As sad pseudo-celebrity spectacles go, the new Pauly Shore vehicle Pauly Shore Is Dead ranks somewhere between Scotty Schwartz's porn career and the Flavor Flav-Brigitte Nielsen Surreal Life spin-off Strange Love. It's a flailing, potty-mouthed exercise in Postmodernism For Dummies that desperately tries to revive Shore's moribund career by satirizing his image as a flailing has-been desperately trying to revive his moribund career.

We're really looking forward to his essay on Michael Keaton's Multiplicity and Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.
Pauly Shore Is Dead [Onion A.V. Club]