Sightings are sent in by readers, most of whom seem to be at The Gates. Sends yours to

In this edition: David Gest, Jerry Springer, Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen, Glenn Close, P. Diddy, Matthew Broderick, Owen Wilson, Albert Hammond Jr., Chris Parnell, Fred Armison, Julianna Margulies, Kyra Sedgwick, Kevin Bacon, Frances McDormand, Emmy Rossum, David Blaine, Bill Hemmer, RuPaul, Matt Lauer, David Cross, Keri Russell, Olsenbots, John Leguizamo, Anderson Cooper, the Donald and Melania, Bobby Cannavale, Frank Langella, Treat Williams, Julia Stiles, Burt Reynolds, Spike Lee, Stephen Colbert, Ed Helms, John Tesh, Tom Selleck, Toccora, and the usual handful of gay men from reality television shows.

Yesterday afternoon, (Sunday 2-13) I walked down the stairs to the 1/9 downtown train at 65th Street chatting with a friend and I had to do a double take. Standing with two men and looking very out of place was Liza Minelli's punching bag, David Gest. Looking more Lilliputian in person, and oh so much scarier than pinhead in hellraiser, like a car wreck I had to get a better look. I walked past him to throw something in the garbage and to ensure I could get on his car. Wearing a giant gold cross necklace and several gold bracelets, his chia pet hair plugs looked like a 6 year old going to town on her cut and grow Barbie. His face really looks like melted plastic. He should have used some of Liza's money when he had access for a better nose job. Waiting for the train, he asked one the men how long they would have to wait for the train and how far they had to travel. When the train arrived, fey David thanked one of the men for directions and he put a brave face on with the other guy (big, possibly a bodyguard) as he made his way on to a very crowded train. Forced to stand next to the door that connects to the next train, David would not sit down and looked a little scared. Was he afraid that Liza might find him there???

My friends and I met Jerry Springer on Saturday around Houston and Broadway. He looked very senatorial - overcoat, baseball cap, cigar.

Last night (2/15), walking uptown on Central Park West, I spotted Gisele and Leo. Gisele looked amazing (duh), but "The Aviator" was sporting some unflattering devil-like facial hair and wearing a dark cap. To his credit though, he did not appear tiny alongside his amazon girlfriend...

Just saw Glenn Close walking quickly at the corner of 57 & 6th — wearing grey suit-y outfit, small round dark glasses. Got into black chauffered Mercedes and sped away. Looked pretty good, had a tan but in that older woman red-face kind of way. Much smaller than I expected, only a few hairs over five feet.

It's so not me to go clubbing, EVER, but was forced into Crobar on Friday, and who do I find on stage, P-Diddy. Other than the walk of shame at 7:00am from Chelsea, what a great night.

I had a most excellent celebrity sighting in the West Village on Saturday (2/12). Was walking down West 4th Street with my Grandmom to Corner Bistro for some burgers when lo and behold the one and only Ferris Bueller (aka Matthew Broderick) sauntered past us. He is THE most adorable person of all time, so so cute. Not tall at all (like his wife, SJP), was rocking a North Face puffer jacket, black pants, black and red sneaks, knit cap pulled down and shades...Grandmom couldn t believe I recognized him with so little of him showing but how could I not! He played only the most iconic character of my 80s childhood. Was very pleased with myself for this one.

Sunday afternoon I was wandering around Christo's Gates and saw Owen Wilson cutting across the grass. He was wearing a black baseball hat pulled way down to try and stay incognito but I recognized that crooked nose immediately. He was strolling with two older folks (parents?). Only a few moments later we spotted Strokes bass player, Albert Hammond Jr. also admiring the orange gates. After a few hours of wandering we were about to exit when we noticed a huge crowd assembling only to find that everyone was watching Pale Male devour a squirrel.

Saw Owen Wilson Sunday strolling Central Park with two older men, checking out the Gates. He was wearing an LA dodgers hat and rainbow-striped vest. I didn't get a good look at his package.

Two SNL cast members in one week! Chris Parnell walking hurriedly up lower Broadway by the Prada store, bundled up against the cold last Wednesday evening. Looks shorter in person. Then Fred Armisen standing with a male friend of the hipster variety standing at the Columbus Circle entrance to Central Park on Sunday afternoon, no doubt to take in the spectacle that is The Gates. I was more mesmerized by Fred s spectacular spectacles, though. Hopefully my next sighting of an SNL cast member will be a better one. I ll let you know.

Walking down 8th Avenue during the ten minutes before curtain was a celebrity-sighting mini-bonanza. First up, Julianna Margulies, very short and sort of pretty but not fantastic, with a hot man. Next up, Kyra Sedgwick and a bespectacled, emaciated man (who I then realized was Kevin Bacon), walking arm in arm.

Julianna Margulies at a performance of "After Ashley" at the Vineline Theatre. She was all bundled up in hat and scarf, trying to avoid being recognized, but had no problem loudly announcing herself at the ticket window.

on feb. 11th, my friend and i were crossing Houston at Greene and I said to her as a lady walked by "Shit, that woman was beautiful." we both turn around as she walked past and my friend said "That was Julianna Margulies." While i miss the naturally curly hair, she really is gorgeous. Then the next day at brunch at "Good Enough To Eat" on 83rd and Amsterdam and my same friend and I were standing outside waiting for a table. There was a woman standing behind and to the side of us, with a tall husband and two children, and she was wearing one of those furry, ear-flap hats like in Fargo and low and behold it was Frances cDormand, one of the best actresses ever. We started at her for a while outside, then as she walked in to the restaurant, and then as she decided to leave for lack of a brunch table. She is the cutest. And to top of my valentine's day weekend, later that same day at The Gates exhibit in central park I walked past Emmy Rossum from phantom. She is naturally gorgeous, taller than I imagined, but was holding the arm of a much older, and not very good looking chap.

Saw David Blaine walking on 14th St @ 5th on Sat he was with a Josie Maran/Fiona Apple waif kinda chick... I know he's a wanker but if he's ever in the mood for a fat English chick, i think he's hot.

i guess the gates draw all kinds. on tuesday a friend and i headed over to check them out. aside from seeing christo and jean-claude (they were doing a new york magazine signing), i noticed cnn's bill hemmer crossing broadway at columbus circle. the man is adorable in person, though his skin was not that great, he must wear a helluva lot of makeup on air. We also saw rupaul wandering the park (the man is tall, and he has great skin) and matt lauer sitting by bethesda fountain checking his blackberry while 3 folded up baby strollers sat at his feet, i was pretty sure the man has 2 still perplexed by it all. by the way, the man was dressed pretty much the same as last time i encountered him...very gay or euro-trash.

Saw David Cross with v. cute redhead at Clinton Street Baking Co. Saturday afternoon, then a few hours later Keri Russell at wine store on 8th Ave and Horatio looking absolutely luminous.

Last nite (2/14) I was eating at Quantum Leap, a little vegan resturant in soho, with some friends and at around 9:30 Mary-Kate Olsen comes in along with four other friends. My table and her table were the only people in the restaurant so we were able to hear everything she said. Pictures don't do her smallness justice. She ordered lots of food for the table and paid for it all as well.

i'm not sure which one it was, but i saw an olsen twin walking out of NYU's bobst library, talking and laughing with a friend. i think it was ashley because her hair looked blond-ish. she was short, wearing some kind of burgandy cloak thing, carrying a bookbag like any other student. i worried i would graduate from NYU without a sighting — this makes me so excited i could go eat a piece of lettuce!

i saw john leguizamo on the walk to work this morning, on 3rd avenue around 16th street — i've seen him around here before so i guess he lives nearby. He was flanked by two small children, each on one of those razor scooters, and he was holding each one up and they cruised along with him walking between them. i knew it was him right away, as I recognized his voice and his teeth. he is not very tall and was wearing amber-tinted sunglasses and a black track suit.

Anderson Cooper of CNN on the A and C trains on Monday night, 2/14. He was doing the same subway loop as me and I think he thought I was stalking him. What I was really doing was trying to figure out who he was (which I obviously did) and once I did, I was staring in befuddlement at the guy he was with, who was wearing a sort of Hawaiian shirt, had an odd expression on his face and was putting on a tap dancing show for all to see. He probably did that in reaction to my (ahem) staring, but man, it was very odd.

I saw the Donald and Melania last night (2/14) at the 21 Club, enjoying a Valentine's Day dinner. They were seated at a rear corner table in the bar room (his father's table?). They seemed to be deep in conversation. Also, I shared an elevator at 30 Rock last Friday (2/11) with Brian Williams. He was very nice and charismatic.

Tuesday afternoon at W.85th and Amsterdam, I recognized a serious baritone voice floating through the soggy air. I turned and there was Will Truman's ex, Bobby Cannavale, standing next to me, chatting away on his cell. A little shorter than I expected (aren't they all?), but I'd still do him.

Frank Langella walking south on Fifth Avenue at 80th, all bundled headed into the park to see The Gates.

Treat Williams on Fifth Avenue near Trump Tower talking to fans, getting ready to shoot some scenes for his WB show "Everwood." He looked very, very good up close. Lots of female fans hanging around hoping for pictures.

Saw Julia Stiles on Saturday at Lucky Strike.

Saw Burt Reynolds and Spike Lee at Zitomer, stocking up on their pills.

Spotted a nattily bow-tied Stephen Colbert (a/k/a The Daily Show's "Senior Conceptual Art Correspondent") wedged into a front row seat at the 8 p.m. show of "Democracy" at the Brooks Atkinson Theatre last Saturday night. He was with a red-headed lady (or so it seemed from my less than perfect vantage point) and was chatting with row-mates after the show.

Saw Ed Helms from the Daily Show trying to get a table for the Pontani Sisters show at Marion's the other night...hello, make a reservation sucka! He sat at the bar for 45 minutes and ended up leaving right as like 4 tables opened up.

John Tesh was on my flight from L.A. to JFK yesterday. He is a very tall man with a loping, almost primate kind of walk.

I know this isn't that cool, but I saw Tom Selleck walking up Madison Avenue near 53rd St. around 2:00 this afternoon with an un-identified rugged gentleman. He looked like a claymation giant.

Spotted last season's America's Next Top (plus size) Model contestant, Toccara, at the opening of Chocolat Restaurant Lounge in Harlem on Tuesday. Toccara looked absolutely fabulous in an off the shoulder sweater and jeans. Her hair is 3 or 4 times as long as it was on the show and that glams her up a bit more. She was schmoozing about, smiling and taking pictures with anyone who was interested in doing so. I overheard a guy ask her if she was still "trying to do the modeling thing." In response she cocked her head to the side and with a little sass in her tone, informed him that she was a Revlon Spokesmodel.

Last night I was dragged by my weave to the gay party at Hiro inside the Maritime. It was like a reality queen convention with all sorts of reality stars running around trying to out "15 minute" each other. I saw Willy from the Real World talking to his friends right beside Rob from Manhunt who was talking to Will from Big Brother. Just when I started checking the walls for cameras, in walks Jai from Queer Eye with those two guys from Boy Meets Boy (who both overpluck their eyebrows, by the way). Is it even sadder that I
know who these people are?