Wow, you people had some serious fucked up Hallmark Holidays in years past. But only one of you can be the winner for the worst story, and boy, is it a doozy!
We've gotten tons of terrible tales concerning today's holiday. We decide a winner tomorrow. If you have a new one, be sure to leave it on the original post. Try to be funny—today is depressing enough. [Flickr]
Sunday is the most romantic day of your life. Today is the longest. Because it's almost the weekend and you want to get your drink on. So here, let's quickly award some top commenting prizes to five valuable players.
We've already gotten tons of terrific tales of romantic woe. Be sure to leave yours on the original post. You could win a prize! Even if you don't, reading the torturous stories is pleasure enough. [Image via Oxygeon's Flickr]
Some days you guys comment, other days you... comment. You are always commenting, is the point! So let's take a look at a pair of remarks from today that made us laugh and think. They made us thaugh. Or link.
Last week's "Campbells soup dress" challenge had Gawker's commenter live-blogging crew seeing red — and their eyes may never recover. Luckily, their wits survived intact. In preparation for tonight's show, let's see what quippy things they had to say.
Yeah, Valentine's Day sucks, but this year we're not hating on it. Instead, we're going to ask you to tell us all your terrible tales of lovesickness that revolve around February 14th. For the best (worst?) there is a prize!
As fair New York battens down the hatches for the blizzardiest blizzard that ever blizzarded, let's honor a couple of comments so when Dennis Quaid finds our frozen corpses, he'll at least know we kept commenting until the bitter end.
Mondays are the worst. Everyone hates them and you hate everyone when it is Monday. Luckily we have you, our loyal and would-totally-kill-for-us-if-we-asked-you-nicely commentariat. Here, recognition junkies: Two of our favorite comments from this terrible, terrible Monday.
Whoooooooosh! That was the snowstorm coming in, but also the sound of comments, so many comments, falling like hail onto our blog servers. It's been a good week for comments, so let's take a look back.
Comments! Some people leave 'em, some people read 'em, and nobody cares about 'em. Except us. We care so deeply that once a day we stop and admire a particular few. Today: Cock & Balls. Plus: Other things.
There were plenty of prime Ping-zingers (and a few non-Ping things) penned by participants in our last live blog. To prepare for tonight's episode, here is a small sampling of the wit and pith put forth by the commenter cadre.
Once a day we like to take a second to point out comments that we found especially funny, interesting, or (maybe someday) uplifting. Today we get some musings on Parade magazine and Lady Gaga.
Every day we must take a second to stop obsessing about nerd fantasias on island themes and look at comments. Funny comments, sad comments, mean comments, and, very rarely, religious comments.
One time at the end of every work day (well, not the end for you nighttime suckerz — eat it, Ravi, Adrian, and Maureen!) we honor a coupla comments that made us chuckle or weep or chuckleweep. Today they are:
Predictably, Dave Eggers wrote a remembrance of J.D. Salinger for The New Yorker. And here I could riff on this, but I'd rather just copy-paste this comment from their website...
Before the week is done and Drinkmas can begin again, we must take time to appreciate the best comments of the week. We've been highlighting all week, and now it's time to whittle it down to the super best.
Welcome to the best Thursday-night party on the Web! You all know what kind of party this is, right? To avoid confusion, I just want to clarify upfront: This is not a county fair potato party.
Every day you Facetwitter comments on our blog page! All day! Some of them are bad, some of them are good, and others are Best. So let's look now at today's two best completely-arbitrarily-picked comments. One's about cleaning! Sort of.