Comments of the Day: Raining on Parade

Once a day we like to take a second to point out comments that we found especially funny, interesting, or (maybe someday) uplifting. Today we get some musings on Parade magazine and Lady Gaga.
Commenter lobstr waxed funnily, and almost wistfully, about everyone's favorite Sunday morning steady, Parademagazine:
When I was 15, Parade Magazine had a column called "Fresh Voices" where they printed letters from obnoxious yenta opinionated about how they think shit could be better in their eyes. ..And so naturally I wrote to tell them my ridiculously naive thoughts on how if you are able to earn your own money you should be able to gamble with it at casinos.
And they fucking printed it.
As a younger person, I found Parade to be good bathroom reading if only for "Ask Marilyn" — the self-proclaimed smartest person on earth with an IQ of 9033 or some shit — but in my later years I became disillusioned by her extreme sexist snark that she would slip into an answer about some logic puzzle. And now that the Internets exist, I wonder why Fred Barnsworth of Omaha needed to write in to ask her how far away the sun is.
Aww. It's funny/sad because it's true.
Second, this line made us laugh for some reason. BigAppleRich said of Lady Gaga:
i wear shapes, and i'm a grown man. someone pay me.
Heh. "Wear shapes." Funny.
There were other good comments to but that's all we can remember right now! Never be afraid to send in nominations!