Highlights From Last Week's Project Runway Live Blog

There were plenty of prime Ping-zingers (and a few non-Ping things) penned by participants in our last live blog. To prepare for tonight's episode, here is a small sampling of the wit and pith put forth by the commenter cadre.
Once you've finished perusing this selection of comments from the Project Runway live blog hosted on Gawker last week, why not make plans to join us here for the next one, which happens tonight? The post goes up at 9 pm Eastern, and the show starts on Lifetime at 10.
For this week, the awards to go to:
- rodmanstreet: So is Ping crazy like Andrea who was annoying and kept putting rosettes on everything, or is she crazy like that Sam Ronson look-alike from last season who did handstands and made space diapers?
- Notes from the underwhelmed: If there is anything I am grateful for in life, it is that strangers never approach me saying "Hey! You're the colon lady!"
- Brian Moylan: Why is Ping always forgetting her shoes?
- Old Ocho: @Brian Moylan: I assume she's leaving them in the care of her giant imaginary rabbit friend.
- rodmanstreet: There's a young and an old Bettie Page girl??? I thought it was the same girl, just looking better in certain lights than others.
- Notes from the underwhelmed: Why is that dude being so snippity to Ping? Did she insult his high fructose corn syrup?
- unclevanya: Is Michael Kors really the "Top American Designer"? I want to see pie charts.
- youngmarblegiant: So Jesse is this years' mediocre straight dude with a stupid hat?
- DahlELama: Ew! There's a fungus attacking that woman's shoulder! Won't someone kill it?
- Brian Moylan: If Michael Kors listens to his gut, he's been doing LOTS of listening.
- dippitydoo: This British dude is like Johnny Depp on heroin and anorexia.
- andheartss haz it: Um, who let the hanger speak? A pox on your house, model demon. All hail Plinko.
- Lizawithazee: Ping pong, we hardly knew ye, except we probably got as close to you as anyone in real life due to your general insanity level.
- Old Ocho: That'll do Ping. That'll do.