Live Blogging Project Runway, Week 3

Welcome to the best Thursday-night party on the Web! You all know what kind of party this is, right? To avoid confusion, I just want to clarify upfront: This is not a county fair potato party.
So if you want to play potato-themed party games in burlap bikinis or anything like that, you'll have to find somewhere else to do it. If, on the other hand, you like watching Project Runway while posting witty comments about it, you've come to the right place — because this is a commenter-created live blog, and all are welcome to participate. The show starts on Lifetime at 10 pm Eastern, and the (potato-free) party happens in the comments section below.
For a selection of some of the funniest comments from our last live blog, click here. Here are a few other highlights from last week:
- Jonathan noted that the people who were dying were at a time disadvantage—an observation that is as true in life as it is in burlap challenges.
- When Janeane heard they were going to a farm, she burst into tears. At least, I assume so. We didn't actually see that happen, but it's a fairly safe bet that it did.
- Commenter naugahydeinplainsight observed: "Last year they would have taken prints and dyed them brown. This year they get burlap and walk out with colors."
Also, many of us were outraged that Jay's sad-sack dress won over Amy's hot little burlap stunner — a sentiment shared by Tim Gunn, apparently, judging from his latest blog post on Lifetime's website. Quoth Tim: "I was rapturous about Amy's design and execution"; and also: "To be very blunt: I was stunned that Jay won. His final look struck me as being more suitable for the Ice Capades than a fashion runway." So there you have it, folks: When it comes to judging the judges' judgments, Tim Gunn and the live-bloggers are on the same page!
As for tonight's episode, the preview reveals that it will be on of those "team challenges," which always leave me with mixed feelings. On the downside, it seems unfair that the teammates who actually stick their necks out and design something tend to be the only ones at risk of elimination, while the ones who just follow orders and sew are always safe. On the plus side, team challenges tend to create lots of angst and conflict, which is entertaining. Given the choice, I'll take entertainment over fairness any day.
Well, the show will start any minute now, so prepare to party, couch potatoes! And feel free to eat potato chips or drink potato vodka if you want. I don't want people to think I'm some kind of potato-hater or anything.