Highlights From Last Week’s Project Runway Live Blog

Last week's "Campbells soup dress" challenge had Gawker's commenter live-blogging crew seeing red — and their eyes may never recover. Luckily, their wits survived intact. In preparation for tonight's show, let's see what quippy things they had to say.
If you want the full transcript, check out the commenter live blog from last week. And after you're done reading, make plans to join us for the next installment, which happens tonight! The post goes up at 9 pm Eastern, and the show starts at 10. If we don't see you there, then you hate fashion—and kittens.
- AnnieSaBu: What would you say for your confident sentence in the credits, were you to be a contestant on Project Runway?
- tipsy_hausfrau: @AnnieSaBu: I'mma cut a b*tch! (jauntily brandishing scissors)
- Heneage: I know this is Lifetime, but I still don't look forward to hearing about cooter salve.
- ghiagirl: @Heneage: For some reason I just heard your comment in my head, Ken Burns documentary style, like it was a letter written from a Civil War Soldier.
- dippitydoo: Not "gay-la" but "gah-la."
- Brian Moylan: @dippitydoo: Oh please, it's fashion week. It's a GEIGH-la.
- Six and a Quarter: "This almost makes open heart surgery worth it." Whaaa? Doesn't living make open heart surgery worth it?
- Ben Dorson: "I want to make a dress so beautiful it gives her a heart attack!" Wait...oops.
- Lizawithazee: Whoah, force a designer to put a large, middle aged woman in a red dress and then question the taste level? Bish, plz.
- missing_piece: Why the hell have I never been handed colon health pills in the airport? WHY???
- katekate is squared: Wait. SHE is Harvey Weinstein's wife?!
- adiam7: Her dresses have been worn by the likes of any woman who appeared in her husband's movies.
- Ben Dorson: Anyone ever seen the Bunny Ranch on HBO? I swear to God one of those hookers owns the same dress that Jesus just made.
- naugahydeinplainsight: Lots of mediocre designs with middling construction on larger than usual models. But they're all in blindingly bright red, so that's OK.
- tipsy_hausfrau: I feel like I just watched a Halloween parade consisting of only ill-fitting polyester "sexy devil lady" costumes.
- Old Ocho: In liking Mila's Campbell's soup dress, the judges failed to...[puts on sunglasses]...use their noodles!
- Ugh: Micheal Kors just crucified Jesus.
- bangers: You're SHOCKED, Jesus? Really? You're shocked that your Jersey Shore boardwalk knock-off with stripper crystals got you kicked off?
- curiousgeorgiana: Don't cry for Jesus, guys. He'll be back in three days.