Comments of the Day: How to Piss Off Your Parents

Some days you guys comment, other days you... comment. You are always commenting, is the point! So let's take a look at a pair of remarks from today that made us laugh and think. They made us thaugh. Or link.
In a post about Chinese olds getting high to play Mahjong alllll niiiight long we wondered how teenagers would rebel if their grandparents are doing all the fun drugs. lawyergay provided a theory:
Teens will rebel by washing their Buicks every Saturday in pleated poplin slacks and golf hats and having all of their teeth removed in an effort to shock their elders. Teens who do this will refer to each other as "gumma," and they will menace medical supply store parking lots and Old Country Buffets in slow-moving, shuffling packs.
Gummas gotta represent.
We like it! Will Harmony Korine be making a movie about the Gummas too?
Yes, shag_carpet_bomb, you can tell us your dirty hippie story:
can I tell my dirty hippie story?? I lived in SF when Jerry died and a friend and I went up to Haight and Ashbury to see what was going on. The drumming, twirling, stinky, pot smoking masses had closed down the street, (but I NEED khakis!I have to get to the GAP!!!) and the SF cops were just standing around watching the spectacle. So some hairy, smelly hippie chicklet was twirling, twirling twirling to the drums, man. And I watch one cop elbow the other cop and say "dude, she's not wearing any panties!" Yay! hippy girls don't wear panties! That is all.
That is indeed all. Goodnight.