
Blogorrhea NYC: Not the Yahoo Group! Anything But the Yahoo Group!

Jesse · 11/09/05 05:05PM

• There's something rotten in Park Slope, and it's threatening the very existence of the Park Slope Parents Yahoo group. Say it ain't so. [Daily Slope]
• Always wanted to know what red-blooded New York men are trolling Craigslist for fat, ugly women? Us either. But, still, one daring blogger is conducting the research. [The Assimilated Negro]
• If a celebrity falls in Manhattan but no one recognizes him, is he really famous?
[Tequila Red]
• What's nice is how informed the American electorate is. [What About the Plastic Animals?]

Blogorrhea NYC: Bodies for Sale (Souls Long Missing)

Jesse · 11/08/05 05:23PM

• Apparently, people auctions are the big charity event this season. Get your very own New York ad exec! And then you can slap the shit out of him for the awfulness he creates. [Adfreak]
• No that you had much doubt in the first place, but here's confirmation: Yes, the NYPD is laughing at your pain. [Englishman in New York]
• As if you need an excuse to get hammered: The first annual Drinkathalon takes place this weekend. [Uffish Thoughts]
• In case you didn't hate Wall Street-type New Yorkers enough already, bonus predictions are in. Assholes. [Under the Counter]

Blogorrhea NYC: If It Were Hillary, Then Maybe — Maybe — We'd Care

Jesse · 11/07/05 05:15PM

• We're not sure which is less likey: That former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey shops at Daffy's, or that anyone on the subway gives a shit. [Copyranter]
• Speaking of New Jersey governors, haven't you always wanted to read an epic poem about the GOP candidate? [Politicker/NYO]
• The New York City Marathon: For more than 30 years, bringing together runners and fans of public urination — which, of course, is what it means to be an American. [Chubsucker]
• Wanna get paid to be skanky and murderous, but not in that Amy Fisher way? Here's your chance to be a pulp-cover femme fatale, which is a much better solution, not least for Mary Jo. [Bookgasm]
• Because Soho needs more hipsters fetishizing overpriced gadgets, say hello to the first-ever Wired store, coming for the holiday season. [Corante]

Blogorrhea NYC: Why You Should Never Meet the People Who Design Your Clothes

Jesse · 11/04/05 04:31PM

• For Karl Lagerfeld, everyday is Halloween! Or so one hopes. [Verbose Coma]
• It goes without saying that the gayest blog entry not to include penetration would have to, instead, include Anderson Cooper. [The Gideonse Bible]
• The WFMU Record Sale runs all weekend, but there's no point in going after today because all the "really cool shit" will have been purchased by desperate hipsters who paid $15 in three hours early. [Cityrag]
• This isn't really a Blogorrhea NYC item, but, yes, we know all about Ashlee Simpson's drunken McDonald's flipout. [Egotastic]

Blogorrhea NYC: Brownie Puts on a Heck of a Fundraiser

Jesse · 11/03/05 04:18PM

• Save a gay orphaned baby whale evacuated from New Orleans to CBGB's, or something like that. Stop asking questions and just give them your money. [Yeti Don't Dance]
• A panel of blogland critics of everything, and we weren't invited? We're hurt. [Emdashes]
• One of the oldest bars in the city closes its doors, and the neighbors sure don't seem upset.
[A Brooklyn Life]
• Those Fox News paychecks aren't quite enough to live on, and, clearly, if you're working there already, you're more or less willing to whore yourself. [Belle in the Big City]
• Ben Smith gets his hands on Mark Green's 2001 opposition-research book on Mike Bloomberg. With incendiary chapter headings like, "OFFENSIVE—SEXIST BEHAVIOR ... Issue: Girls all tend to be vegetarians... 325," we can't imagine why he didn't win. [Politicker/NYO]
• So apparently some French tire company just released a restaurant guide for New York, and they threw a party for it. We really hope there were food bloggers there, complaining simultaneously that this guide is too pretentious and elitist and that Zagat is too populist and unsophisticated. [Twenty Bucks a Day]

Blogorrhea NYC: We'll Be Getting Our Swatches Out Next

Jesse · 11/02/05 05:39PM

• Three makes a trend, and so the '80s are now definitely back: Madonna has a new album, Jennifer Beals is a star again, and the debate over the Brooklyn Heights waterfront rages as it did in 1985. [Brownstoner]
• When we want to hear the same joke repeated ad naseum, we usually just turn on UPN. But a live, improv version of The Aristocrats seems like a fun alternative. [BlogChelsea]
• You know how Bloomberg left those last-minute flyers on your front door with the Times talking about how much they like him. Well — unsurprisingly — he also left out some of what that editor had to say. [Englishman in New York]
• Because nothing says "fun, entertaining cubicle reading" like the Global Health Summit, being held in Manhattan this week, the good folks at Time decided to blog the entire event. [The 2005 Global Health Summit Blog]

Blogorrhea NYC: Chaps and Leather, Yes, but not Just Another Day in the West Village

Jesse · 11/01/05 05:02PM

• Successfully avoided the Halloween Parade thus far? Well, no more. Behold: A few pics, and best/worst lists. [A Brooklyn Life]
• The oddest thing about today and tomorrow's 2nd Annual New York Pizza Show — other than its very existence — is that its motto appears to be "Revember November." Were they afraid we would skip straight to December? [SliceNY]
• Here's a look at the "Top of the Rock" — which, interestingly, is not The Rock's forthcoming gay wrestling porn but rather the new observation deck at Rock Center, which reopened today. [Bluejake]

Blogorrhea NYC: Dog Days of Halloween

Jesse · 10/31/05 05:12PM

• So long as allegedly "loving" dog owners are dressing their pets up in Halloween costumes, we think maybe PETA should start worrying about something other than Anna Wintour for a few days. [Cityrag]
• Speaking of Anna, a big difference between her and Meryl Streep, who's playing her in Devil Wears Prada? Meryl Streep didn't have this photographer killed. [The Malcontent]
• There's something worse than MBA i-bankers: MBA i-bankers in drag. [Opinionistas]
• The Bouncer has, it seems, found love. And brought her to Queens. [Clublife]

Blogorrhea NYC: Canadians Are Coming to Eat Your Children

Jesse · 10/28/05 05:33PM

• Cirque Du Soleil may get a permanent midtown home, where (judging from the picture), they will sacrifice children on their pagan Canadian altar. [Curbed]
• At first, we wondered who was telling the truth about the (supposedly fake) tickets for Depeche Mode at Bowery Ballroom that are on sale on eBay. Then we realized there's a bigger mystery: Who the fuck is buying Depeche Mode tickets for $400? [Brooklyn Vegan]
• We were excited enough about the prospect of a vampire movie marathon at the Two Boots Pioneer Theater. Then we heard there'll be Swiss Guards there! Does that mean the Pope's coming? Cool. [New York Brain Terrain]

Blogorrhea NYC: Pizzaman to the Rescue

Jesse · 10/27/05 05:55PM

• Only one person can save St. Mark's Place now: It's... Pizzaman! [Jen Is Famous]
• You can feel a bit less mildly guilty about not knowing the avenue names up in Harlem. Turns out the DOT doesn't, either. [What About the Plastic Animals?]
• Shocker: White liberal in Park Slope feels guilty. [Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn]
• Didn't you always want to hear a hip-hop track about the literary smusters at Nerve. Of course you did. [The Assimilated Negro]
• If you needed another reason to mock NYUers: The boys of Hanson will be giving a talk there tonight. [The Reeler]

Blogorrhea NYC: It Seems Gentrification Is Coming to Parts of Brooklyn. Who Knew?

Jesse · 10/26/05 05:32PM

• DUMBO graffito warns residents of incipient gentrification. Also of closing barn doors after horses. [Brownstoner]
• Hasidic reggae star — and, no, that's not the punch line — graffiti wall (with permit) for video shoot, leaves it there. [Jew School]
• Although we no longer read things that aren't on the internet, some people still do. And the authors of those things give readings. Here are lots of them, all over the city, in the next few weeks/ [Productshop NYC]
• Apparently, Andrew Krucoff lost a job Monday. [Young Manhattanite]

Blogorrhea NYC: Judy Miller Takes to the Streets of Brooklyn

Jesse · 10/25/05 05:49PM

• Now in Brooklyn: Judy Miller graffiti. [Gothamist]
• Vendy award nominees announced; breathless city awaits announcement of visit street vendors on Nov. 10. [Eater]
• Quirky East Village vintagalia purveyor Love Saves the Day discovers that love does not, in fact, save the day on which the landlord demands more rent. [NewYorkology]

Blogorrhea NYC: At Least They're Better Than Silversteinian Dreams

Jesse · 10/24/05 05:32PM

• Of all the frustrating things that have happened in the Ground Zero redevelopment this might be the worst: It's now threatening to become a "Derridean Nightmare." And that's the worst kind of nightmare. [Miss Representation]
• In Bloomberg campaign and Bloomberg administration, canvassers make more money than first-year cops. At the same tiem, it's even odds as to who's more likely to get shot at. [The Politicker]
• What better time to learn about Hepatitis C than while waiting for dinner? Mmmm. Delish. [What's The Code]

Blogorrhea NYC: It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's Amy Sedaris!

Jesse · 10/21/05 04:19PM

• At the Brooklyn Superhero Company's fashion-show benefit, we learned there's more to superhero fashion than just the tights. [Beatrice]
• Music-obsessed blogger provides potential stalkers with handy cheat sheet. Because we can't imagine who else would care where he'll be every night for the next month. [Central Village]
• How to get out of that boring-as-shit corporate retreat? Strategically deployed Food Emporium sushi, of course. [Forksplit]
• Some people drunk dial. Others set up drunk tin-can telephone lines. [Teendrama]

Blogorrhea NYC: It's Hip to be Square

Jesse · 10/20/05 04:02PM

• When our parents projected Super-8 of family vacations on the basement wall, it was banal suburbia. But when someone else does it on Canal Street, it's ultra-hip art. [UnBeige]
•: You know you've always wanted to party on the banks of the Gowanus Canal, and now is your chance. Remember, though, that this shindig is BYO hazmat suit. [Idle Words]
• The first Video iPod porn site surfaces, which will make it so much easier to jerk off on the subway. Now we know what to get Dov Charney for Hanukkah. [The Mix]
• Play "Movie Extra or LES Resident?" It's fun for the whole family! [Bluejake]

Blogorrhea NYC: Without Blogs, Security Guards Would Have All the Fun

Jesse · 10/19/05 04:41PM

• Because nothing says "good comedy" like an oh-so-wacky ID-card photo. [Felber's Frolics]
• Fox News young'un sets the record, er, straight on the focus of her girl-crushery. Mama, don't let you daughters grow up to be anchorwomen. [Belle in the Big City]
• But are things on the N train ever good? [Overheard in NYC]
• We probably shouldn't tell you this, because Intern Hugh, who found the post, could use the money. Oh, fine: A New York blogger is offering $50 to someone doing just what you're doing right now, who takes a picture of it. [Jen Is Famous]

Blogorrhea NYC: Why Should Only Halliburton Profit From National Catastrophes?

Jesse · 10/18/05 03:22PM

• Neighborhoodies, the oh-so-clever sweatshirt company that puts the name of a cool Brooklyn neighborhood on the torso of a hipster near you, decides for floating, dead bodies to "represent," too. [Spinachdip]
• Dumplings in Chelsea are overpriced and oddly sour. Like everything else in the neighborhood. [NYC Stories]
• Bloomberg's neighborhood-specific signage is the new McDonald's Monopoly game. Can you collect them all? [What About the Plastic Animals]

Blogorrhea NYC: So Who Was Tending the Cubicle Farms?

Jesse · 10/17/05 05:45PM

• If eight blocks of people can be on line for concert tickets all morning, it raises the question: Doesn't anyone in this city work? Also, if hipsters aren't sitting in their offices goofing off, who the hell is reading us?
[Central Village]
• Of course you can use a location-by-location review of every restaurant that participated in "A Taste of Chinatown" this weekend. Because one all-you-can-eat lunch buffet is never enough. [A Brooklyn Life]
• You know the mayor fucked up big when professors at Johns Hopkins's School of Public Health — or perhaps you know it better as the Bloomberg School of Public Health — start saying so. [The Politicker/NYO]
• We always that if Victor Hugo's unbelievably depressing tale of a man imprisoned for stealing bread could work as a Broadway musical, then anything could. We were wrong. [Modern Fabulosity]
• You know how FreshDirect says tipping is optional? Well, sometimes it isn't. [NYC Metblogs]

Blogorrhea NYC: Ah, How Stromtroopers Bring Us Back to the Giuliani Years

Jesse · 10/14/05 05:05PM

• The stormtroopers in Times Square yesterday were not, alas, an attempt by Bloomberg to shore up the Jedi vote or the homeland-security crowd. [Amy's Robot]
• A chick blogger finds a new girl crush, and we're sure Jolie in NYC is insanely jealous. [Belle in the Big Apple]
• While at first we were happy to join in worrying about the state of NYC hip-hop (what with Lil' Kim off to prison and all), we're now more concerned about the possibility of either Justin Timberlake or Adam Levine having "street cred." [Spinachdip NYC]

Blogorrhea NYC: Our Advertisers Will Apparently Tattoo You

Jesse · 10/12/05 05:00PM

• In case you didn't hate our advertisers already, know this: In the future, they will tattoo their logo on your thigh. [Copyranter]
• The New York Blade has plans for the local gay paper to "remain viable." We suspect he's unfamiliar with the defition of "remain." [Queerty]
• Give a man a bouncing blogger (a blogging bouncer?) a book deal, and he decides he's Lech Walesa. He does have a point, though: slicked-back, dyed-black ponytails are so Russian mafia. [Club Life]
• The size queens in the West Village finally get approval for their position that smaller is better - at least when it comes to buildings. [The Real Estate]