Valleyspeak: Why Steve Ballmer is so out

Steve Ballmer's interview with the SF Chronicle was no sign that Microsoft wants to keep him working and public. A little look between the lines shows just what's going on — Microsoft's CEO is so out.
Q: What are your strengths and weaknesses as a team?
A: (Pause.) The real issue is what are the strengths and weaknesses of the company as a team.
Poor guy — just can't face the breakdown. It's like "Lethal Weapon" in reverse. After the jump, more evidence.
A: Xbox 360 has been extremely well received. I think we're off to just an unbelievable start with that.
Q: Sony's helping you out there, too.
A: (Loudly:) We're off to a great start! We're happy for the runway we've been given! (Voice returns to normal.)
Try as you might, Steve, you cannot outshout the voices in your head.
Q: I thought [watching TV] was a solo activity. You're saying it's a social activity?
A: Well, I don't know how you watch TV. I watch with my children a lot. Maybe you don't. If you want to be by yourself.
Q: There's not much interaction going on. You're watching TV.
A: I don't know, maybe everybody watches TV differently.
"Maybe we can just agree to disagree. Maybe I have my OWN SPECIAL WAY, okay? Maybe I SIT ALONE IN THE BASEMENT WATCHING TV. AND NOW I'M AFRAID OF DOING THAT FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. Er... Developers! Developers! Developers!"