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Quick thoughts for this morning:

  • Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer in the San Francisco Chronicle: "I'm going to want to have intelligence in my pocket." Or he's just happy to see you. [SF Chron]
  • Word is that Ballmer's gonna get fired. Guess those "big, bold bets" fucked the deck. [Ars Technica]
  • Are javascript reflections the new blink tag? []
  • Google's business founder, Omid Kordestani in 2004, advised an audience of businesswomen: "Measure everything." At a record-breaking 2005 compensation of $289 million, is Omid overcompensating for something? [Mercury News]
  • What was Dave Winer doing in Amsterdam's red light district? []
  • The London Times dives deep into the life of arrested Gizmondo ex-exec Carl Freer — yes, he's so much more than the dude hanging with Ferrari-crasher Stefan Eriksson. [London Times]
  • Pictured: Google Smile. [Office Pirates]